Home > Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick #4)(104)

Rock Chick Renegade (Rock Chick #4)(104)
Author: Kristen Ashley

This sounded plausible. I still didn’t like it.

“But we haven’t had sex yet,” I blurted.

For a second I realized I threw him and he looked surprised. He had absolutely no idea that was going to come out of my mouth. Then again, neither did I.

Still, I’d said it so I was going to have to go with it.

“We always have morning sex. We always have night-time sex. We can’t not have morning sex. What does that mean? Next we’re not going to have night-time sex?” I asked.

His lips started twitching as I continued.

“You fed my cat. I always have to feed my cat. How am I going to get used to not being the one who has to feed my cat? It’s always been just me. And Nick, of course, but that’s not the same thing. He doesn’t break up Boo’s food like you and I do.”

I was babbling. I knew it and I didn’t care.

I wanted to have sex.

“Jules –”

“You can’t just get up, make me coffee, feed my cat and then leave. What’s up with that?” I went on.

“Jules –”

“We have a ritual,” I interrupted him. “I like our ritual. I’m not good with change.”

Now I was lying. I had no problem with change.

Bottom line, I wanted sex.

His hands came to the sides of my face and he said again, “Jules.”

“What?” I snapped.

“Take off your underwear.”

My belly did a roller-coaster plummet and I blinked, again.


“Do it,” he demanded.

Okay, now I was freaking out and deciding maybe I didn’t want to have sex even though I wanted sex now more than ever.

All the while looking at him I pushed down my underwear and it fell to the floor. No sooner did it hit my feet then he lifted me up, hands at my ass and my arms and legs automatically circled him.

He went down to the floor on his knee then he put me on my back and covered me with his body.

“What are we doing?” I asked, staring into his eyes.

I felt his hand between us, working at his belt.

“We’re gonna have to be quick.”

“How quick?”

“Real quick.”

“I’m not sure I want quick.”

His face went into my neck. “You don’t have much choice,” he said in my ear which made me shiver. Then I felt his tongue touch me and slide down my neck to my collarbone which made me shiver more.

“Is quick good?” I asked.

“It can be,” he said at the base of my throat then he touched me between my legs and I sucked in breath.

His mouth came to mine and I could feel he was smiling, pleased about something.

He looked in my eyes and said, “Christ, you’re always wet.”

“Is that good?”

“Fuck yeah.”

“I think it happened when you told me to take off my underwear,” I informed him helpfully.

His finger slid inside me. “I’ll remember that.”

My hands pushed into his jeans and I ran them over his ass. I was done talking and so was Vance.

And, for your information, quick could be good.

* * * * *

It was near to the end of the day when my cell rang.

It was sitting on my desk and the display said “Crowe calling.”

Looking at it, I smiled.

* * * * *

Vance had called me in the morning to give me the lowdown on Shard, Clarence and Jermaine

Apparently Mace had done his job well. This was because Luke and Ike felt like getting in on the act. So they’d all done their job well. They’d done it job so well, Shard, Clarence and Jermaine not only decided not to f**k with me, they also decided that maybe Denver wasn’t for them. Luke, Mace and Ike had convinced them to try their luck at ruining other people’s lives somewhere outside the Mile High City. They weren’t only leaving town, they already left. Vance knew this because Mace, Ike and Luke had escorted them to the city limits.

This made me feel weird. It was weird because I felt safe and protected but I also felt badly that they likely had to commit acts of violence in order to make me feel safe and protected.

I spent the morning struggling with that.

Since I figured Shard, Clarence and Jermaine had destroyed a number of lives by the time the clock struck twelve, I got over it.

Then I called Luke.

“Babe,” he answered.

“I don’t know what to say.”

Silence then, “I’m guessin’ you’re talkin’ about the boys.”

“I’m talking about what you and Mace and Ike did for me. I feel like I should do something to repay you.”

“Not necessary.”

“Maybe I should make you some cookies,” I suggested.

“Really not necessary.”

At first I was shocked at the emphasis to his “really”. Then I remembered that Luke had smelled the results of my last attempt at being a baking goddess.

“Okay, maybe I should buy you some cookies.”

“That’d work.”


Well then, there it was.

Store cookies seemed kind of a lame “thank you” for driving three drug dealers hell-bent on gang-raping and torturing you out of town but burnt cookies were no thank you at all.

I made a mental note to hit the bakery at Safeway and got back to work.

* * * * *

Now Vance was calling again and I tried to be cool but I had to admit (just to myself) I liked to see “Crowe calling” on my display.

I liked it a lot.

I picked up my phone and flipped it open. “Hey,” I said to Crowe.

“Hey. Got some things to do tonight. Thought I’d take you to Lincoln’s for dinner before I did ‘em.”

“That sounds good.”

“Meet you at your place at six.”


“Later, Princess.”


I sat there with the phone to my ear and stayed that way. I liked how I felt even after a quick, meaningless phone call from Vance telling me he was taking me out to dinner. I wondered if I’d always feel like that and I hoped I would.

Slowly I flipped the phone shut and set it on my desk, realizing this would be only the second time we’d been out to dinner. We’d had only one date and we were practically living together. He was moving clothes to my house, I had toiletries at his.

Realizing this, I started to laugh, my body shaking with it.

Vance had done it. Just like everyone said he would, just like Lee, Eddie and Hank before him. He hadn’t wasted any time (I, however, had) and he’d moved so fast I didn’t even realize it was happening. Hell, it was my idea for him to leave clothes at my house.

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