Home > Knightfall (Tangled Crowns #1)(28)

Knightfall (Tangled Crowns #1)(28)
Author: Ann Denton

My tears turned to sobs. I couldn’t help it. I ugly-cried as he held me.

When I opened my eyes to wipe them for what must have been the fifth time, I saw two little raccoons perched on the ground on their hind legs, staring at me. As soon as they realized I was looking, one of them started doing somersaults. The other held out its hands, like it wanted to hug me.

I choked. “Dammit Quinn!”

“What’s he doing now?” Ryan growled, hugging me tighter.

“Making me laugh.”

One of the raccoons ran to Ryan’s foot and started pulling on his pant leg, as if he were trying to drag the half-giant away.

I swiped my arm across my face one last time. “Alright. I’m done crying. Okay?”

The raccoon who’d been somersaulting stopped and ran back to me, chattering happily.

I tapped Ryan on the shoulder. “You can put me down now.”

“What if I don’t want to?”

I rubbed his shoulder, sliding his shirt aside, the sculpted muscle gliding beneath my palm. “I need a drink.” I did. My throat was scratchy.

Ryan sighed. “Fine. But don’t judge me for the hard on.”

“I won’t if you don’t look at my ruined face.”


He let me slide down slowly. His erection was incredibly evident. Almost intimidating. Half-giant meant half-giant everywhere.

“You like crying?” I hoped not. That was a little too much kink for me.

“No. I haven’t had a naked woman pressed up against me in six years, Bloss.”

“Got it,” I nodded.

Quinn handed me a glass of wine, which I drained as if it were whiskey. “Oh, I needed that.”

“Now, that, I liked,” Ryan said as I handed the glass back to Quinn. “A princess who can drink like a sailor.”

“And curse like one too,” I gave a wink, but my eyelashes were still crusted together from the tears, so I don’t think it looked sassy as I’d intended.

Quinn handed me a refilled glass. Then he handed one to Ryan. He picked up the carafe and held it in his own hand.

“Now what?” I asked.

Now we drink. And see if we can convince you to take us both on at once.

Quinn must have muttered the same in Ryan’s head, because Ryan lifted his glass with a, “Hell, yes!” He downed it in one.

I smiled and shook my head but downed the second glass of wine at their urging. A minute later, the alcohol hit. “So, question. Four years together. No other women. You guys ever help each other out?” I looked from one to the other. The idea was kind of hot.

“She’s officially drunk,” Ryan grinned.

I looked at Quinn’s grey eyes. “Come on. You didn’t ever send them dirty images like you sent me?”

I don’t kiss and tell, Dove, he winked.

“Bullshite! You told them everything you’d done to me.”

Ah, well. Now, everyone benefits from that.

Across the room, a wavering voice said, “Everyone would benefit knowing they can come from just your magic, Peace.”

I turned. Declan was peering at us with bleary eyes. “Are you naked, wife?” he asked, squinting.


“Sard it. Get over here so I can see.”

I laughed and walked over. When I bent to check on him, Ryan groaned.

“That ass!”

“Get over here and spank it, why don’t you?” I winked back at him.

At that, they all moaned.

I rolled my eyes and leaned forward to feel Declan’s forehead. “Are you feeling okay? Need anything?”

“Yes. Come closer,” Declan breathed.

I leaned down. And that’s when Declan’s arms scooped me up. His hands wrapped around my back and he rolled me so I was flat on the floor. He mounted me and pinned me down. Then he slid down my body until he laid spread out across my lower body, his head resting on one of my thighs. He locked his arms around one of my legs, his legs around the other. “Now, don’t move,” he ordered.

“What are you doing?” I asked.

“I’m a human chase titty … a human chassity … you know what I mean—belt.”

Declan swallowed, and made a huge effort to speak slowly and clearly. His eyes bugged out as he said, “No way I’m gonna let these sarding beardsplitters in there when I can’t. Ughh … my stomach did not like that move.”

“Declan!” Shock and awe rocked me to the core. Sweet Declan had gone insane. And dirty. Was he into the group thing? I didn’t even know if I was into the group thing.

“Sard off, Dec!” Ryan came over and gave him a tap with his foot.

“No,” Declan snuggled in stronger. “She can get you off with her power like she did me. That’s it. Then, we’re getting married. And we’re doing it all together. Fair and square.”

“Married?” My heart dropped. He couldn’t mean that. I mean, yes, everyone else thought we were married. But he couldn’t actually want to marry me. No. It was drunk talk. Nothing more. “He’s crazy.”

I left my inner monologue to find two very intense pairs of eyes staring down at me. One set chocolate, the other grey.

“What does he mean, you made him come with your power?” Ryan asked.

“I didn’t mean to. I was just demonstrating control today—”

“It was awesome. Best orgasm I’ve had in years,” Declan yawned. “Give it to them, Bloss. So I can go back to sleep.”

Yes, give it to me, Dove, Quinn’s eyes bore into mine.

I bit my lip. Seeing the two of them looming over me, desperate and hard, it took my breath away. But if I couldn’t touch them, at least I deserved a sarding show out of this. “Strip,” I ordered.

Two seconds later, a pile of clothes landed on Declan’s face.

“I know what you’re doing,” he muttered, through the cotton. “Not letting go. And if you get cum on me, I’m killing you. Tomorrow,” he yawned again.

Ryan stood on one side of me, a muscled warrior who was so tall and stacked he had to duck and turn sideways to fit through most doors. His body was ripple after ripple of muscle lit by candlelight.

Quinn stood on my other side. He was fair-skinned and compared to Ryan, he looked slender. But he still had defined shoulders and pecs. A tattoo of a ship ran across his abs. And the contrast of his black happy trail against his white stomach left me aching.

Both men proudly stroked their erections. Ryan’s was thick, like him. The thought of him spreading me open had me quivering in fear and excited anticipation. Quinn’s was long, and the head of his dick had a huge mushroom tip. The kind the women at the whorehouse always gushed about, saying it could rub some spot inside them and make them come apart at the seams.


I grew slick against Declan. I wiggled, trying to get free.

“No,” he murmured, pressing a soft kiss against my hip. “Help them, Bloss.”

I reached out my hands.

“What do we do?” Ryan asked.

“Keep stroking.” I breathed, breasts heaving with desire.

I tried to push my power at them. But I couldn’t. I tried again. It was there, tingling beneath the surface of my skin. But it wouldn’t release. It was trapped. I looked up at them. Their eyes were fixed on me. If they watched, they’d see the price of my power. Sard. The geas wouldn’t let that happen.

“Close your eyes,” I ordered.

I grabbed their shirts from Declan’s face, and pulled them over my wrists, hoping the fabric would hide enough. I’d have to be exact, only use a bit of power.

Declan was facing away from me, so as long as he didn’t move, that wouldn’t be an issue.

I stared up at Ryan and Quinn, their faces contorted as they both stroked their lengths. And I let a tendril of peace unfurl from each hand. A green arrow of light shot toward each of the men. I hit them each on the head of their dicks. I focused, making the power swirl down their shafts, constricting and releasing, and constricting again. I reached their balls, ran my power smoothly like a snake across the surface and to the skin behind their sacs. Then I sent that little pulse of peace up into them from that sensitive spot, right to that little gland that made men roar.

Ryan bellowed as I watched as a fountain of cum erupted from him.

Quinn came shortly after, his spray jetting out, his eyes flying open and finding mine.

I released the tendrils of peace, sure to keep my throbbing wrists hidden. I ignored the pain there, because the throbbing between my thighs was so intense.

“Please, Declan,” I begged, grinding my hips up toward him so that there was no doubt what I was begging him for.

Declan reached between my thighs, stroking softly.

I groaned in frustration. “Declan, you put your mouth on me right now!”

He complied. His tongue flicked over my opening, stroking from top to bottom.

“Yes, again!” I ordered. As his tongue slid down, I arched up. The pleasure warmed my entire body. By the third stroke of his tongue, I was nearly mindless. My legs were thrashing.

A set of lips closed around my nipple.

My eyes flew open to see Quinn, suckling my right breast.

Ryan knelt on my other side. He slid my arm over, to give himself more room.


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