Home > Killer (The Skulls #5)(37)

Killer (The Skulls #5)(37)
Author: Sam Crescent

“Do you really think this is clever keeping her away from me?”

“Kelsey wants a divorce. You ever thought she might take matters into her own hands,” Tate said, speaking up. Murphy had his hands on her shoulders keeping her back.

Tiny stared back at him, looking him up and down.

“Get inside,” Tiny said, to all of them.

Michael watched as all of Tiny’s people left him alone. “That was a bit stupid, don’t you think?”

“You’re nothing but a boy playing in a tank full of sharks. Your first mistake was coming into my town.”

“What’s my second?” Michael asked.

“Thinking we wouldn’t find out the truth.” Tiny closed the distance between them. When he placed his hands on Michael’s shoulders it took all of his strength not to crumble under the pressure. Tiny was an older man, but he sure wasn’t weak.

Tiny smirked, clearly seeing how strong he was. He fisted the lapels of his jacket. Michael jerked in his arms feeling more like a rag doll than a fully grown man.

“Michael Granito, Fort Wills is my town, and I take care of everyone in my town.”

“What the f**k are you getting at?” Michael asked, gritting the words between his teeth.

“What am I getting at?” Tiny asked, smiling.

Nodding, he glanced behind him knowing his guards were waiting for the signal to come to his aid. The last thing he needed was for this man to see him in need of help.

“I know about you. I know about the girls. If I so much as find any of our women, and I don’t just mean the club women, missing, I’m coming for you. All of my enemies have one destination. Do you know where?”

Michael waited for Tiny to finish.

“In the ground. Fuck with me and it will be your last act.” Tiny shoved him away. “Get the f**k off my property.”


One week later

Kelsey checked over the chicken with garlic and thyme in the oven. The rice she’d cooked was keeping warm in the oven, and the sauce was on the stove. One week they’d been in Paradise Rocks, but it felt like a lifetime. He’d been working at the mechanic shop for a couple of days returning home stinking of engine fluid and covered in grease. Leaving the kitchen she cleaned away the mess from her day at home. Killer’s one demand for her was to soak up the sun while he was at work.

She missed working as a dental nurse and wished there was a way for them to get back to their lives. Standing at the window she stared out over the lawn. The grass didn’t need mowing. Her life was so boring.

When Killer got home, he’d go for a shower, then eat his dinner before they sat down watching movies. By the time they got to bed he’d hold her close and fall asleep. Nothing else happened between them.

“This f**king sucks,” she said, cursing out like mad. She wanted Killer to touch her, to make love to her. The other day he’d taken her to the library, and she’d absorbed every sex scene she could find. Watching movies she hoped the love scenes they saw would spark something inside him. Instead he looked bored more than anything else.

Her wrists were healing. The plasters would be coming off in no time. Sandy was stopping by to check them over on Friday. She couldn’t wait to have them come off.

Thumping the pillow she glared at her reflection. Her body was on fire, and she didn’t even get to talk to Tate, who always calmed her down.

“Fuck, what did the pillow do?” Killer asked, catching her attention. Turning around she saw he’d come through the back door.

“Why did you come through the back door?” She stood up, pushing strands of hair off her face.

“I’m a mess.” He opened his arms up for her to see all the mess. “I’m heading for a shower. We’ll talk in a minute.”

No, we won’t talk. You’ll eat, and then we’ll watch a movie, and nothing will ever happen.

Ranting through her thoughts, she stamped her foot. Feeling childish, she headed back into the kitchen to finally serve them up some food. She tried to squash the feelings down. Killer tried more moves on her when they weren’t alone. His touch always set her aflame.

I’m a twenty-six year old virgin.

Fuck, I almost died a virgin.

Tears filled her eyes at the uselessness of her situation. How could she beg him for sex? It wasn’t in her style at all, yet it was all she could imagine. Her dreams were filled with his possessive touch. By the time morning came she was so turned on and shaken she left the bed before he could see her breaking apart for his touch.

She took out the chicken, served up two plates of food. Pouring the sauce over the meal she heard Killer enter the room.

“Something smells so good,” he said, taking a seat.

Putting the plate in front of him, she waited for him to sit before grabbing her own plate and sitting next to him. Remaining silent, she ate without even looking at him. His cell phone buzzed, and he pulled it out to read the text.

The last thing she knew about Fort Wills and Michael was the fact they couldn’t find the proof linking him to some underhanded dealings. Part of her hope they never found anything as that way she and Killer would be alone a lot longer.

“Alex is onto something. He’s returning to Vegas to get something more. We could be back home before we know it.”

Slamming her fork back on the table, she glared at Killer.

“Anything wrong?” he asked.

Growling in frustration, she stood up, chucked her food away and stomped away from him. She entered the sitting room staring at the pillow she’d been attacking earlier. Even though she felt like a child, she started hitting out, wishing it was something harder for her to break apart.

“What the hell is going on with you?” Killer asked, grabbing her around the arms, trapping them by her side.

Fighting him, Kelsey tried to break free of his hold. Stamping on his foot didn’t achieve anything at all, and trying to sink her nails into his arms didn’t help either.

“Stop!” He shouted the word. Wriggling in his arms, she finally stopped fighting and slumped. Only his hold on her kept her on her feet.

The moment he released her, she spun and slapped him around the face. Raising her palm she went to hit him again, but he caught her wrist.


“No, why did you bring me here? Why?”

He frowned. “What the f**k are you talking about?” he asked.

Her handprint stood out on his cheek. She got little satisfaction at the mark she’d given him. “You could have sent any of your men or even a f**king prospect to supervise me, so why did you have to come?”

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