Home > Perfect Regret (Bad Rep #2)(48)

Perfect Regret (Bad Rep #2)(48)
Author: A. Meredith Walters

“I know I should be telling you why this is a stupid idea. Because I know that’s what you expect me to do. But maybe this time, I’ll just say good luck,” I said, putting my arm around her shoulders. She sagged in relief that it hadn’t become an argument.

“I’m just gonna miss you is all,” I said gruffly, feeling emotional at the thought of going through my last few months of college without my best friend.

Maysie wrapped her arm around my waist. “I’ll miss you too, Ri. But who knows, maybe you could come with us or something. You know, when you’re done with school. Before you head off to grad school, it might be good for you,” Maysie teased and I shoved her away.

“Yeah, I don’t think that’s gonna happen, Maysie,” I said tersely.

“Okay, I get it…it doesn’t fit into your grand vision right,” Maysie’s dig was more than a little harsh and I realized that perhaps she was just as critical of my choices as I was of hers.

“I’ve got to get to the newspaper,” I said getting to my feet.

“Are you picking up Gracie?” Maysie asked, not realizing how such an innocent question put me on edge.

“Uh, no, I’m not. I was just planning on driving myself. I have to work later so I figured I wouldn’t have time to drop her off,” I lied.

“Are things cool with you two? I know you’re feeling bad about Garrett because of her, but I don’t think you should let that eat you up. Gracie goes through crushes like you or I go through underwear. She’s never been serious about Garrett. She just thought he was cute. So if you’re beating yourself up because you thought you were being disloyal to Gracie, let it go,” Maysie said firmly.

I appreciated her words. They were spoken like a true friend.

“Yeah, well it was still a dick move. But things are fine, I guess. We haven’t talked much beyond what’s going on in class,” I replied dismissively. I really didn’t want to talk about this stuff. My head was already too full with Maysie’s unexpected news.

“Gracie has become a train wreck. I don’t think she really cares about any of that stuff, Ri. She’s too busy self-destructing. She was so messed up last night, Garrett had to give her a ride home from his house,” Maysie stated and my heart sunk.

“Shit, that’s awful. I knew she was partying a lot but I guess I haven’t been paying that much attention. See, shitty friend award right here,” I pointed at my chest.

“She’s teetering on the edge, you know. She says she’s just blowing off steam, but it seems excessive to me. And I know Garrett feels the same way,” Maysie remarked offhandedly.

“You’ve talked to Garrett about Gracie?” I asked nonchalantly. Yeah, nonchalant my ass.

“Yeah, well he’s had to take her home the last few times. And we were all hanging out at his house after their gig last night and Gracie got wasted…again…I know Garrett’s worried,” Maysie said, not picking up on the way I had tensed.

I had no right to be jealous. I should feel relieved that the world had righted itself and Gracie was spending time with Garrett, just as she had wanted to. It would go a long way to alleviate my feelings of guilt. And it sounded as though he was doing her a solid by looking out for her.

So why did I feel like there was a three ton weight in my chest?

“I’m glad to hear that he’s worried for her. They really are good together. Now, I’ve got to get going. We’ll talk more about you leaving me later,” I said with a smile so she knew I was joking. Maysie looked at me in confusion.

“Uh, okay. Well, I guess I’ll see you this evening,” she called out as I gathered my stuff and headed to the living room.

“Oh you’re actually staying here tonight?” I asked.

Maysie rolled her eyes. “Yes, Jordan and the guys are doing some guy thing that involved drinking beer and blowing stuff up. I think I’ll sit that one out,” she remarked.

“Smart choice,” I replied, mustering up a grin even as my face felt as though it were encased in cement.

Enough of this feelings crap. I had an internship to get to.


Of course the first thing I see when I pulled up at the newspaper was Garrett. Garrett sweaty and looking way too hot for his own good.

And Garrett was not alone.

Oh no.

Garrett was talking, quite intensely to my good ol’ buddy Gracie.

I sat in my car for a bit, trying to inconspicuously watch them. I was trying to decipher the hidden meaning in their body language. Okay, Garrett was standing with his hands in his pocket, so he wasn’t touching her. That had to mean he wasn’t interested, right?

But Gracie’s body was angled toward his which I seem to recall reading in one of those crap women’s magazines Maysie kept by the couch meant she was sending clear signals that she wanted him.

Their heads were bowed down and close as though they were trying not to be overheard. I squinted into the sun, trying to see them better. A knock on my window had me screaming like a ninny.

I spilled my cup of coffee all over my center console and let loose a string of curse words that would make a sailor blush. My car door swung open and the scowl on my face should have made the person responsible run screaming.

Of course that wouldn’t happen because not even my look of death could discourage Damien Green and his mission to whittle down my resolve to have nothing to do with him.

“Shoot, sorry Ri,” he said with a grimace as he took in the giant wet spot on my pants.

“It’s cool, I like walking around looking like I pissed myself,” I grumbled, finding some used napkins on the dash and tried to mop up the mess. I looked up and saw that the objects of my stalking were no longer talking and Gracie was making her way towards me with a huge grin on her face.

Wonder what put that shit eating smile on her face? Maybe I should smack it off just to make me feel better.

What the hell was wrong with me?

Gracie was my friend, not my competition in a non-existent race to get inside Garrett’s pants. Besides I would have already won that one. Booyah!

And yes, I did a mental fist pump. Because I’m mature like that.

Garrett was looking in my direction and I stared back, daring him to approach. Come on Guitar Boy, make my day.

God, someone rip out my inner Dirty Harry and beat the shit out of him please.

Garrett turned and went inside the building without so much as a wave. Okay then…

“Riley, what happened?” Gracie exclaimed, taking in my soaked pants.

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