Home > Reclaimed(14)

Author: Diane Alberts

“Absolutely not.” He ignored her furious intake of breath. “Second, please put down the phone. There’s no one out there anymore,” he declared.

“But, I saw—”

His finger pressed against her lips silenced her.

“Trust me, okay? You’re safe tonight. I’ll spend the night here, on the couch, if it will make you feel better. I’ll hear if someone comes. It’s almost a sixth sense of mine.” He grinned and pulled her into his arms and kissed her nose before he buried his face in her hair and inhaled.

“You smell so delicious.” He breathed into her ear.

Oh please, if he thought she was easily distracted, he had another think coming.

“Nice try, but I still say we should call the—”

“And you taste even better.” He groaned as he nibbled on her ear. Her head fell back against his arm, and he kissed a path across her neck and to her lips. His lips latched onto hers with a desperation that called to her very soul. Right here, right now; he needed her. And, God, she needed him.

He leaned her against the wall, and his hands roamed from her hair, down her back, to cup her bu**ocks before he pressed against her and moaned deep in his throat. She rubbed against him, and she heard his swift intake of breath before he pulled away. His eyes burned in need, and it took all her willpower not to yank him back into her arms.

“It’s been a long evening. Perhaps we should say goodnight.” He looked obviously reluctant to let go of her. His hands and lips hovered over her for another few seconds as he seemed to fight an inward battle.

Lightning flashed beside him, silhouetting half of his face in absolute perfection, and leaving the other half in shadows. The desire burning inside him appeared painfully obvious to her eyes. But, he spoke true. Damn it, she knew he was right. She’d never climb into bed with a guy she’d met two days ago. But…this guy felt so perfect.

Numerous times, she’d written about people being so caught up in passion that nothing else mattered to them—not their families, their jobs, even their lives. It had always been fiction for her, up until today. Now, she knew it existed.

And she had to be grateful to him for being such a gentleman to realize she didn’t remain sensible in his arms, to realize her weaknesses and manage not to take advantage of it. And, damn it, it made her want him even more.

“But what about the noises outside?” she insisted. Though he’d distracted her, she hadn’t forgotten.

He groaned and rubbed his temples. “I swear there’s nothing out there anymore. I know it sounds weird, but you just have to trust me, okay?”

She snorted. “Yeah, sure. I’ll just believe that simply because you say so?”

“Yes, it would be spectacular.” He grinned.

“Yeah, not gonna happen.” She scoffed. “Besides, if there isn’t anything out there, there’s no harm in me looking, right?”

He sighed, grabbed her hand, and pulled her to the door. She followed him until he opened the door. Skidding her feet against the floor, she called out, “Wait!”

She ran to the table, grabbed the knife, and nodded to show her readiness. She ignored the slow shaking of his head and the look he threw upward, as if praying for assistance from above, and glared at him.

They walked outside, and she stepped closer to him as she sought out any signs of danger. Nothing lurked in the bushes, or in the forest beyond the house. Nothing hovered in shadows, or rushed toward them at their entrance outside. She hesitated on the stoop, unsure of her next step.

Nothing moved; no huge beast loomed over her.

“Satisfied? Or do you want to walk around the back, too?” he questioned in her ear.

She turned to him and studied his face. No signs of anger or sarcasm. “I’m satisfied now, I guess. Still want to sleep on my couch?”

“If you still want me to,” he answered as they walked inside. She nodded and climbed the stairs. She returned carrying pillows and a blanket to find him sitting on the couch. His shoes were placed side by side in front of it, and he’d unbuttoned his shirt. His chest taunted her to touch it, to sink her fingers into the coarse hair dusted there. To feel the hard muscles flexing beneath. She wanted to trail her fingers down his abs, to caress his….

She tore her gaze from where it currently rested, at his belt. Afraid to be caught gawking at him like a pervert, she blurted out, “Thank you, Isaac. You must think I’m a complete idiot.”

“On the contrary, I find you brave, beautiful, caring—”

She laughed and rolled her eyes, and he seemed to sense her discomfort at the compliments, for he broke off and smiled ruefully. He grabbed her hand and kissed her knuckles.

“Good night.”

“Good night,” she whispered. She cast one last longing look in his direction and climbed the stairs to her empty bed.

Being good sucks.


God, he’d been a complete fool. How had he not sensed Isaac inside? Now Isaac knew he’d tried to get in during the day, and he’d guard her house even more. He had botched his chance to get inside without fight.

Blasted fool.

He’d just wanted to see her. He often came here when she was home, enjoying her beauty. Granted, this time he hadn’t been planning on just looking. He’d been planning to pretend to be Isaac.

Low? Hell, yes. But, damn, he heard the desperate clicking of the clock in his head, taunting him with his inadequateness.

He hadn’t even sensed Isaac. He couldn’t afford such a colossal mistake again.

Fleeing in surprise had been a mistake as well. He didn’t fear Isaac. Please, Isaac had never been able keep up to him, even as a child. And besides, he had every right to see Sabrina.

As much, if not more, than Isaac.

Amelia had picked him.

In the meadow long ago, he remembered her choice….

The sun had warmed his face as the gentle breeze kept him from baking alive over a roaring fire. It had seemed like a perfect day to spend outside with his love. And since Isaac had left on their father’s business, he had leave to do so. He didn’t have to seek her out. He knew she knelt by the stream, a bouquet of flowers clutched in her hand. It had been easy to convince her to join him, since she loved being outdoors on days like these.

Hell, so did he.

Especially when she sat by his side.

Her soft curls escaped her coiffure to blow in the breeze as she headed toward him, and he returned her bright smile. Her cap-sleeved lilac dress spoke of the latest fashions, and the bonnet she wore to protect her milky skin matched it to perfection. He’d never tire of seeing her perfect face.

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