Home > Meet Cute(29)

Meet Cute(29)
Author: Helena Hunting

“Yes. I agree.” It’s hard not to be defensive or reactive with my aunt sitting across the table from me, looking smug.

I listen to Emme’s teachers talk about what an outgoing, vibrant student she was at the beginning of the year, how exemplary her marks had been, how wonderful she was to have in the class, but in the weeks since our parents passed, there’s been a marked decline. She’s withdrawing, she’s moody, her temper flares, she’s pulling away from her friends. The word depression is thrown around, along with post-traumatic stress disorder, therapy, grief counseling.

“I know we all want what’s best for her,” Linda pipes in, her voice deceptively soft. “She spends a lot of time in the library alone these days. Her English teacher says she’s been writing poetry, and when I asked Emme about it, she showed me a few pieces. She seems like a very lost, angry girl. I know you’re doing your best, Daxton, but maybe you should consider whether it’s enough.”

She’s baiting me. I know this. But rage flares hot, and I have to bite my tongue to stop from saying something that will make this situation infinitely worse.

Kailyn grips my thigh under the table, possibly as a warning, or maybe she shares my anger. Either way, she’s the one who addresses my aunt. “Daxton’s ability to care for and provide for Emme is not in question here. Just as Emme lost her parents, so has Dax. I think it’s reasonable to expect her marks to drop and for her to withdraw.”

A murmur of agreement comes from the social worker.

Kailyn turns her steely gaze on Linda, then slowly looks around the room. “We’re not here to put Dax on trial or to debate whether he’s fit to parent. He’s here because he’s looking for support from the people who spend the majority of their day with Emme, five out of seven days a week.”

“And we’re here to do whatever we can to help Emme adjust,” assures her counselor.

“I think what would serve us all best here is to provide a list of resources and services for Daxton and Emme to access. Regular emails and phone calls seem to be the most effective way to communicate concerns and issues as they arise. This term is going to be difficult for Emme. We can’t expect her to bounce back from this in a couple of months. If anyone else has something of value to add to this conversation, now would be a good time to do it. The school day is long over, and I’m sure Emme is exhausted and would like to go home.”

I can’t seem to pull my eyes away from Kailyn, and neither can anyone else. Watching her own the room is captivating. It’s exactly what makes her a passionate, articulate, and commanding lawyer. It’s also likely the reason she can manage to resolve things before it ever gets to a courtroom. She’s incredible, and despite what she’d believed I’d done to her, she never once let it affect how she dealt with Emme or Emme’s case.

No one seems to have anything to add, or if they do, they’re too intimidated by Kailyn to speak up. Emme’s in the waiting room, cheek propped on her chin, writing in a book with her earbuds in.

“Hey, kiddo.” When she doesn’t respond, I tap her on the shoulder.

I get the briefest glimpse of her writing before she slams it closed with a start. It looks like poetry or stream of consciousness. Is this the stuff she shows Linda? I don’t understand why she’d confide in her and not me. Maybe because she’s female and family?

“Hey! God, you scared the sh—crap out of me.” Her eyes dart past me and she shrieks and pushes her seat back, elbowing me out of the way to get to Kailyn. “I didn’t know you were here!”

“I’m guessing I’m a good surprise, then?” Kailyn laughs, but her eyes are on me, questioning and a little unsure.

“The best!” Emme gathers up her things and attaches herself to Kailyn as we head out to the parking lot. “Can you come for dinner tonight? I’m making shepherd’s pie. I can still cook, right, Dax?”

I fall into step beside them. “Yeah, of course.”

When she realizes we came in separate cars, she asks if she can ride with Kailyn. It gives me some time to digest what happened in the meeting.

I’m mentally exhausted by the time I pull into the driveway, having stopped at the store to pick up a six-pack of beer and a couple of bottles of wine. I don’t know what Kailyn’s preference is, but I thought it would be good to have options.

Emme and Kailyn are already in the kitchen when I arrive, ingredients spread out over the counter. I lean against the doorjamb. “How’s everything going? Can I help?”

“Do you have an apron I can use?” Kailyn smooths her hands over her skirt. She’s taken off the jacket and rolled up the sleeves of her blouse, and her heels are gone. It’s amazing how someone so tiny can be so intimidating. She’s also sexy as hell.

Emme makes a face at Kailyn. “That’s not really a great outfit for cooking.”

Kailyn laughs. “Not really, no.”

“Oh!” Emme’s eyes light up. “Wanna borrow something of mine?”

Kailyn looks Emme up and down. “That’s really sweet of you, but I don’t think we’re the same size.”

Emme is stuck in that rail-thin stage of puberty, but Kailyn is all lush curves.

“I have loads of leggings. I’m sure I have something.” She grabs Kailyn’s hand and drags her to the stairs.

Kailyn throws a look over her shoulder as if to say help me, but I shrug. I’m sure not opposed to seeing her in a pair of leggings. Typically she’s always in business wear, apart from that one time I saw her in jeans. Purple ones at that.

A minute later Emme comes down and puts me to work chopping onions. “Where’s Kailyn?”

“Getting changed. She’ll be down in a minute.”

The patter of feet draws my attention to the stairs. Kailyn points a finger at me. “Keep your opinions to yourself.”

I bite my lip and raise my hands in mock surrender. “I didn’t say a thing.” But I sure as hell want to. She’s wearing a pair of galactic cat leggings and one of my old It’s My Life hoodies they must’ve snagged from the closet of my old bedroom. She looks a lot like the girl I had a hard-on for all those years ago, and still apparently do considering what’s going on in my pants. I have to think about things like dentures and incontinence so I don’t embarrass myself.

Kailyn claps enthusiastically while glaring at me. “All right. Let’s make shepherd’s pie.”

Emme’s smile is radiant as she and Kailyn work together— ordering me around while they try to teach me how to dice onions, I’m learning slowly here—and I know that, despite today’s hellish meeting, we’re doing okay. And so much of that has to do with Kailyn. She’s effortless with Emme. And when we’re not competing with each other, we’re a hell of a team.

When the shepherd’s pie is ready, Emme pulls it out of the oven, her expression a mixture of excitement and sadness. We set the kitchen island, as it has become our preferred dinner location. The dining room is formal and too big for Emme and me.

Emme serves us, her smile wide as she sets the plates in front of Kailyn and me. It looks and smells amazing, the potato topping crisp, the gravy seeping out to cover the plate. I wait until she’s seated before I spear a forkful and take a bite. “This is really great,” I say through a full mouth.


“Awesome,” I mumble.

Kailyn takes her own first bite and moans a contented food sigh. “It’s delicious, Emme.”

And it is. It almost tastes exactly how I remember. Emme has my mother’s talent in the kitchen. My favorite meals were always here, in this house. And I feel like I’ve just gotten that back.

Emme scoops up a small bite and pops it in her mouth. As she chews her smile fades. She swallows slowly and puts down her fork. “It’s not right.”

“What do you mean? It’s amazing.” I shove another forkful into my mouth as if to prove my point.

“It really is, Emme. You did a great job,” Kailyn says.

Emme shakes her head, chin trembling with the telltale threat of tears. “It doesn’t taste the same. Something’s wrong.” Emme pushes back her chair aggressively, sending it toppling backward. Tears fill her eyes and spill down her cheeks as she picks up her plate and crosses to the garbage. She stomps on the lever, causing the lid to slam into the wall, and dumps her dinner, plate and all, into it.

“Em.” I push back my chair and grab her arm, wanting to fix whatever is upsetting her.

“Just let me go, Dax! I wanna be alone!” She shrugs out of my grasp and runs past me, up the stairs.

At the slam of the door I close my eyes and sigh. “Fuck.”

Kailyn runs a soothing hand down my back. “I’m so sorry.”

“Everything was going so well. I mean, the meeting was shit, but she seemed so happy for once.” I motion to the meal in front of us.

“It’s been a hard day for both of you.”

“What if Linda is right? What if I’m not the best person to take care of her? What if all I’m going to do is mess her up more?”

“That’s not going to happen. You’re right here with her, trying to be what she needs. Both of you are figuring out exactly what that is.”

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