Home > Watch Me Follow(19)

Watch Me Follow(19)
Author: Harloe Rae

Her fingers dig into my sides and my control wanes when she gives a breathy sigh.

“I don’t know how but everything you do is what I’ve always wanted. I can’t wait to start our adventures.”

My hands roam down her back. “Should we go? I made reservations.”

Lennon nods before her eyes widen.

“Oh! I almost forgot. I have something for you.”

“Lennon, you don’t have to get me anything. All I want is you.” I clutch her closer as my muscles constrict.

“That’s not fair and don’t be silly,” she says and swats my chest. “I’ll be right back.”

Lennon dashes down a hallway as my mind whirls with wonder. What could she possibly have for me? There’s nothing that could make me love her more, or so I thought.

She bounces back into the room with her hands behind her. A wide grin stretches her lips while she struts toward me. Lennon stops a foot away before rocking back on her heels.

“Don’t get too excited, okay? It’s nothing super special or anything. I had extra time in my seminar and was thinking of you so . . . yeah.” Red creeps up her neck onto her face as she dips her chin. Lennon’s left arm comes forward and I see something brown nestled in the palm.

I lean closer and realize it’s . . .”A bracelet?”

Lennon nods quickly and dimples dent her blushing cheeks. “Yeah! The leather is really soft but I styled it to be masculine, just a cuff and buckle. No sparkle or fluff,” she explains while unclasping the silver cinch.

My brain is jammed and I don’t know what to say. All I can do is stare at the custom piece she made for me, and try to determine how this is real.

She makes a strange noise. “So, you hate it. Um, that’s okay. I should have known accessories weren’t your thing, seeing as you don’t wear any. Seriously, it was a spur of the moment—”

“I love it, Lennon,” I interrupt. “No one has ever made me anything. And to be honest, I haven’t received a present since grade school. Can you put it on for me?” I extend my arm after unbuttoning the shirt sleeve.

Lennon’s nails scrape lightly along my skin as she attaches the cool leather around my wrist. It’s like a part of her sunshine will always be with me, no matter what. I grit my teeth but a muted groan slips out. Everything this girl does drives me wild and my desire is shoving against the final strands of my resistance.

“Perfect fit,” she whispers while glancing up from under hooded lids.

I fixate on the bracelet momentarily but Lennon’s fingers lingering on my arm snag my focus. I’m ready for more, and hopefully she is too. My feet shuffle forward until there’s mere inches between us. My chest rises and falls with my rapid breathing, suddenly nervous as fuck. My tongue sweeps along my bottom lip, erasing any dryness. I watch Lennon track the movement and that’s my cue she’s with me.

My palm frames her gorgeous face before tilting her jaw up toward me. Her eyes slide shut as I lower my mouth to hers, puffs of air filling the sliver of space between us. “You’re so beautiful,” I murmur softly before pressing our lips together.

With the initial contact, we both freeze for a single heartbeat then melt into each other. My other hand rests along her hip and hers lace around my middle. At first, I’m afraid to move as uncertainty prickles up my spine. My mouth gently settles over her glossy pout without seeking more but easily slides along the slickness. When Lennon pulls me closer, I squeeze her tighter in response and everything changes. Like a lock clicking into place, my mind catches up to my body and I figure out what happens next.

I glide my tongue along her strawberry-flavored bottom lip, like I did to my own moments before. Lennon gasps and opens for me, granting access to her sweet mouth. The first few sweeps are a burst of exotic spice after eating bland mush my entire life. I shift slightly and seal us together in a heated embrace as my lips skate along hers.

Our movements are slow but fluid, like we’ve been kissing for years. I softly drag her lip into my mouth while her tongue follows along, tracing my movements. Lennon gives and I take, control swapping back and forth easily. I dive into her sugary flavor before she pushes back into me for more. This kiss is like a practiced dance we never took lessons for. When Lennon scratches down my back I groan into her. Then my teeth nip lightly along her tart lips before sucking on her tongue. She moans in response and my jeans tighten uncomfortably. Our mouths keep sliding together and my eyes cross from the extreme pleasure crackling through me. Eventually my dick screams loud enough to break the spell and I realize this needs to stop before we move too fast.

When we pull apart, Lennon’s face is flushed and I’m sure mine matches.

“Wow. That was really hot.” She whispers against my stubbled cheek before pecking along my coarse skin. “I can’t wait to do that again.”

“Me too, Sunshine. You have no idea.” I pant while trying to rein in my blinding lust. “I want to take you out though, like we planned.” Everything below my belt begs me to reconsider when she sighs faintly.

“I suppose you’re right, but that was a great way to start.” She lifts a haughty brow that has me leaning closer again. “Thanks for giving me dessert first.”


Crashing waves have never been so hypnotizing.

WE SETTLE INTO opposite sides of the darkened booth as the hostess reviews the evening’s specials. I’ve always wanted to eat at Mustavoe’s but never had the chance. This place definitely counts as an item on my ‘must-experience’ list. As a person who loves carbs, especially pasta, this quaint Italian spot calls to my taste buds.

“Should we get some wine?” Ryker asks after a quick glimpse at the beverage list.

I purse my lips while deciding. “Absolutely. It seems fitting for the occasion, right?” My curious gaze lands on the enormous bar that makes up the center of the restaurant.

“Alcohol will help my nerves, that’s for sure.”

“Nervous? With me?”

Even in the dim lighting, I see his blush. Why is that reaction so hot? Probably because Ryker is a huge presence that most wouldn’t dare assume got embarrassed. The shy expression makes him even more attractive.

“There’s always far too much running around up here.” He taps his temple.

“Like what?” My voice rises as I lean closer.

Ryker lazily blinks several times before the openness in his eyes snuffs out. “That stuff doesn’t matter now. All I care about is you having the best time tonight.”

My lips purse as I let the question drop. I know he’s hiding a lot under his defensive armor but there isn’t much that would keep me away at this point. Ryker has occupied my fantasies for years and now that he’s here, directly in front of me, it would be impossible to let go. How bad can his secrets possibly be? What could be worse than stalking?

I shake my head to wipe away those problematic thoughts, ready to enjoy the night rather than obsess over unknown possibilities. My eyes hungrily scour the extensive list of savory dishes before I sneak a quick peek at my date.

The recently introduced butterflies attack my belly as everything else fades away except this glorious front row seat to him. I stare at him unabashedly as his eyes scan the menu, completely unaware of my spying. He dressed up tonight and the effort he put into looking effing scrumptious really shows. The dress shirt stretches over his broad form every place it counts—his biceps, shoulders, and chest. My fingers fidget at the memory of the soft material covering his solid muscles and the temperature in the room suddenly spikes twenty degrees.

I blow out a long breath to cool my racing jets and lift my gaze to his other sexy features. Ryker’s thick eyebrows are two dark slashes against his lightly tanned complexion. His lashes shift slightly while he reads and I’m envious of their natural volume—cursing the injustice for womankind. The unfairness scale is easily tipped the longer I look at their heart-stopping impact against the ice-blue of his eyes. Even with his handsome face slightly downcast, I can make out the high cheekbones and square jawline that pack a powerful punch to my awakening libido. Ryker’s stubble is such a turn-on, especially when pressed against my delicate skin. Even though I’m burning up, a shiver wracks my limbs at the thought.

I save his mouth for last for very good reason. I have to bite my tongue when remembering his lips gliding over mine not too long ago. I glance up and my cheeks burn as Ryker’s crystal eyes lock on me. Those light blue flames are throwing sparks my way, and I like to think he’s recalling our kitchen kiss too. I could have spent the night wrapped in his arms while passionately connecting in that intimate way. My hips squirm on the vinyl seats as Ryker continues blasting me with blatant desire.

Holy crap, we need to talk about something before I combust.

I take a healthy sip of cool white wine to douse the lust flashing through me.

“Do you know what you’re having?” I ask.

“I heard the lasagna is really good. I mean, there were a lot of great reviews for everything but that stuck out for me. What about you?”

“I’m a sucker for Mac and Cheese so that was an easy choice,” I explain while closing my menu.

Ryker follows suit and the server pops over to take our order after placing a breadbasket on the table. I take a toasted slice and decide to bring up my exciting news, although the unknown details cause worry to prod at me.

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