Home > Out of the Shallows (Into the Deep #2)(19)

Out of the Shallows (Into the Deep #2)(19)
Author: Samantha Young

Honestly, it was frustrating watching two people who were supposed to be together mess it up so royally. I had a hard time keeping my nose out of it. But my nose tried.

Beck searched my face as I stared back at him, steadfast in my stoicism. His eyes narrowed. “Is she really dating someone?”

I shrugged.

“Charley. Please.”


A pained look crossed his gorgeous face. “Is it serious?”

“She doesn’t talk about it.”

“What does that mean exactly?”

I shot a look Claudia’s way to make sure she wasn’t aware I was talking to Beck and about to betray the girl code. “It means when you see her on her own, stop her and make her listen.”

“Just stop her and make her listen? I don’t know if you remember but last time that happened, I got verbally bitch-slapped in public.”

“Yeah.” I smiled, remembering it. “But you also made your point and you got to her. She can’t not listen if you’re constantly there trying to talk to her.”

“Valid point,” Lowe added.

Beck smirked at us both, his eyes softening when they met mine. “Thanks, Charley.”

“Just don’t tell her we had this conversation.”

“Secret to the grave.”

Just like that he disappeared stealthily into the crowds like a love ninja.

Despite my own situation, I couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m finding this side of Beck incredibly endearing.”

Lowe snorted, guiding me farther into the room. “You don’t have to live with him.”

I raised an eyebrow.

“I love Claudia, I do, she’s a great girl, but brooding Beck is a pain in my ass. We already had Jake to put up with. Now there are two.”

“Did I hear my name?”

My shoulders tensed at the sound of Jake’s voice. My whole body tensed when I turned to find him standing before me. There was no redhead now, but the specter of her remained.

Lowe’s fingers flexed on my lower back and I had to admit it was easier to deal with this crapshoot of a situation with him supporting me.

“Hey.” Jake said. “It’s good to see you.”

“Let’s find more beer.” I ignored him, turning my whole body into Lowe. “I definitely need more.”

He shot Jake an unreadable look out of the corner of his eye. “Sure,” he said and we moved through the crowd, away from my ex and his stunned, hurt expression.

Over the subsequent hour or so, I had a couple more beers, chatted with Matt and Denver, watched Beck stare broodingly at Claudia, witnessed Claudia bestow a beyond murderous look his way when he intercepted a cute guy trying to give her a drink, and then I started dancing with a strange guy. His name was Toby or Tony or Troy or something and he liked my hair.

Something he told me a number of times before I said yes to a dance.

All I really wanted was to forget everything. I didn’t want to acknowledge that I was aware of Jake every single minute of the evening. Jake was popular and every time I turned around, he was hanging out with someone new. We didn’t make eye contact once.

It was like we were complete strangers.

I was barely even aware of the fact that a slow song had come on, or that I was dancing in Toby/Tony/Troy’s arms when I heard Lowe say in voice that brooked no argument, “I’m cutting in.”

Toby/Tony/Troy was forcefully removed from my vicinity and suddenly I was dancing with Lowe, except he’d pressed me back so I wasn’t smooshed up to him like I had been with my previous partner.

“Problem, officer?”

He laughed and shook his head at me. “Can you not be cute right now?”

The smirk died from my lips at his comment. Jake sometimes said that to me when I used humor as a deflection. If Lowe noticed the change in me, he didn’t say so.

“Why are you dancing with that guy, Charley? That’s not you.”

“Uh, do you not remember Halloween last year?”

He blinked. “Jesus, we’ve known each other a year. How did that happen?”

“I imagine it had something to do with the world turning for almost 365 days.”

Lowe’s lips twitched. “You really are a smart-ass.”

I saluted him. “Top of my class.”

“I’m being serious.” He gave me a little shake. “I don’t want you doing anything stupid because Jake hurt you tonight.”

“Hurt?” I said, suffusing just the right amount of boredom into my tone. “I’m not hurt anymore, Lowe. I feel better. Any doubts I had… poof!” I gestured an explosion with my hand. “I’ve been replaced.” I shrugged. Beer did help with convincing deception. “That means we weren’t meant to be. I was right in the first place. Makes moving on now very easy to do.”

I was too busy congratulating myself on sounding like I meant it to notice Lowe was now searching the room with an anxious expression on his face.

A couple of beers later I wandered through the main rec room and away from Denver, Matt, and a bunch of people I didn’t know. I searched the room as I left, not seeing Jake, Lowe, Beck, or Claudia. I frowned. Only a few minutes ago I’d seen Lowe practically making out with some brunette in the corner, and Claudia had been flirting with a random guy as Beck watched on, seething.

I wondered where they’d all disappeared.

“Hey…” I stopped a girl wearing a Northwestern hoodie. “Nearest bathroom?”

“Down the hall to your left. Third door down, I think.”

I thanked her and walked out into the corridor, thinking after I’d used the restroom it might be time to grab Claudia and get out of there. Bemoaning the disastrous decision we’d made to come here, I wasn’t really paying attention to the fact that the third door down didn’t have signage on it.

I thrust the door open and froze at the scene in front of me.

I was in a dorm room, a dorm room in which Beck had a girl pressed up against the wall, kissing her with a passionate intensity that actually made my cheeks heat. It took me a second to recognize the girl, and I must’ve made some kind of strangled noise because it broke the scene up.

Claudia pushed Beck away, her eyes bright, her tan complexion tinged with a flush.

Stunned by this development, I stammered out an apology for interrupting.

My best friend shook her head frantically. “You’re not interrupting anything.” She brushed past Beck who grabbed her wrist to stall her. Claudia tugged out of his hold, glowering at him. His eyes narrowed and he turned away, staring at the wall, the muscle in his jaw flexing.

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