Home > Reclaimed(9)

Author: Diane Alberts

Good first-date move, Sabrina.

Yet even as she protested, she stole a peek out of the corner of her eye at the plate before her. It looked irresistible. She fleetingly wondered if they’d drugged it. The waiter returned inexplicably fast, holding another plate.

“Here you are, sir. Sorry about the wait.” He observed Isaac for approval before refilling their wine glasses and leaving.

“Here, give me yours,” Isaac murmured as he reached across the table. He snatched up her plate before she could as much as blink in surprise, switching them yet again.

“Isaac, please.” She moaned. “You’re killing me here.” She dropped her head to her hands in embarrassment.

“Hey, don’t do that,” he soothed. “It’s okay. I want your dinner to be perfect. How else will I get you to agree to see me again?”

She met his teasing eyes, and a grin tugged at her lips despite her hot cheeks.

“Why would you want to see me again? Are you on a diet?”

His mouth quirked until he threw his head back and burst into laughter. Sabrina saw several people—women, to be exact—glance over at his laugh. “My, God, you’re delightful.”

She grinned and leaned toward him to whisper. “I think you’re just trying to make me feel better for stealing your dinner.”

“The fact that I let you do it shows how very much I like you, my dear. I don’t share well.” He smiled crookedly.

“Neither do I. So back off my plate before I stab you with my fork,” she warned, while raising the silver in a threatening manner. They both laughed, and the awkwardness of her stealing his meal—twice—disappeared.

Thank God.


A strange stillness sat in the air outside Sabrina’s house. No trees swayed in the breeze, no animals scampered in the forest, as if the world itself had come to a halt.

Uneasiness rolled over her, and she studied Isaac out of the corner of her eye. Surprisingly, he seemed to be as tense as her. His grip on her arm was tighter than necessary, and his lips were pressed together as well. She could feel the tension pulsating off his body, and she got taken back into her dreams. For the first time in real life, he made her shiver in apprehension. As if sensing her fear, he shot her a quick grin.

“Well, I had a lovely evening.” He spoke over his shoulder as he practically dragged her to the door. She stumbled in an attempt to keep up with his pace. At the door he pointedly stared at her, causing her to realize he waited for her to open it. She fumbled through the mess she called a purse to find the key. She turned to him and smiled as she studied him through the cover of her eyelashes.

“Would you like to come in for a nightcap? I have wine…or coffee…or tea, or....” She stuttered to a stop, unsure of what to say.

God, she sounded like such an idiot.


Who the heck said nightcap anymore?

“While I’d love to take you up on that offer, I have something I have to take care of tonight. Could I get a rain check? For say, tomorrow night? We could do a movie and wine? Or is tomorrow too soon in the dating world?”

“No, not too soon at all. I’d love to see you tomorrow.” She tried to hide her disappointment behind a bright smile. “You can call me, and we’ll firm up a time. Good night.”

She turned to go inside and got caught off-guard when he grabbed her elbow and spun her to face him. It happened so quickly she leaned back against the door in confusion; one hand on the doorknob and the other braced against the cool steel of the door. He moved his body closer to hers and placed his hand at her head. His other hand cupped her cheek while his thumb stroked her jaw line. All thought fled as his body pressed against hers, and a small swoosh of air escaped her lips at his touch.

“I didn’t think it even possible for you to grow more beautiful, but you have proven me wrong.” When his lips met hers, she lost all thought, all ability to move. She’d somehow been tied to this spot—this man.

She needed to be like this. To have his arms around her, his lips on hers. The emotions washing over her were so powerful that if he hadn’t supported her with his weight, she’d have fallen to a heap on the ground.

When he ended the kiss, it took all of her control to stand upright. She fought the urge to fling herself at him and knock him to the ground in her haste to seduce him.

To have him inside her.

He stroked her cheek one last time and ran his thumb across her lower lip, pleasantly swollen from his kiss. It tingled at his gentle touch, and she quaked.

“Good night, Sabrina.”

“Good night.”

He reached around her trembling body to push open the door she still rested against for support, and Sabrina half-expected him to follow her inside despite his earlier words, but the door clicked shut. She sagged against it and closed her eyes as she remembered his gentle touch, his lips burning against hers.

“Lock up,” he said through the door. She jerked guiltily, almost scared he could read her thoughts, and did as he asked. His car engine revved to life, and she listened as he sped away.

She stumbled to the couch and collapsed into the cushions before she pressed shaking fingers to her lips. She longed to feel his lips against hers again. Preferably, right now.

Ugh, she had to get control of herself, or she’d be like one of those crazy people planning their wedding after the first date. Though she had always wanted a June wedding….

She thrust away visions of herself walking down the aisle in a stunning, strapless white gown and forced a deep, calming breath. She didn’t want to scare him away by being overly excited, or too clingy.

She needed him too badly.


Isaac’s hands gripped the wheel so tight he wondered if he might snap it in half. When the cool leather wheel started to bend under the pressure, he forced himself to loosen his hold. Leaving Sabrina hadn’t been as easy as he might have hoped. But he had a job to do. A job that, unfortunately, required he’d leave her.

He shouldn’t have kissed her goodbye, he acknowledged grudgingly. His control hung by a mere thread, ready to snap at a moment’s notice. Her soft lips under his had almost done him in, and still haunted him.

Cursing loudly, he slammed his foot on the brake. While fantasizing, he had almost run through the red light shining above. Bloody hell, he hated cars. He couldn’t exactly blame the car, but he did despise them.

No, it was his fault, and his alone. He needed to stop obsessing and start paying attention. Too many mistakes had already been made. He’d set the plan in motion, and he would stick to it, by God.

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