Home > Knightfall (Tangled Crowns #1)(31)

Knightfall (Tangled Crowns #1)(31)
Author: Ann Denton

And then I asked, in a low voice, “Wyle, what can undo a geas?”

“Well, now, there’s no human magic that can undo it, that’s certain. I won’t be able to help you. You have one you need to undo?”

I smiled and shook my head. “Just curious. In case I ever need to set one. If magic can’t undo it, what can?”

Wyle smacked my back. “Oh, come on, Princess. You know that. We went over it the first year I tutored you. Only the natural magics can undo a strong mage’s spell like a geas. Elves and djinn have natural magics of their own. But for humans like you or I … you’d need love. But only the truest kind of love. Born of trust.”

My throat constricted. Connor would never trust me. The other men might like me. But love me? Could they possibly come to love me … before the war between Cheryn and Sedara—the war brewing overhead like a thunderstorm—rained down hellfire?

I was doomed.

If I couldn’t break the geas, I couldn’t tell them. My power might not only kill me. It might kill others, too.

Quinn took me back to my room, and I curled up in the middle of the bed, three of my husbands wrapped around me. It had been delicious the night prior. But, that night, three men and all their body heat became unbearable.

In the middle of the night, I gently extracted myself. Once I was free and cooled down, I was wide awake. I decided I should go bother Squack and see if she was excited for her suitor’s arrival. I tugged on Declan. He was the lightest of my knights. He was also a bit prone to sleepwalking, as I’d discovered the night prior.

I tugged until Declan slipped off my bed and fell the the floor with an oof. He didn’t wake. I almost laughed. But I tugged him to his feet. His eyes cracked open.


His response was utter gibberish. Perfect.

I tugged my sleeping husband behind me and we went into the hall.

My slippered feet slid across the marble floor.

I was nearly to Avia’s door, when I saw a shadow. I froze. Fear smacked me in the ribs. There shouldn't be a shadow there. The hall was a dead-end. I slid into an alcove, behind the statue of a satyr. I shoved a murmuring Declan behind me.

Click. Click. Click.

It sounded like claws scratching against the marble.

I craned my neck to peer around a goat ear.

It took everything in me not to scream.

Skittering down the hall, toward Avia’s new room, was a monster.

It was twelve feet tall, with the head, torso, and arms of a man but the body of a scorpion. He was a sickly yellow color and his eyes were black. Soulless. He smelled like burnt oil.

I shook Declan. But he didn’t wake. He just backed away and mumbled. He didn’t respond when I slapped him.

Sard. Sard, I thought.

I called out to Quinn. He didn’t answer. Of all the nights for him to be dead asleep. I yelled at him mentally again. Quinn! He still didn’t respond.

The scorpion man neared Avia’s door. Thoughts flew out of my head.

Rage settled over me like a cloak. And I moved on instinct. My only thought was to stop this monster before it got to my sister.

I stepped out from my hiding spot. I lifted my arms and sent a blast of peace toward the scorpion-man.

The blast was so strong my wrists slit. My leg ripped open along an old scar. It burned like fire. But I bit down on my tongue and ignored it.

The scorpion man turned. He saw me and roared. He charged.

I tried to duck, but with my wounded leg I wasn’t fast enough.

He slammed me into the statue.

My vision went red. Flickered black. And I couldn't help it. My mind screamed, Quinn!

I sent another blast of peace into the monster's torso, my hands searching for his heart. I just needed one direct hit.

He landed one instead.

The side of my face smashed into the wall. My thoughts … started … to scatter.

No guards came running. Quinn wasn't here. Avia hadn’t fled her room. She was still in there. Whoever had sent this monster was going to try to get her. I had to stop them.

It was up to me. There was no one but me.

My hands shook as I reached up again. My fingertips touched the monster's rib cage. But before I could send another pulse of peace, he lifted me overhead to throw me.

I shoved my hands down in the general direction of his head. I grabbed fistfuls of his hair. I screamed as I shot out every bit of magic I had.

The skin on my arms shredded like potato peels. My stomach burned.

The monster set me down. He blinked several times and shook his head like he was dizzy.

I stumbled back. The cut in my leg was too deep. I couldn't run away.

I watched the monster closely.

I saw the exact moment that my peace magic lost its hold.

His eyes hardened. The scorpion tail arched behind him.

I scrambled backward. But I slipped in my own blood.

The scorpion man roared as he sent his tail barreling toward me.

I could see the poison glinting on the tip. The hooked barb pressed against the bodice of my gown.

And suddenly, it was gone.

I glanced up, confused.

A golden arrow pierced the monster's torso. As I watched, a second split his throat.

The scorpion man started to tip forward. I dragged myself sideways. But not fast enough.

The monster’s body came crashing down on my leg. Lightning bolts of pain shot up through my spine. I fell back against the marble floor.

Two arms grabbed me roughly under the armpits and yanked me free of the monster’s weight.

That’s when the monster disintegrated, leaving nothing but a pile of ash in his place.

Of course he did, after crushing my leg.

“Piece of turd-walloping nastiness,” I cursed through my teeth. My head spun as I was pulled into a sitting position.

I locked eyes with Quinn.

Behind him Declan burbled and walked into wall, still asleep.

Quinn’s voice in my head smacked me down.

You’re a sarding idiot.

Me? I couldn’t even get out an indignant, ‘I’m a monster killer.’

I collapsed.

I woke healed and in bed late the next morning. Quinn was with me, stroking my hair. My entire body felt good. Great even.

What happened?

His grey eyes stared down at me. Ryan healed you. He’s currently working out his rage on in the practice arena.

I mean, what happened with that monster? You saw it, right? You shot it with arrows?

Quinn sighed. An audible sigh. Dove, you should really talk to us before you go wandering around at night.

In my own home?

Ryan believes you about the threat to your sister.

He does?

Yes. And with that and all these issues between Cheryn and Sedara … we need to be prepared. The fact that Macedon wants to send an entourage, too … it makes Ryan nervous. He decided he’s going to up the drills for his guards. To keep them on high alert.

What’s that got to do with that creature?

That thing was one of Wyle’s creations. I picked up a couple bottled mixes with my other potions last night. It was a spelled creature—a security protocol meant to test the guards, who failed, by the way. And are now facing your very pissed knight.

Wait. That scorpion-man was a spell? But it fought me.

Sentient spell. Wyle’s been secretly developing them for your mother for the past two years.

I covered my forehead. I feel so stupid.

You should. I’m rather mad you waited so long last night before you woke me up. We told you not to use your powers.

First off, I tried. You were dead asleep. And I thought that thing was going to kill Avia!

Yes, well, Avia’s another issue. Your sister wasn’t in her room.

I bolted upright. “WHAT?”

Yes. Seems she and Mateo were sharing a late night snack in the kitchens. Supervised, thank goodness. But—

My anger and embarrassment were suddenly redirected at Avia. I don’t want her marrying this prince. But I don’t want her messing up the relations with Cheryn or Macedon either. And she knows that there’s someone else out there plotting against her. Sarding teenager!

Quinn grinned at my angry expression, Much like you were, running off, doing what you wanted—

Not the same. She’s being sarding stupid!

Speaking of sarding … you and I are alone. In your bed. Without Declan here to be a beaver dam. Quinn leaned toward me and Avia flew out of my thoughts. All I saw were Quinn’s grinning grey eyes, his black hair tumbling over his forehead, those lips. The lips that had tempted me the very first time I’d seen him.

His lips latched onto mine. And it was as if I were caught in a cyclone. He was so intense. So persistent. His hands were everywhere. And then mine were too. The kiss grew and whirled around us, making me dizzy. I fell backward onto the sheets. Quinn caught himself on his hands and stayed suspended over me. His lips dipped down. And the kiss continued.

His hand snuck under my chemise and slowly he began to pull it up. I had nothing on underneath. When the only thing that had separated my naked skin from his was gathered above my waist, Quinn pulled away from our kiss and made his way down my body.

Is this really happening? I was breathing hard.

Yes, Dove. Oh, hell yes, he replied. And then his mouth was on my core. And I couldn’t think straight anymore. My thoughts turned into tingles. Hot wet tingles that radiated out to my thighs. I whimpered and ground myself into him. And then, he was gone.

What the—

Another mouth replaced his. Big and insistent. A tongue nearly twice the size of Quinn’s pierced me briefly and then licked my pussy lips. Hot breath coated my entire mound and my need intensified. I looked down to see Ryan’s head buried at my center. His long, strong tongue lapped at me from bottom to top. He used two fingers to part my opening, so he could wrap those lips around my clit. He devoured me, and I moaned, coaxing him to keep going.

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