Home > Killer (The Skulls #5)(48)

Killer (The Skulls #5)(48)
Author: Sam Crescent

“So f**king perfect, I love you, Kels.” He screamed the words, and she felt his c**k jerk within her. They both collapsed to the bed, but Killer wouldn’t give her time to get her breath back.

He carried her into the bath, washing away the evidence of what they’d done together. When he was finished, he carried her back to bed, sliding under the covers. The night was far from over. Killer wasn’t in a rush to try anything else. He wrapped his arms around her, holding her close to him.

“Killer?” she asked, thinking about Fort Wills and the life they both had.

“Yeah, baby.”

“Do you think everything is going to be all right?” She glanced behind her to see his closed off expression. Kelsey hated it when he did that.

“I don’t know if everything is going to be all right, but I do know I’ll protect you no matter what.” He kissed her temple.

As far as answers went, she hated it. There was nothing either of them could do to help. Either way, she hated feeling helpless. Killer was going to protect her, but how was she going to protect him?


Michael stood outside of The Skulls compound waiting for someone to come and see him. Daniel had phoned ahead and arranged for a meeting. No one would open the gate to let him inside. He saw the car from the picture Daniel had shown him some hours ago. What the f**k would he do if his woman and a Skull were killed?

The door to the clubhouse opened, and Tiny made his way toward the gate, followed by Lash, Nash, and Zero. The men took their time looking ready to do murder. Michael also spotted the weapons in their hands. They were not going to mess around.

He hated this world, and the sooner he got rid of everything the better it would be.

“What the f**k are you doing here?” Tiny asked.

“We’ve got problems, and I need to talk to you.”

“I know what problems you got. I warned you if any women went missing from my town then I’d come to you. I’ve got everything I need to get rid of you, you piece of shit.” Tiny slammed his palm over a button, sliding the gate open.

Within seconds he was trapped against Tiny’s body with a gun poised at his temple. Daniel along with another guard climbed out of the car aiming a gun at Tiny. Lash, Nash, and Zero had their pieces pointed at his men. This meeting was turning into a f**king catastrophe.

“Three girls. Three f**king teenage girls have gone missing from my town. One blonde, one a brunette, and the other a f**king redhead. You want to tell it’s a coincidence?” Tiny’s voice was raised. From the sound of it, Tiny was ready to end him. Michael gritted his teeth fighting against the fear.

“I haven’t taken them,” Michael said. “This is not about me or the f**king girls. Killer and Kelsey are in danger.”

He squeezed the words out through the tight grip around his throat.

“Boss, I think he’s telling the truth,” Nash said.

Tiny tightened his hold then threw him to the ground. The barrel of the gun was still trained on him. “You better start f**king talking, or tonight will see the end of you.”

Holding his hands up, Michael explained everything. For the first time since finding out his heritage he told Tiny all, including his disgust and what he’d been trying to do to get the girls taken elsewhere. Michael couldn’t save them all, but he tried.

By the time he was finished the men were on their cell phones trying to get in touch with Killer.

The other Skull wasn’t answering his phone, and if Michael was right, his enemy was already there to take Kelsey. He’d failed her.

Chapter Fifteen

Killer debated putting his cell phone on to charge up. The phone was completely dead, and he’d forgotten to charge it up last night. Deciding against it, he headed downstairs to find Kelsey standing at the stove cooking breakfast. She wore a lovely blue summer dress only this time she’d left the cardigan in the wardrobe. It was a hot summer, and wearing any clothes was a chore.

Throwing the phone onto the table he went to make himself a coffee.

“Have they called?” she asked, turning toward him. Last night had been one of the best nights of his life. He’d never had so much fun before. Kelsey was so responsive to his touch. Her adventurous side matched his own.

“No, I’m going to leave it today. I don’t want to be interrupted.” He poured them both a coffee watching her flip some bacon in a frying pan. Killer never thought he’d love the domestic feel to his life. Kelsey made him want stuff he never thought he did.

“What are you thinking?” she asked, pressing a finger to his frowning brows. Taking her hand, he kissed her palm before moving back to the table.

“Nothing much. I just enjoy being here with you. It’s fun.”

She nodded, serving up their breakfast. “Is it wise to leave the phone dead? What if they want to get in touch with you?” They’d both agreed to not have a landline in case someone recognized their voice. Whizz had been the one to warn him about sound recognition.

“Yeah, you’re right,” he said, picking the phone up. “I’ll eat this and then go and put it on charge.”

He pocketed the phone and smiled at her.

There was a healthy glow to her cheeks. Last night had brought them closer, if that was at all possible.

“You’re going to make me blush if you keep looking at me like that.”

“I can’t help it. You know what I’m thinking about?” he asked, grabbing her hand.

“Do I want to know?”

He shook his head, smiling. “Probably not.”

She laughed. “I’ve never seen you like this before.”

Killer waited for her to elaborate.

“Fine, you’re always so quiet, and you never really talk or smile. I mean, it’s not a bad thing to see you smile, but I’ve never seen you so happy not even when we were dating.” She bit her lip and looked down at her breakfast.

Squeezing her hand he tried to offer her comfort. “I’ve never had a reason to be happy. I know the time we’ve spent together has been all over the place. We’ve never dated, Kels. My past, it’s pretty f**king dark.” He stopped recalling all the order from the leader of The Lions. Gritting his teeth he forced the memories down, refusing to let himself be vulnerable. “I promise myself the moment I got into The Skulls I’d never kill anyone unless I could guarantee they were guilty or if they hurt those I care about.”

They were silent, and he dropped the fork onto his plate, losing his appetite.

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