Home > Out of the Shallows (Into the Deep #2)(18)

Out of the Shallows (Into the Deep #2)(18)
Author: Samantha Young

“Let me ask you a question, Dad.” I leaned back against the counter. “Did you honestly think talking to me in person was going to… what… convince me to think your way?”

“No, I came here to see what it is that’s going on in your life that would suddenly cause you to make these massive decisions, decisions that impact your entire future. It’s not just about me worrying about you and Jake; it’s me completely exasperated by your attitude toward your sister and this notion of you becoming a cop. Your recent actions and decisions ring with immaturity and frankly, Charley, that was something I never thought I could accuse you of.”

“That’s because she’s not,” Jake argued.

Dad ignored him. “You’ve got this childish, naïve, rose-colored view that being a cop is a great thing—you wear a uniform people will respect, you save lives, fight crime. And that makes life worth it—”

“Bullshit,” Jake uttered quietly, his features taut with anger.

“Jake…” I moved toward him but Dad reached out an arm to stop me.

“No,” Dad said. “I’d love to hear this.”

“How dare you stand there and condescend to her,” Jake continued, calm, despite the flints of anger in his eyes. “You might think Charley taking me back is a bad idea, but stop letting that color every single thing you know about her. You know her. How can you say she’s living in some fantasy world about being a cop? Do you want to know the real reason she wants to be a cop? Because it’s who she is. She can’t stand by and watch people suffer. She can’t witness something wrong and not want to do something to make it right. What about your nephew—Ethan? Murdered and no one was brought to justice. She knows being a cop isn’t easy, she even knows it can be thankless, but she still wants to do it. For her—for Ethan and all the people like him.”

I couldn’t even find the words to describe how grateful I was. Jake had said all I’d been trying to say for years. I’d failed to find the words to explain it to my parents, but Jake knew me so well, he’d succeeded where I hadn’t.

Dad looked stunned. Slowly, he turned to me. “This is about Ethan? You never told me that.”

“You never wanted to hear it.”

Processing, Dad sipped his coffee. He looked at me over the rim of the mug and lowered it to ask, “Since when do you let Jake fight your battles?”

Grinning, my eyes met Jake’s. “I never asked him to. But I’ve got to say, it’s nice to have him on my side.”

Jake smiled back at me and I felt our connection strengthen for the first time since we’d started dating again.

“Alex certainly would never have faced off with me,” Dad mused, watching Jake carefully. I tensed at the mention of Alex.

Jake frowned. “What?”

Dad’s gaze switched between us, noting the sudden tension. “You haven’t told him yet?” he asked me.

I narrowed my eyes. “Are you deliberately being a troublemaker?”

“Alex?” Jake said.

That was so not a conversation I could have with him right then. “Jake, I promise we’ll talk about it but right now, I’m taking my crazy father to lunch.”

There was uncertainty on his face, but Jake nodded. “Call me.”

“Just as soon as I’ve convinced this person who looks like my dad but doesn’t act like him that I’m a grown-up and I can make my own choices, I’ll come over to see you.”

Dad snorted. I ignored him.

Sitting across from my dad in my favorite Tex-Mex restaurant, I shook my head. “I still can’t believe you spent all that money to come here and lecture me.”

“It wasn’t about lecturing you, Charley.” Dad leaned back in his seat, his expression grave. “It was about being a parent who’s worried about his kid and not being able to think about anything else until I saw for myself she was okay.”

Tears burned the back of my eyes. “Dad,” I mumbled, blinking rapidly.

“I still don’t like Jake, but I’ve got to admit, I like everything he said in that apartment. I like how he sees you.” His face darkened. “But that doesn’t mean I accept him as part of your life. Just because the boy is good with words doesn’t change his past actions.”

“Dad…” I tried to gather my patience. “Please, just give him a chance.”

“I can’t promise that.” He shook his head stubbornly. “I’m just here to see my kid and try to convince her to do the right thing. Starting with calling Andie and apologizing.”

“I can’t promise that.” I threw his words back at him. “I don’t think I should be the one apologizing.”

Dad sighed. “And this from someone who wants me to treat her as an adult.”

I closed my eyes, feeling my patience slipping. “Let’s just eat dinner,” I muttered. Seemed neither of us was willing to compromise. I’d just have to hope for some kind of miracle to happen while he was in Edinburgh. A miracle that would finally show Jake in a favorable light and bring my family on board with our relationship.

I wasn’t holding my breath.

Chapter Seven

No matter how much I was willing myself to be unaffected, to be calm, I wasn’t. Bolstering my courage, I threw back my shoulders and prepared to reenter the common room where Jake had some redheaded sophomore hanging all over him.

Instead of facing Jake, however, I walked smack bang into a hard chest.

“There she is.” Beck wrapped his arms around me and I hugged him back. I felt his lips brush my ear. “Can you please talk to your best friend?”

I pulled back, frowning. “Hi, Beck, it’s good to see you too, after six months, since the last time didn’t really count.”

He blanched. “Sorry. It’s good to see you. It really is. I’m just a little distracted at the moment.” He glanced to his left, where Claudia stood laughing with Denver, Matt, and a couple of guys I didn’t recognize. “She won’t even look at me.”

“Whatever you do, don’t start flirting with another girl.”

It was his turn to frown. “Wasn’t planning on it. Any other suggestions?”

I felt Lowe’s hand at my back. “Don’t put Charley in the middle, Beck. The middle is a f**ked-up place to be.”

“I’m not. I’m just running out of ideas.”

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