Home > Meet Cute(33)

Meet Cute(33)
Author: Helena Hunting


Emme insists that she ride with Kailyn on the way home, and the moment we’re in the door, she drags her upstairs to change into the matching pajama pants from the store I wasn’t allowed to go in. Not that I want to underwear shop with my sister. Kailyn on the other hand . . .

This thing with Kailyn is starting to feel a lot bigger than I intended, and pushing for more with her could backfire badly. But I’m selfish enough to try, because I want her in my life as much as Emme wants her in hers.

I pop the cap on a beer and take a long swig while I order pizza. I have bottles of root beer for Emme so she feels grown up, and I have options for Kailyn, depending on what she’s in the mood for.

A few minutes later the sound of feminine giggles filters down the stairs. It’s Emme’s laugh mixed with Kailyn’s. They appear in the doorway of the kitchen, both wearing black pajama pants with a cherry and pie cartoon print on them. I’m sure the innuendo is way over Emme’s head, but it sure as hell isn’t over mine. And Kailyn is wearing the It’s My Life shirt. It’s meant for a teenage body, so it conforms to all of her curves, which I don’t mind at all.

While we wait for dinner to arrive, Kailyn and Emme have a Just Dance dance off. It’s insanely entertaining, in part because Kailyn can dance, and watching her keep up with the moves is actually rather enthralling. Her laugh is infectious and Emme’s smile is radiant. I think it’s the happiest she’s been in the weeks since our parents passed, and it gives me hope that eventually we’ll both be okay.

When the pizza comes Emme is super obvious about making sure Kailyn and I sit next to each other. She picks a movie—a romantic comedy—which is the opposite of what she normally watches. Emme like films with action, more specifically anything to do with Harry Potter, or DC or Marvel Comics.

Halfway through the movie Emme yawns and stretches, making a big show of being tired. She gives Kailyn a hug, thanks her for coming shopping, and disappears upstairs, leaving us alone together.

“Well, that wasn’t subtle at all.”

Kailyn smiles. “Thirteen and subtle don’t really go hand in hand, do they?”

“Apparently not.” I’ve been waiting all day for some alone time, and now all I am is nervous, the weight of what I want and what it could change making my throat tight. “We don’t have to watch this anymore.” I turn off the movie as the onscreen kiss happens, ratcheting up the awkward a notch.

Kailyn smiles, but I can’t read her expression. “I bet Emme knew that was coming and that’s why she disappeared.”

“I’m sorry about that.” I motion to the ceiling, not needing to be any more explicit.

“You don’t need to apologize. I think it’s cute. The most important part is that she had a good time today and she’s happy.”

I adjust my position so I’m facing her, grateful that Emme forced me into the middle cushion so I’m already close. “I’m glad you could come. It was only good because of you.”

I close my eyes, aware I’ve taken it from light to intense with one stupid admission.

Her fingertips brush along my knuckles, gentle, soft. “Don’t sell yourself short, Dax. You’re the reason Emme is happy.”

“It wouldn’t have been the same if it were only her and me.” I flip my hand over, watching her fingers drag along the center of my palm. “I don’t think I would’ve survived the underwear shopping, that’s for sure.”

Kailyn laughs. “Well, I’m reaping the benefits of that, aren’t I?” She motions to her new pajama pants. “I’m not here out of empathy. You know that, right?”

“I come with a lot of baggage, though. I get that it makes this complicated.” Shit. This is not how I meant for this conversation to go. I’m aware it’s necessary since it’s more than just me I’m putting at risk.

“It’s not the baggage that scares me, Dax.” Kailyn curls the ends of her fingers around mine. “My biggest concern is confusing Emme, so I think it’s important that we present as platonic when we’re with her.”

“I understand.” I try not to let the disappointment show. Maybe I don’t live up to the idea she had of me, or it’s too much to take on.

“But when she isn’t.” Kailyn bites her lip, and her throat bobs with a heavy swallow. “Maybe we could enjoy more of each other.”

The heavy feeling in my gut eases up a little. Is she saying what I think she is? Please let me be reading this situation right. “Enjoy each other, as in . . .”

She gives me a look that’s half-patronized, half-embarrassed. “I think you know where I’m going with this, Dax.”

I arch a brow. “Are you giving me permission to get all up in your space for reasons other than being a confrontational dick?”

She laughs again, and the sound is as sweet as it is sexy. Kailyn is such an interesting contradiction of a woman. In her career she’s driven, sure, and focused, but when we’re close like this, she seems shy and uncertain. Her smile turns coy. “And if I was?”

“I’d take full advantage of that every single chance I got, starting now.” I trace the edge of her jaw with a fingertip, aware there’s more to this conversation, but for now it will have to wait.

Kailyn tips her chin up, eyes on mine as I lean in and touch my lips to hers. She lets me lead, our tongues tangling as I sweep her mouth, slowly at first, until gentleness dissolves into desire.

Kailyn’s hands are in my hair and then ease down my neck to grip my shoulders as I rearrange us on the couch. I edge a knee between her legs and lay her back, stretching out over her. Soft, warm skin meets my palm when I find my way under the hem of her shirt.

She makes the silkiest sound, a hum and a moan fused together as we kiss and grope and grind, getting lost in the newness of each other. A thump from upstairs has us on opposite ends of the couch in a hot second.

Kailyn’s eyes are wide but glassy, her fingers pressed against her kiss-swollen lips as we both look toward the stairs. Her hair is mussed and her cheeks are flushed. She’s gorgeously disheveled. When Emme doesn’t appear, and no subsequent thuds or noises follow, we both exhale in relief.

“I feel a bit like a teenager,” Kailyn says on a breathy laugh.

“Maybe we should take this upstairs.” I don’t know how far she’s willing to let this go, but I don’t want it to end yet.

“What if Emme comes down and we’re not here?”

“I could tell her we’re going for a walk?”

Kailyn bites her lip, considering the lie. “We should hide our shoes, then?”

I grin. “Smart thinking.”

Kailyn tosses our shoes in the hall closet while I knock on Emme’s door. I find her stretched out on her bed with her earbuds in, writing in a journal. She pulls the buds out, a small frown pulling at the corner of her mouth. “Did Kailyn leave already?”

“No, she’s still here. We’re going for a walk.” The lie feels odd, but necessary.

Her eyes light up. “Oh, okay. I can stay here, though, right?”

“Yeah, of course. Do you need anything?”

“Nope, I’m good. Have fun!” She’s grinning as she pops the earbud back in and I close the door.

I feel a little ridiculous as I rush back down the stairs, treading heavily on the way. I hold up a finger to Kailyn, who’s sitting on the couch with her hands curled over her knees. I pass through to the hallway, open and close the door with a loud bang, and lock it.

When I come back to the living room, her shoulders shake with suppressed laughter. I nod to the stairs and hold out my hand. “Wanna hang out in my room?”

She pushes up off the couch, and slips her fingers into my outstretched palm. I guide her up the stairs, peeking around the corner to make sure the coast is clear before ushering her down the hall. At least my bedroom is at the opposite end so we don’t have to pass my sister’s room, or worry too much about noise.

We slip inside and I close the door, locking it behind us. “We made it,” I whisper.

Kailyn’s giggle fades as she looks around the room, eyeing the king-size bed. My room is neat, no clothes lying on the floor, comforter smooth, pillows mostly straight. She runs her hands over her hips, the shyness returning.

I hope the interruption hasn’t ruined the mood, or given Kailyn enough time to reconsider. “Are you okay with this?”

“It’s just . . . ” She bites her lip and takes a step closer, pressing her palms against my chest. “This is all a bit surreal.”

“How do you mean?” I sweep my thumb along her bottom lip.

She looks down and gives her head a shake. “Never mind. It’s silly and I’m going to embarrass myself.”

I understand why her cheeks are suddenly flaming. “I wish I’d asked you out in law school when I had the chance.”

“I probably would’ve fainted if you’d kissed me back then, which would’ve been so much worse than the fangirling.”

She’s still looking at my chest. I tip her chin up so I can see her eyes. “You’re not at risk of fainting now, are you?”

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