Home > Wrecked (Clayton Falls #3)(41)

Wrecked (Clayton Falls #3)(41)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

Mel curled her legs up under her. “It’s just crazy how you went from not dating to thinking about moving in with a guy.”

“I know. And that’s the problem. Maybe it’s unhealthy.”

“Unhealthy for who? You or Noah?”

“Maybe both?”

“Don’t worry yourself about it. Take the time to figure out what you want. The rest will fall into place naturally.”

“I hope you’re right.”

“I am. Now let’s watch some TV.”


I still couldn’t believe that Noah and Jake had the same birthday. Obviously lots of people were born on November 16th, but the chances that both of the boys in my life shared it had to be pretty unlikely. I’d finally figured out the gifts I was getting for both of them. Noah was getting a tricycle and Jake’s gift wasn’t something that you could wrap. I’d picked up something physical to give him though. It was one of those picture frames with spots for a bunch of different photos. He complained that he didn’t have any real pictures of us, so I printed some out and filled the frame with them. My favorite photo was one of him holding Noah on his shoulders so he could throw a basketball through the hoop. They both had the biggest grins on their faces. I’d actually gotten the picture from Mary. She’d taken it when we were over for dinner one night and emailed it to me.

The 16th fell on a Saturday, and Mary wanted to throw a joint party for both of them. I was fine with it, but I also wanted to have a quiet party at home. We came to a good solution—we’d do both.

Noah woke up at six thirty on his birthday, which was actually later than usual. I used the extra time to make sure I had breakfast ready for him. I decided to treat him to his favorite—chocolate chip pancakes.

I’d just set him up in his chair when I heard a knock on my door.

I opened the door to a smiling Jake.

I hugged him. “Happy Birthday!”

“Thanks. Where’s the other birthday man?”

I pointed to Noah, who was spiking up his hair with melted chocolate chips.

“Nice. Very nice, kid.” Jake took away the waded pancake in Noah’s hand and sat down. “Happy Birthday.”

“What are you doing here? Aren’t we supposed to meet at your parents’?”

“I couldn’t wait. Molly drove me.”

“That was nice of her.”

“Yeah, I know. She says she did it for you. She thinks if she can help keep you happy, you’ll stick around.”

I laughed. “I like her too. She’s going to be a great mom.”

“I agree, like you.” He kissed my forehead. “So, are there any extra pancakes?”

“Yes. I made some extras just in case.”

“In case? You were hoping I’d show up, weren’t you?” He tickled me.

I laughed. “Yes.”

“Why didn’t you tell me to come up last night then?”

“It’s your birthday too. I thought you might want to sleep in. Besides, you had a game.”

“As you can see, I didn’t sleep in.”

“I guess not.”

“More.” Noah reached toward the counter.

“Why don’t you finish that one first?” I pointed to the quarter of a pancake still on his plate.

Jake leaned in close to Noah. “Don’t worry, bud. It’s your birthday, you get anything you want.”

I shook my head. “Remember that if he gets sick later.”

“But it’s my birthday which means I’m not on clean up duty.”

“Does that mean I get off for my birthday too?”

“Yes, and any other time you need a break.” He kissed me before getting up to make himself a plate.


I’d never seen such an elaborate birthday cake. Two tiers surrounded by a road with chocolate cars. I’m pretty sure Noah was in heaven.

“Oh my gosh. How’d you make that?” I asked Mary.

She laughed. “It wasn’t me. Gail over at Marney’s Café takes special occasion orders.”

“Wow, I’ll have to remember that.” Based on the peach pie I’d eaten there, I was pretty sure the cake would taste as good as it looked.

Noah reached out for one of the cars. I was about to stop him when Jake handed it to him. “I agree, forget the cake, just give me the candy.”

I nudged Jake. “Sometimes I can’t tell who’s the kid here.”

“And that’s what makes it fun.” He put his arm around me.

“I need more pictures.” Mary picked up her camera and started snapping more. “I still can’t believe we have two birthdays to celebrate today.”

Jake helped Noah unwrap another chocolate car. “I know. This is awesome. Suddenly my birthday is a big deal again.”

Ben laughed. “Yeah, but we all know who Mom really got that cake for.”

Molly put a hand on her hip and turned to her husband. “Hey, don’t talk. You’re the one who still wants your mom to make you French toast because mine tastes different.”

“It’s true. Yours is good, but it’s not the same.”

Mary leaned over to talk to Molly and I in an exaggerated whisper. “It’s because I put powdered sugar on it. Try that, and they’ll never complain again.”

We both laughed. Molly seemed to have a good relationship with her mother-in-law. For the first time, I wondered what it would be like to have her as mine.

As much as I’d pushed for our own little party, I was glad we had the big one. Noah had such a good time, and it was fun to watch Jake with his whole family around. After lunch and cake, everyone went out back. Noah didn’t last long. He could barely keep his eyes open so I took him inside. Mary came in with us.

“You should be proud of yourself.” She took a seat next to me on the loveseat. Noah had completely fallen asleep in my arms. Everyone else was still throwing a football around outside.


“Yes. Raising a child is hard to do with a partner, and you’re doing a wonderful job on your own.”

“Oh. Thank you.” I really hadn’t been sure what Jake’s mom thought about me having a child. I knew she cared about Noah, but being less than thrilled that her son was dating a single mom was another thing.

“Jake told us about your husband. That must have been horrible. I can’t imagine.”

“Thank you, but it’s all right. It’s been more than a year…and we weren’t married very long.”

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