Home > Rhett (Rhett #1)(18)

Rhett (Rhett #1)(18)
Author: J.S. Cooper

"I've got other plans." She looked up at me then and shrugged.

"What other plans?" I stared at her, not believing my ears. Clementine never had plans. I could always count on her to be there for me when I needed her. And if she said she had plans with Elliott, I was going to be mad.

“I have a date.” She smiled then and her eyes twinkled. “That’s why I need to study hard now. I can’t afford to get anything but an A on my finals next week.”

“So bring your date to the club.” I muttered, not even believing I was actually telling her to bring someone else to our night.

“You sure you wouldn’t mind?” She nibbled her lower lip and I smiled inwardly. So she did know that it wasn’t really cool to ditch me and then bring someone else to Elvis night.

“I mean, Elvis night has always been a night we celebrate together.” I shrugged. “And I always take you. I’ve never taken a date, but if you want to bring some guy you just meant online, feel free.”

“Rhett.” She frowned at me. “Does it really mean that much to you that we go together?”

“It’s kinda like a tradition.” I shrugged. “But fine, bring whoever and I’ll just find someone else to go with.”

“Fine, I’ll go.” She rolled her eyes. “Heaven forbid, you take one of your many girls with you.”

“I don’t want to go with anyone else; unlike you.” I paused and gave her a look. “I mean, we’ve been going as friends for years.”

“I know, I know.” She groaned. “Fine. We’ll go together. I’ll tell Elliott I can’t make it.”

“Elliott?” I made a face. “You’re still seeing bad kisser?”

“He’s not a bad kisser.” She made a face. “Anyway, it might have been nerves.”

“Uh huh.” I rolled my eyes.

“This is the start of something beautiful.” Her eyes lit up as she spoke excitedly. “Aren’t you excited for me, Rhett?”

“Of course.” I lied as I stared into her wide brown eyes. “I mean, if you’re sure this is what you want to do. Who am I to be a Debbie Downer?” I shrugged and looked away. How could I tell her that the start of her something beautiful was the start of my nightmare? I wasn’t sure what was going on and why things seemed to be changing so quickly, but I did know that all I wanted was for everything to stay the same.

“This is what I want.” She nodded. “I think I’m ready for my first proper boyfriend.”

“Whatever.” I pulled out my phone. “Anyway, I just popped over to make sure we’re still on for tonight. I’ve gotta go. I got a date tonight.”

“Oh okay.” She nodded and looked disappointed. “Maybe we can watch a movie later.”

“You mean you won’t be with Elliott?”

“He might have to study.” She shrugged and I rolled my eyes. “But, all three of us can watch one if he doesn’t.”

“I’ll see what happens tonight. I might be getting laid.” I shrugged my shoulders and turned away, feeling angry. All three of us, my ass. “I’ll text you and see what’s going on.”

“Okay, sounds good.” She smiled. “See you later, Rhett.”

“Yeah, see ya.” I walked out of the room and sent a mass text to about fifteen different girls. “What you doing tonight? Wanna get a drink?” There was no way that I was going to spend another night alone thinking about any bullshit.


“So I told Monica that there was no way that I was going to go on a date with Aiden.” Veronica spoke rapidly as she told me another story about her best friend and all the guys that supposedly wanted to date both of them.

“His loss, my gain.” I leaned in towards her and pretended to be interested, before taking another long chug of beer.

“I was so glad when I got your text message this morning.” She grinned. “I was wondering if you were ever going to call.”

“I texted.” I corrected her. “I didn’t call.”

“Well, I was glad when I got your text.” She grinned.

“Why?” I studied her face for a second. “Why were you glad?”

“Because you’re hot.” She didn’t hesitate in her response.

“What are you going is going to happen tonight?”

“I don’t know?” She shook her head as her face went red. “I just wanted to see you.”

“You wanted to go out for a drink?”

“Yeah, sure.” She played with her glass.

“Anything else?”

“No.” She looked down and I went in for the kill.

“Are you hoping to ride me tonight?”

“What?” She looked shocked, but her eyes lit up at my words.

“I guess you’re not saving yourself for marriage.” I commented and took another chug. “No worries that you’re not. Only fools save themselves for marriage.”

“Uhm. Okay.” She paused and looked at me in confusion. I knew she was trying to figure out whether I had just called her a fool.

“Don’t worry. I’m down for some fun tonight. You’re a beautiful girl.” I said smoothly and watched her start smiling again. I could have patted myself on the back. It was so easy with women. Give them a few compliments and smiles and they were like putty in my hand. Everyone asides from Clementine. It was like she was immune to my charm. It had never bothered me before, but now it was f**king annoying me. Why wasn’t she more into me and hanging out? Why had she never been into me? I frowned as I thought back to high school and the moment when I’d turned into the boy all the girls wanted. Clementine had never started acting all girly on me. I’d never seen her writing my name. Or drawing hearts or even giving me looks of love. I didn’t get it. Was she immune to my blue eyes? I paused as I remembered one night in eleventh grade when I’d thought something was going to happen.

“Did you hear me? Veronica interrupted my thoughts and I frowned.

“Sorry what?”

“I said we can go back to my place after this, if you want. My roommate’s staying over at her boyfriends.”

“Oh, yeah. Sure.” I shrugged and my mind went back to eleventh grade. We’d been at Nanna’s house and Jake was watching wrestling on TV. I’d grabbed a cookie from her hand and stuffed it in my mouth and eaten it quickly. She had jumped on my back and we’d rolled around on the ground play fighting. Everything was all fun and games until she’d ended up sitting on top of me, her hair falling in my face as we’d laughed. Then she paused and for one second, it was just me on my back and her on top of me and we weren’t best friends playing around. There’d been a look in both of our eyes and I’d seen her face going red as we just stared at each other. I’m not sure what would have happened if Jake hadn’t jumped down and joined in the fun.

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