Home > Reclaimed(11)

Author: Diane Alberts

He knew why he gaped at her, of course, but she had no excuse.

He wondered how long his brother had been appearing to her, and if she thought Elijah was actually Isaac, appearing to her in her sleep.

That left just one question running through his mind: could any of that be used to his advantage, rather than his disadvantage?

He wished he could hear what she had going through her head this morning, and that he kept her company in her bed so he could question her. Tactfully, of course, so she wouldn’t run away, screaming for help.

He knew with a certainty he couldn’t explain, or describe, as he sat thinking of her, she surely attempted to make sense of her “dreams.” She’d probably insist to herself they were just dreams—nothing more. She probably sat in her normal little world, analyzing her normal little life, and tried to make all the latest occurrences fit into a pretty little box.

Unfortunately, in his world, and now hers, it wouldn’t be bloody possible.


Damn it, Elijah really hated Isaac sometimes.

He’d been the one to find Sabrina first…not Isaac. He’d been the one courting her since she first came to England…not Isaac. And yet, once again, his brother swooped in to win the girl. It enraged him.

He had, of course, known that Isaac contacted Sabrina. Though Isaac might hate him passionately, Elijah didn’t despise Isaac. Well…not most of the time.

Sabrina, as expected, was falling for Isaac. And now he’d gotten stuck coming to her in her dreams, because Isaac would never leave the blasted place unguarded. If only she would let him inside, he could get closer to her. Instead, his brother once more stole his place by her side. Somehow, Isaac had discovered of his plan to meet Sabrina during the day at the ridiculous tavern she seemed to love, and appeared in his place. And in one simple step, he snatched away any chances of gaining entry to Sabrina’s life. And house.

He’d tried to go about “wooing” her slowly. Cautiously. But when had that ever worked well for him? After all, his style of seduction—and warfare, for that matter—tended to be more of a “shoot now, take no prisoners alive” type of style. The time had come to start acting like it. He would make her love him, not his brother. He’d make her realize he, not the real-world Isaac, had to be the one she needed. His twin wasn’t right for her, and never had been. Isaac couldn’t love her like he could.

He remained far too strict in his ways. He’d never be able to let go of his so-called “duties” to be able to spend a lifetime with her. Only Elijah could give her life.

His little brother would only sit by to watch her die.

They’d been down this road before, the three of them. She might not remember it, but he and Isaac did. This time, it would end differently, much differently. They were destined to be together, written in the stars.

He needed only to prove it to Sabrina.


Sabrina busied herself writing throughout the next day. As the pages piled up, she came to the conclusion that nightmares, and no sleep, were great for creativity. For once, she was ahead of schedule—and liking it.

The ringing of the phone broke the silence, causing her to yelp. Holding a trembling hand to her heart, she answered breathlessly. “Hello?”

“Hello, Sabrina. Did you sleep well last night?” Isaac asked.

Fighting the unease his words stirred, she forced a cheerful tone. “Like a baby. It was a great night.” The hollowness in her voice made her cringe and clear her throat. “How about you?”

“Well, it was a late night. I had a few, well, problems to see to. I’m sure you know how that can be.” He sighed. “But, tired or not, I’m all ready for the rain check you promised me. You’ve been on my mind quite a bit. I had a wonderful time.”

“I did, too, very much.” She relaxed against the chair and rubbed her forehead. “What time would you like to come over?”

“How’s eight sound? I don’t have any other commitments tonight, so we can indulge in some coffee like you mentioned before. It might help me stay awake so I don’t end up snoring next to you halfway through the movie.”

His light chuckle brought forth a resounding giggle from her as she pictured him drooling beside her on the couch.

Did he drool?

“Well, you could always bring your fuzzy bunny slippers, just in case.” She laughed, cringing as she realized it sounded as if she asked him to spend the night.

Desperate much?

“Oh, I wish I could take your words as an invitation to stay the night. But, if I know you as I think I do, you’re biting your tongue right now.”

She winced and asked with no small amount of suspicion, “Hey, where’s your spy camera?”

“A man can’t give away all his secrets on the first date, lass.”

“But, it’s our second date,” she pointed out.

“Ach, well, maybe I’ll show you my secret hiding spots.”

“Isn’t ‘ach’ a Scottish thing? Not British?”

Silence met her ears through the phone, and she pursed her lips. Interesting.

He laughed. “Why, yes, yes it is. But, it’s always been a favorite phrase of mine. Must be more Scottish than I thought, or admitted to.”

She chuckled. “Okay, then. Never thought to hear those words from a Brit.”

“I’m not a normal Brit,” he joked.

“Why doesn’t that surprise me?”

“Well, shall we continue this conversation later?”

“I look forward to it. I’ll go buy some black spray paint so I can go around and cover all the cameras.”

Isaac chuckled. “I’m going to scare you away before I even get inside,” he bemoaned.

“I don’t scare easy.”

“Yeah, I kind of gathered as much about you.” His voice grew serious, making her sober instantly. The joking mirth seemed to have left his tone. She couldn’t shake the feeling he was trying to tell her something she didn’t want to hear.

She got enough weird things in her sleep, damn it, couldn’t her life be a little bit normal in the daytime?


Fighting the apprehension creeping up on her, she gave an uneasy giggle. “Well, eight it is. Coffee a must. Fuzzy slippers optional.”

“Right. See you then, Sabrina.”


She hung up the phone and bit her lip. Had she imagined the serious undertones in his voice, like she’d imagined everything else lately? Or was he trying to tell her something, something even she couldn’t conjure up?

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