Home > Three Wishes(51)

Three Wishes(51)
Author: Kristen Ashley

The red in Victor’s cheeks was now there for another purpose.

“We thought she’d –” Victor began.

“It doesn’t matter what you thought,” Fazire cut him off. “Anyone who spends an hour in Lily’s company knows she’s worth a trek up the side of a treacherous, threatening volcano to get her back, much less a two hour automobile ride.”

Finally, having had his say, Fazire turned away and dismissed them, sipping daintily from his teacup. He idly watched as Mrs. Gunderson sauntered in the room, took one look at him, blinked as if communicating to him that his short, effective tirade was well-stated then sauntered out again.

Laura decided to play mediator. “We have to all get along, for Nathaniel and Lily’s sake. For Natasha’s sake.”

Fazire’s gaze slid to her. “There is no ‘Nathaniel and Lily’. Lily won’t have it. Lily is through with your son. And, unfortunately, I can assure you that the Lily you knew all those years ago is not the Lily of today. When the Lily of today won’t have something, it simply isn’t to be had.”

Laura felt a sinking feeling in her stomach and her dismayed eyes flew to her husband but he was looking at Fazire and Laura saw that Victor was smiling.

“What you don’t know, Fazire,” Victor proclaimed, “is when my son wants something, he finds a way to get it.”

Fazire squared off again with Victor.“We shall see.”

At that, there was a great clamour from the stairwell and Natasha came down, grinning from ear-to-ear and carrying a photo album. She ran into the room and slapped it down on the table in front of Laura.

“Here’s the first one we should look at. It’s the most recent but it has the best pictures, eh… ver,” She announced.

Lily and Nathaniel followed more slowly, both carrying albums of their own. Lily walked into the room with her cheeks flushed becomingly, making her look more healthy and alive than they’d seen her in these recent days. However, her eyes were wary.

Nathaniel, on the other hand, walked in looking very pleased about something.

Laura glanced at her husband and that sinking feeling lightened wonderfully.

Before anyone could say anything, another great racket came from the hall.

“I’m late, I’m late.” They heard before they saw the body behind the voice. “I know I’m late. Tesco was a crush. The Witches Dozen was a madhouse. I barely…”

Then the door was filled with a large, very pretty, older lady who looked somewhat like Elizabeth Taylor. She was wearing a long, amethyst-coloured caftan liberally threaded with silver. She accented this with lots of silver jewellery that jangled noisily and very high-heeled purple mules with pointed toes, festooned with sequins. She was carrying a baker’s box and four, dangling carrier bags from Tesco.

She stopped dead at what she saw. First Natasha kneeling on the floor, opening an album. Then her eyes shifted to Laura. Then to Victor standing beside Laura. Then to Fazire scowling ferociously. Then to the blushing Lily.

Finally, closest to her, she spied Nate.

At the sight of him, her eyes bugged out comically, her mouth dropped right open and she freely gaped at him.

Seconds into her astonished stare, she tore her stupefied gaze from Nate to look at Lily. Her eyes narrowed on Lily’s face then shifted back to Nate.

After a moment, her mouth snapped shut again and she seemed to come to some conclusion. She walked into the room, right to Nathaniel and Laura held her breath.

“You,” she stated, that one word crackling with meaning then immediately her face melted into an absolutely stunning smile, “must be Nate.”

She leaned in and kissed his cheek.

Laura’s breath went out in a rush and, if she wasn’t mistaken, she also heard Victor’s do the same thing.

Nate walked to the table, set the three photo albums on it and came back to the woman.

“I’ll take that.” And without waiting for a response, he divested her of the box and two of the bags.

“Gallant!” she declared in a near-shout, as if he’d thrown himself bodily over a puddle so she wouldn’t have to get her elaborate mules wet. Laura was intensely relieved that all her years at drilling gentlemanly behaviour into her son were finally paying off.

“Since Lily seems unable to speak and Fazire isn’t polite at the best of times, I’ll introduce myself,” she announced. “I’m Maxine Grant, family friend.” She was looking at Nate when she said this but then her eyes moved to Laura. “You must be Laura,” she stated warmly.

Laura nodded and walked to the other woman, her hand extended.

Maxine, Laura learned quickly, was not the type woman who shook hands. When their hands met, Maxine’s closed over Laura’s firmly and, with a hearty tug, she pulled Laura forward and kissed her on one cheek.

After this, her eyes looked over Laura’s shoulder and she took in Victor. The warmth in her face and voice froze. “And presumably, you’re Victor.”

Victor, who was paying dearly (even Laura had to admit he deserved it, no matter how much she loved him and understood his actions) for his behaviour of a few days before, nodded and correctly read that he would be receiving no kiss on the cheek.

“Maxine,” Fazire proclaimed her name as if he was about to make a royal announcement, “you forget this is not a joyous family reunion.”

Natasha’s head jerked up in surprise, “Yes it is, I just saw –”

“Right!” Lily cried, interrupting her daughter, moving forward and setting her albums on the table with the others. “It’s time for elevenses.”

Laura saw Nate grin as he watched Lily and at the sight, Laura felt that lightening feeling in her belly as it flew to the stars.

Lily walked back to Nate, ignored the devastating grin indeed, she didn’t even look at his face, and pulled the box and bags out of his hands. She did this carefully, as if contact with his skin would burn her like acid. She moved industriously to the door and threw over her shoulder, “Maxine, would you mind helping?”

Without further ado, both women exited the room.

Everyone else stood and waited then Fazire made the peculiar proclamation. “I have some channelling to do,” he stomped to the door, whirled and stood, spearing all the adults in the room each with a glare, “a lot of it.” Then he stomped out.

Before anyone could react, Natasha called, “Daddy, come take a look at this.”

Nate’s gaze shifted to his daughter and his eyes warmed almost palpably. Laura noted he was happy. She noted that, even though she had no idea what was happening, whatever was happening, Nathaniel thought it was going well.

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