Home > Searching for Perfect (Searching For #2)(25)

Searching for Perfect (Searching For #2)(25)
Author: Jennifer Probst

Kennedy fought the urge to find the asshole’s yoga studio and demonstrate her kickboxing moves on his face. Instead, she tamped down her anger and focused on the alcohol. “How come we’ve never met him?”

Arilyn shifted. “We don’t like to go public with our relationship. At least, not yet.”

Kate met Kennedy’s gaze, and they did the classic close girlfriend psychic thought volley. Both silently agreed he was going to hurt her again, and then they’d go and hurt him. Both agreed they needed to support Arilyn and play the denial game with enthusiasm. “We understand. It sounds like a great plan, and we’re behind you all the way,” Kate said.

“Me, too.”

Arilyn calmed. “Thanks. So, tell us the update with Eliza Doolittle. Ming succeeded, and Benny rocked the cut. Didn’t you say you were taking him to the gym?”

She plucked the cute umbrella out of her glass and twirled it around. “Yep. Can anyone say Zumba?”

Kate’s eyes widened. “No. You didn’t.”

“I did.”

Arilyn burst into giggles. “Oh, my God, that may have been better than Slade’s hot yoga session. You’re brilliant.”

She preened. “Thanks. He needed to get past some of the blocks regarding his body. He lives mostly in his mind and tortures himself about getting things right.”

“Hmm, sure he’s not a female you?” Arilyn asked.

“Funny. Nothing wrong with being a perfectionist. I’m going to keep him in the classes for a few weeks.”

“So, you did skin, hair, workout. Clothes are next, right?” Kate asked.

“I have to move the role-play session up. He tends to come on too strong and scares everyone away. Will you guys help me out? Maybe we can meet at a bar and run some setup scenes for the first meet?”

Kate lit up. “I love doing those! Can I be the bitchy slut this time?”

Kennedy rolled her eyes. “Whatever makes you happy.”

“Are you satisfied with his progress so far?”

She didn’t meet Arilyn’s suddenly piercing gaze. “Definitely. There’s a lot underneath the surface that people never get to see. I think he’ll be ready for his mixer in a week or two.”

“You like him.”

Kate’s words sounded like an accusation. Kennedy tried to keep her voice casual. “He’s a nice guy. What’s not to like?”

“No, no, that’s not what I mean. When you talk about him, you get a funny look on your face. Are you hot for the science geek?”

“No!” She slurped and got to the end of her drink, then prayed she wasn’t blushing. Dear God, she never blushed, not even during phone sex. “Don’t throw your witch energy on me. You need to sink your teeth into a new couple to hook up and leave me alone.”

Arilyn gasped. “You do like him! Your cheeks are kind of red.”

Kennedy picked up her head and snorted haughtily. “As. If. It’s the alcohol and the room is warm. When are Genevieve and Jane coming?”

“And changing the subject!” Kate clapped gleefully. “What are you so freaked out about? I love the nerd type. He may be good for you.”

Kennedy drew back. “And how, pray tell, can he possibly be good for me?”

This time her friends shared the psychic look. “You haven’t liked someone in a really long time, Ken,” Kate said gently. “You go through a different man every Friday and Saturday night and you still seem frustrated.”

“The sex is fine.”

“We’re not talking about sex,” Arilyn said. “We’re talking about connection. What about Mark? He seemed to hit all your demands.”

“He had a terrible habit of smelling his underwear and socks before putting them on.”

“That’s just called being a man. And what about Sam?”

She sensed a gang-up and stuck out her chin. “Sam had the ugliest feet in the world. When we got into bed together, if his troll toe touched me, I got the willies.”

Kate dropped her face into her hands. “You have got to be kidding me. And Tim?”

“He was completely obsessed with the supernatural. Watched those awful TV series about ghosts, and his career goal was to be a paranormal investigator.”

Arilyn nodded. “Well, I agree that one was weird. But what we’re trying to point out is you seem to find something wrong with every guy. By the fourth date, you’ve listed over a dozen bullet points to back up your decision to stop seeing him.”

Kennedy stuck out her lower lip. Damn counseling genes. She knew her best friends were right, but she didn’t know what to do about it. There was always something lacking. And if a man tried to get too close, she reached a block inside of her that a nuclear explosion couldn’t disintegrate. It was easier to concentrate on the physical—sensation, an orgasm, a few laughs. Anything deeper just didn’t seem to work.

“What does this have to do with the scientist?” she asked.

Kate stared hard. “I’m not sure. But if something interests you about him, go for it. You have nothing to lose.”

The image of that first hot, sweet kiss drifted in her vision. Oh, God, should she tell them? No, it would never happen again, and they’d obsess and drive her nuts. Not telling wasn’t a lie. Just self-preservation from a grilling, torturous session to rival a prisoner of war. Kennedy drained the rest of her drink and shook her head. “He’s a client, guys. I don’t get involved with the clients. We decided that was rule number one, two, and three if we were going to make Kinnections a success.”

Kate tossed her a dazzling smile. Her white blond hair shone like a halo. “I broke the rules and thank God I did.”

“Slade is different. You sensed the touch with him and you knew you were meant to be. Nate needs a professional to guide him to the right mate. If I go scratching an itch on impulse, I can end up hurting him and messing up his chances at Kinnections.”

“Ah, you are attracted to him.”

She ignored Arilyn’s smug comment and waved her hand in the air. “Look, I’ll admit he intrigues me. But that’s because he’s a challenge. Emotions get crossed in most of these cases, like a counselor and a patient. Or a yoga teacher and his student.”

Arilyn glared.

Kate spoke up. “Bottom line, we’re here for you. And we’ll have your back if you change your mind.”

Kennedy’s temper dissipated instantly and was replaced by the mushy goo of true friendship. “I love you guys. Thanks. And I promise to eat some bread tomorrow.”

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