Home > Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick #4)(96)

Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick #4)(96)
Author: Kristen Ashley

When I got a look at him in the hazy alley streetlight, I went still.

He looked like a somewhat younger, tougher, rougher but just as red-hot-handsome version of Eddie Chavez.

This had to be Hector Chavez, Eddie’s brother.

Oh my God.

Before I could say a word or do a thing, he started speaking. “Get off the street Law. Shard, Jermaine and Clarence are lookin’ for retribution, no matter what protection Crowe is offering. They aren’t gonna take you down. They’re gonna take you somewhere and play with you awhile, games you won’t think are fun.”

I’d stilled at the sight of him but his words sent a chill through my blood.

“When they’re done, you’ll beg them to kill you,” he went on.



“Do I make myself clear?” he asked.

Without delay I nodded. He made himself clear all right.

He stared at me. I could tell his eyes were dark, liquid black like his brother’s and I found myself wishing for more light just so I could read them.

He got closer, this wouldn’t seem possible but just like Vance had, Hector did – right deep, face-to-face in my space.

“You tell anyone you saw me, you’ll blow my cover and I won’t be happy mainly because I won’t be breathin’.”

I swallowed.

“Nod if you understand,” he demanded.

I nodded again, I understood.

He was a cop… or something. Likely deep cover if even Eddie and Lee didn’t know what he was up to.

“Does that mean you don’t want me to say anything to…?” I started.

He looked to his left, nodded once, then back at me. “The boys’ll know to keep their mouths shut.”

Then as fast as he’d come, he was gone, disappearing into the night. The car in front of Hazel took off, the motorcycle behind her did the same. I never even saw the drivers.


With full body shakes I drove Hazel to the garage, super-cautious, eyes checking mirrors, willing my ears to have powers beyond normal. I parked, secured the garage and then ran into the house even though I wanted to stop and kiss Vance’s Harley which was sitting outside my backdoor.

I flew into the kitchen and dumped my weapons and bag on the table. Then I locked the door and armed the alarm.

Boo sauntered in and looked at me. “Meow,” he said.

Obviously Vance had given him treats or pets because Boo was a f**k of a lot more calm than me.

I stared at my cat for a beat.

Then I screeched, “Crowe!”

I was standing and hyperventilating in my kitchen when Vance walked in. He took one look at me and came to a dead halt.

“I, you… we… oh my God,” I said.

“Jesus, Jules. Are you all right?”

I shook my head then I nodded it then I shook it again.

He started toward me. I took a step back and he stopped again, this time his brows came together. “You’re not gonna try and break up with me again, are you?”

This time I just shook my head.

His eyes narrowed under knitted brows. “Is Tex okay?”

I nodded.

“Are you okay?”

I shook my head.

He came forward again and I didn’t retreat. “Are you hurt?”

“I just met Hector Chavez,” I announced.

Vance stopped again, in my space. I saw his eyes flash.

“What the f**k?” he murmured.

“Just now, he and a couple of his buddies fenced me and Hazel in, in the alley. He yanked me out of the car, warned me off the street. Told me Shard, Jermaine and Clarence were going to hurt me no matter what protection you’re offering.”

This didn’t make Vance look happy. “He say anything else?”

“Nothing I care repeating. Not on that subject anyway. He did say if I told anyone about our chat, I’d blow his cover which means he wouldn’t be breathing anymore… or something like that.”

Vance stared at me then he muttered, “Christ.”

I wasn’t sure exactly what I was feeling but I thought it might be fear.

A lot of fear.

I wasn’t going to admit to that out loud so I just took a deep breath to try and control it. That didn’t work so I leaned forward, head down, and collided with Crowe, forehead to his shoulder.

He took my weight without a word, his arms coming around me.

“You gotta get off the street,” he said softly.

“If I do, they win,” I said just as softly even though I agreed with him.

Vance didn’t respond.

I didn’t want to play the games Shard, Clarence and Jermaine had planned for me. I knew I’d be disappointing Tex but if something happened to me, who’d take care of Roam and Sniff? Who’d have dinner with Nick and drive him crazy occasionally? Who’d give it to Vance regularly?

I didn’t want to think of anyone (or multiple anyones) giving it to Vance regularly.

This meant I had to get off the street.

God dammit.

I looked up at Vance. “Shit,” I said.

His arms got tighter and he kissed my forehead but he still didn’t say anything.

There was something nice about that. He didn’t rub it in or make a big deal about it. He just let my decision… be.

Even though I was freaking out, I felt another pleasant whoosh in my belly.

“This sucks,” I told him. “Tex and I had fun tonight. He’s a great sidekick. We used up all our smoke bombs. He’s gonna be pissed we aren’t going out tomorrow night.”

“He’ll get over it,” Vance replied.

“I have seventeen rolls of plastic wrap. What am I going to do with seventeen rolls of plastic wrap? I never have leftovers. I don’t cook.”

Vance grinned at me. “Maybe Nick can use them,” he suggested.

“What am I going to do at night?” I went on. “I’m used to night-time action. I’m going to get bored. I can’t go from making an art of havoc to lying around reading a book. I’ll go nuts.”

His eyes got soft and sexy. “We’ll find some way to keep you busy.”

My belly fluttered.


“What if you’re working or out of town?”

“For the time being, I’ll work something out with Lee.”

“I don’t want you getting into trouble at work.”

His grin turned into a smile. “Maybe you don’t get it, Princess. Lee wants you f**ked up by Shard, Clarence and Jermaine only slightly less than I do. You got nothin’ to worry about.”

That caused a belly whoosh too, not as big as the other one but it was still nice.

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