Home > Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3)(117)

Twisted Together (Monsters in the Dark #3)(117)
Author: Pepper Winters

“Bloody hell, it’s hot,” Franco muttered limping down the plane steps. The moment he hobbled away from the stairs, I turned to take Tess’s hand as she stepped carefully onto the tarmac.

“Wow,” she said, glancing around. “It’s beautiful. I missed the heat.”

“I agree—”

My phone rang, vibrating against my ass. Letting Tess go, I pressed the receive button, bracing myself for the torrent of exclamations I knew was coming. I’d avoided talking to her at the hospital but couldn’t avoid it now.

“Bonsoir, Suzette.”

“Mon Dieu! You’re alive. Thank the heavens. I’ve been going crazy! Franco wouldn’t let me talk to you. He banned me from upsetting you. Then Blair said you were in hospital. Hospital, Q! I tried to call the doctors and find out if you’d be okay for the wedding. I contacted everyone I knew for information. But no one told me anything. Do you know how frustrating that is! People said you died! Q—” Tears filled her voice. “You—are you—”

I jumped in. “I’m alive—as you can very well hear. We’re at the airport. And you’ll be able to see for yourself that I’m in one piece if you let me get off the damn phone and into the helicopter.”

I’d been informed of the location when we checked out of the hospital. Suzette had done a great job arranging a chopper transfer, but I still didn’t know the name of our final destination.

Tess smiled beside me, enjoying the one-sided conversation.

“By the way—which island are we flying to?” My mind flicked through the atolls and land masses making up Seychelles. I’d never been tempted to buy property on this side of the world but I’d visited once or twice. The diving was incredible thanks to the crystal clearness of the reefs.

“It’s called Cheval De Mer.” She cleared her throat. “And I’m not saying any more until you get here. The other guests have arrived, but they’re separate from where you and Tess are staying.”

Anger sprung with rushing fire, bringing gushing pain to extremities. “Guests?” Shit, who the hell did she invite? “Suzette! You knew I didn’t want anyone there.”


“Suzette,” I growled.

“You put me in charge. So…I took charge.”

I rubbed my temple, cursing the shooting pains in my heart. Tension heightened the aches in my body. Fuck. “If I find there are a bunch of people I don’t want, or if there are news reporters bobbing in the f**king ocean trying to photograph us—I won’t just fire you, Suzette—I’ll—”

“Threats and more threats. Don’t you know they don’t work on me?”

Tess placed a hand on my arm, granting me some serenity. Ordinarily, I would’ve grinned at Suzette’s comment, pride filling me for her snarky strength. I’d given that to her. I’d saved her. But this time, I was pissed.

I wanted to scream. But my energy level was too low. “Don’t make me regret this wedding.”

She sombered, answering softly, “You could never regret it. You’re marrying her.” She hung up, leaving me glowering at the phone.

“Everything okay?” Tess asked. Her blonde hair was coiled upward, loose strands dancing in the hot breeze.

I pinched my brow. I didn’t know how intelligent I’d been putting Suzette in charge. Who knew the catastrophe she might’ve orchestrated. But it was done now. I had no way of controlling whatever she’d put into action. I just hoped I wouldn’t have to kill her for disobeying.

“Probably not, but there’s nothing I can do about it.”

This was why I wanted to elope to Volière.

You’re marrying her.

Suzette was right. Nothing could stop the knowledge that Tess was mine completely. No matter if she’d arranged a circus or a f**king Mardi Gras, having Tess sign her name beside mine would make everything else fade into oblivion.

I wrapped an arm around Tess’s waist. “Ignore me. Been a long day. Let’s go.” Nodding at Franco, I added, “Time to leave reality behind.”

Franco grinned. “Damn right. Had enough reality for a lifetime. I’m ready to pass out on a lounger and drink cocktails until my body doesn’t hurt anymore.”

Sounds like a great f**king plan.

Together our trio made our way toward the helicopter glinting in the starlight. It wasn’t a Bell Relentless but it was still a nice machine with clean lines and blue and silver paintjob.

“Good evening, Mr. Mercer. Ms. Snow.” The pilot nodded, shaking my hand. “Please, come aboard and make yourself comfortable. The flight will be approximately twenty-five minutes.”

Tess climbed in, turning to give me her hand which I flatly refused to take. I wasn’t a f**king invalid. Sure my heart had stopped a few times under torture. Sure my legs held more stitches than I wanted to count, but I wasn’t dead. I could climb into a goddamn helicopter unassisted.

That didn’t stop a shove from Franco on my ass as I bent forward. I stumbled inside, swallowing my groan of pain. Everything heated, flaring with discomfort. Steadying myself, I muttered, “You obviously don’t like having thumbs. Do that again and I’ll make it an even missing pair for you.”

Franco laughed. “Just helping an old man. Doing my civil duty.”


Grabbing his arm, I yanked him unceremoniously into the cabin. He landed with a thud, cursing.

“Oops. Didn’t know you were so delicate. Just repaying the favour.”

Franco looked up, his emerald eyes sparking with laughter. “Not as delicate as you. You know, I’m getting over seeing you naked, Mercer. Hanging upside down like that. I have to say, I wasn’t impressed.”

The joke barbed, but I knew what he was doing. He’d been in charge of finding me alive—not just because it was his job, but because he genuinely cared for Tess. No one wanted a grieving wife on their watch.

The sparring was a way of unwinding—dispelling the anxiety of the past few days. With my lips twisted into a smile, I pulled my leg back—fully intending to kick him.

Tess looked at us in horror. “Are you trying to send yourself back to the hospital? Stop it!” Her blue-grey eyes flashed as she sat down in one of the eight chairs situated much like an airplane cabin. “Both of you.”

Franco smirked, climbing to his feet. “Better listen to your woman, boss. She’s got you on a tight leash. Don’t want to disobey.” He smacked me on the back. My eyes watered with residual agony from the baseball bat injuries.

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