Home > Watch Me Follow(16)

Watch Me Follow(16)
Author: Harloe Rae

I’m not sure what she means but it sounds nice. A small grin lifts one side of her mouth as she gives a tiny wave before walking up the steps. I watch her heavenly curves dip and sway as desperation to follow claws at me. Somehow, I resist the temptation and watch her retreating form disappearing from sight.

I yank my hood up and trudge off toward Mac’s, a gym across the street. The comfort Lennon provided me is enough to replace the typical bang of aggression but there’s still an edge of restlessness in my system. I’d rather cozy up against the wall shared with Lennon’s apartment but working out my excess energy is part of my routine. I can’t be getting soft and start slacking off. Pushing myself to exhaustion will help me focus on the work I have to do later.

My mind switches to autopilot as I stomp down the rickety stairs into the underground. As I walk into the dank lobby, the owner lifts his chin in greeting. Words aren’t necessary here, that’s what sold me on this place. The concrete floor is stained with sweat and the chipped walls are crumbling so I fit right in. Outer appearances mean shit.

In the years I’ve been coming here, no one ever interferes or interrupts. It’s an unspoken agreement and everyone is expected to sign on the invisible line. We’re here to blow off steam, not make friends. If I ever need a spotter, someone will silently help out but we never exchange more than a wave or salute. That’s more than enough communication for me.

I toss my sweatshirt into a dusty corner as I warm up on an ancient treadmill, ignoring the rust and grime. My thoughts drift away as my rapid heart rate pounds like a stampede of wild horses. Perspiration drips from my temple and the toxic voices seep out with each drop. I’m not a creep or freak and my eyes aren’t crazy. Lennon never talks to guys but she’s chosen me to spend time with. That’s all I need in this fucked up world.

Each push and pull, strain and shove, is for her. I force myself faster and harder, picturing her smiling face at the finish line. Tendrils of lust claw into my torso and I pump the weights at lightning speed to stave off the increasing desire. I need to be stronger, faster, and more powerful to ensure my body is an unstoppable machine against potential threats. I can’t stop until my mind is quiet. One-hour bleeds into two and my entire body aches from the grueling circuit. The nonstop assault on my muscles ensures every piece of me is worn the fuck out.

My sluggish feet stumble home far past midnight. I’ve still got a lot of work ahead of me but this is the money-making kind. As my numb legs give out, I collapse into the desk chair and listen for any sign of Lennon being awake. She never is but that doesn’t stop my starving ears from straining to hear the lovely notes of her voice.

I crack open my laptop before rolling my stiff neck, prepping for the pile of shit before me. Ignoring the corporate clowns and their demanding emails isn’t hard but the cash flow will run dry if I don’t comply eventually. They’ve been getting antsy without the daily security protection report, not that they truly understand the laundry list of numbers and figures I send out.

Such is my life after dark.

My screen floods with black and green as my fingers and mind work in tandem to scour the encryption code for any leaks. Once I’m assured the software is flawless and running as usual, I begin checking the company databases for breaches. This process has become second-nature and doesn’t take much effort anymore. Other than Lennon, hacking is all I know and years have been dedicated to shaping these skills into something relatively good.

A breach alert interrupts my steady flow, warning me that someone’s trying to crack through my system’s backdoor. Stupid idiot. No one can make a dent in my personalized encryption code but nice fucking try. When I see the username blasting between the streaming lines, a snort rolls from my exhausted throat.

AATS: You’re a fucking tool. Stop messing around.

Dx8MM: Where the fuck you been? No one else gets my humor like you.

AATS: Miss me? No one likes it when you bust into their shit and you’re slowing me down.

Dx8MM: It’s all in good fun. Where you been? With the girl?

AATS: Yup.

Dx8MM: Fuck that. That’s all I get after helping you?

I suppose he deserves a few crumbs after listening to my random rants about Lennon after all this time.

AATS: We talked today. And I’m walking her to class tomorrow. She knows about the stalking.

Dx8MM: And the personalized security detail?

AATS: Not exactly.

Dx8MM: You’re screwed.

An email notification pops up and distracts me from the bullshit with D. I switch screens and scan the message quickly. It’s a response to my inquiry about a rental property Lennon had bookmarked last week. Denten is a cozy area nestled far off the beaten city path. I’ve known Lennon has had her eye on moving to a small town for a while and that suits me just fine. The fewer people, the fucking better. I’d happily move to the middle of nowhere with just my girl in tow.

The building space will be vacant on the first of July, which is less than two months away. Lennon has access to the studio on campus through the summer but perhaps she’d skip out of this crowded college hotspot early if it meant having her dream location. This property is perfect for a workroom or a fully functioning store, depending on what Lennon wants. As of now, she’s doing all her sales online but that could change. It’s always nice to have the flexibility and options.

Why wouldn’t she agree?

I’m sure she’ll go for it . . . once she realizes this is a possibility. I just have to figure out how to set it up so she doesn’t see out how deep my involvement runs. At least not until I’m certain she won’t leave me. I need her to love me, truly and unconditionally, before the entire truth comes out. In the meantime, I’ll work even harder at becoming the man Lennon wants to spend her life with. A guy lucky enough to deserve all of her.

I wrap up the InfoSec reports and send them off with a heavy sigh, glad to be done with the repetitive routine. The darkest parts of my night are always the same without Lennon. I’ve never been a strong sleeper but at this point, my chaotic mind is ready to shut down like the computer before me. My head bobs and my eyelids feel like sandbags. As my mind starts drifting, images of a white picket fence and a quaint yellow home flicker in my subconscious before the darkness engulfs me.


I haven’t visited the ocean or swam in the sea. I’ve been too busy drowning in his crystal-clear depths.

THE EARLY MORNING sun is already shining bright when I step outside. The Michigan climate easily slides from spring to summer this time of year and I welcome the humidity after months of dry static. Green grass decorates the ground in neon patches while pink blossoms bud on the trees. A breeze spreads the smell of fresh flowers into the air and my lungs greedily suck in the sweet scent. The lush scenery isn’t what I’m really interested in though.

After a few beats with my face tilted toward the warm rays, I lower my gaze, ready to find Ryker. I find him standing directly in front of me, leaning against a stone pillar with his hands full of my favorite breakfast goodies. My heart melts at his thoughtfulness as my stomach gurgles happily. Ryker straightens before moving closer, keeping his sights on me as a slight grin curls his tempting lips.

I wave and a blush creeps up my neck, unsure what to do while his scorching stare blasts straight to my core. Suddenly the balmy weather isn’t what’s heating me up. Just as I’m about to greet him properly, Lucy busts through the front door behind me.

“Urgh, sorry. My mom called and wanted to chat about this weekend. She should know this is the worst time to call.” She huffs and stops beside me.

My neck twists to her before turning back to Ryker. The joy drops from his mouth as he stares wide-eyed in our direction. He’s frozen solid but the cup and bag in his hands tremble. His gaze darts around wildly, as if looking for an escape out of this sticky situation. My chest cramps painfully at the clear discomfort marring his features and I’m eager to soothe his worry.

“Holy shit.” Lucy whistles quietly.

I shoot her a death glare—do not embarrass me.

She either doesn’t get the memo or chooses to ignore it.

“So, this is the infamous Seek? I suppose the appeal is clear,” Lucy mutters while scanning Ryker’s motionless form. I recognize the flare of interest in her brown gaze and bitter jealousy rears its head. I’m about to growl all sort of obscenities when her eyes dart back to me. “All right, I totally get it.” A short burst of laughter tumbles out.

I shake my head, completely confused. “Huh?”

“I’d let that sexy Manwich follow me around too.” Lucy nods toward Ryker.

My eyes shift back to him and my tears threaten at his ghostly appearance. “Are you being serious right now?” I bite out between clenched teeth.

Her forehead creases as she shrugs. “Ummm, yeah. I’m supporting your coocoo case. Figured you’d be happy about that.”

“I don’t need your approval.” I scoff while bumping into her.

“Pretty sure you do. That guy,” she gestures blindly to Ryker, “is crazy about you. That look he’s got? You’re his stars, moon, and sun above. Pretty sure this is way above your head, Lenny, but I’ll help.” Lucy’s voice is gentle as she lightly touches my arm. I barely notice since my concentration is solely focused on Ryker’s gorgeous face.

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