Home > Three Wishes(58)

Three Wishes(58)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“Stop me now, Lily, it’ll be your only chance.”

Still unable to speak, she shook her head and Nate didn’t hesitate. His mouth took hers in another searing kiss as both of his hands moved to her hips, pressing her against him, her hand, still between them, forced intimately flat against his arousal.

Just as quickly as he did it, he released her hips, his mouth and tongue everywhere, sliding down her throat, to her ear, along her collarbone, the edge of her bodice. He bent his head as one hand yanked her skirt up over her h*ps and without delay his hand went between her legs as his mouth closed over her sensitised nipple. He was doing both through her clothing, his teeth and tongue working sensuously at her nipple over her dress, his fingers pressing against her panties, using the silky fabric as tantalising friction, and her body, already breathlessly alive at his touch, started vibrating.

“Nate,” she breathed in wonder.

She’d forgotten how glorious it was. She thought she remembered but she’d forgotten.

He surged up again, his mouth against hers, his hand moved up to the edge of her underwear and then it plunged in.

“I’ve been waiting eight years to hear you say my name like that again.”

Her breath caught at his words, the husky tone of wanting in his voice, as his finger found her and circled deliciously. She was clutching at him as the lusty spirals shot out from between her legs, his lips still touching hers but he didn’t kiss her.

“Say it again,” he demanded.

Her eyes had closed to concentrate on what her body was feeling and at his demand, they flew open and his black gaze was boring into her.

“Say it again, Lily,” he commanded.

She bit her lip and his hand moved, his finger slowly, beautifully, slid inside her and at the feel of him filling her again, even just his finger, she couldn’t help herself.


His mouth came down on hers hard as his hand worked at her and she pressed against it, kissing him back with desperate wanting.

Then, without warning, his head jerked up and his hand, his thumb at the core of her, one finger deep inside her, completely stilled.

“Jesus,” he cursed, his hand moving swiftly but gently away from her, making her moan in pleasure mingled with disappointment.

He surged up lithely, pulling her along with him. She was dazed with passion, her legs trembling so badly she had to lean against him and hold onto his waist.

“Nate,” she whispered uncertainly as one of his arms held her steady, the other hand yanked the skirt of her dress back in place.

His head came up at the sound of his name and he looked into her face, a satisfied grin playing about his mouth. His face, too, was still set with passion and at the sight of it, she sucked in her breath.

Briefly, he pressed his lips against hers.

Then he murmured, “Someone’s coming.”

And before this frightening thought could penetrate her desire fogged brain, before she could get her buckling knees under control, before she could break away from him, the door flew open and Fazire was standing there.

Her old friend froze two steps into the room and took in the vision of Lily clinging to Nate and Nate holding onto Lily.

Fazire glared at them in horror.

Before he could utter a word, Natasha forged into the room.

“What’s up?” she asked innocently, smiling happily at her mother and father standing together, seemingly the loving, embracing couple.

Lily was still recovering. Both fortunately and unfortunately, depending on how you looked at it, Nate was faster at his recovery and without hesitation he explained, his voice still slightly husky with desire.

“Your mother was just thanking me for the room.”

With this, Nate’s arm tightened around her waist before she could begin to pull away. Lily watched as Fazire’s face turned as purple as the walls in his bedroom.

Natasha had no problem processing this explanation. It was, indeed, quite natural that Lily would wish to thank Nate soundly for his thoughtful gesture.

“Are we going out to dinner or what?” Natasha asked, her head tilting to the side. “I’m hungry,” she went on in explanation before her mother could take her to task for her somewhat rude question.

Nate’s head swung to look at Lily.

“Are we?” he asked softly and his lips turned up at the corners because, with one look at the soft gaze Lily was giving their daughter, he already knew the answer.

Chapter Eighteen


Lily walked through the heavy doors to enter the plush, elegant offices of Nate’s company.

The last four days had been a tumble of activity and through all of it, Lily could think of only one thing.

Moving heaven and earth to make Tash happy.

Saturday night, they’d all gone out to dinner. Natasha and Nate, it was clear to see, were quickly forming a bond. Lily was somewhat surprised at how easily Nate showed affection to his daughter. It wasn’t lavish or showy. It wasn’t desperate to impress or please. It was genuine and beautiful and Tash responded to it immediately.

This visibly annoyed Fazire but the genie loved Tash enough not to let it show (too much).

One day, they were barely scraping by, Natasha’s entire family made up of a busy mother, a genie-father-esque figure who was more of a playmate, however, Fazire had learned over the years to do the laundry, was quite adept at ironing and could make a mean tuna casserole and the outlandish Maxine.

The next day, literally, Tash had a dashing, handsome, rich, obviously caring father and doting grandparents.

Horseback riding lessons were hers for the asking. A seven million pound trust fund was waiting for her to turn twenty-one making it so she would never want again. Rooms could be transformed in a weekend as if by magic.

But this was Nate’s magic rather than Fazire’s which perhaps was one of the reasons why Fazire disliked Nate so intensely for Nate, too, could grant wishes, even wishes which hadn’t been expressed.

Tash’s world had doubled, opening up before her with extraordinary beauty. It was, quite simply, a miracle. The wished for, hoped for, longed for, but never expected, miracle.

Natasha was delighted and Lily couldn’t help but be delighted for her.

And Natasha wanted a family, it was clear. She’d heard the stories for years, not only of all the gloriousness that was Nate but Fazire and Lily told her of Sarah, Rebecca, Will and their summers spent floating on inner tubes on the pond, their big holiday extravaganzas and a million and one other things, both big and small, that made families so wonderful.

Tash, quite rightly, wanted that for herself.

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