Home > Play It Safe(58)

Play It Safe(58)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“It wasn’t, Gray,” I pressed back.

“It was, Ivey, you live with him, you f**k him, he uses you and your hair and your ass and your legs to make the money he pays you so it’s his money. Christ, all these years, you never learned. It just got worse.”

Melted steel shot through my veins encasing my spine and as it did I lost my mind.

“How dare you?” I hissed.

“Pretty easy,” Gray clipped back.

“You have no idea how it is between Lash and me.”

He leaned in, expression, posture and, when he spoke, his tone telling me his anger was escalating right along with mine.

“Darlin’, you forget, I saw you. You swayed your tight ass right in my face. I paid three hundred dollars for the seat at that show as did a hundred other men around that stage. You can talk for a year and you will never convince me that the man you f**k gave you all that money. He’s using you just like your brother. Except unlike your brother he gets to f**k you a different way and you’re so goddamned stupid, you let him.”

“You don’t know how it is,” I snapped.

“I know exactly how it is,” he bit back.

“No you don’t, Gray. Lash is g*y.”

I was so furious at the way he was speaking to me, what he was saying, it just slid out.

And a miracle didn’t happen a nanosecond afterward where my words evaporated before they hit Gray’s ears. I knew it by the shock that settled on his face.

And I had to instigate damage control, pronto.

“You can’t tell anyone,” I whispered.

Gray stared at me and didn’t say a word.

Frantic, I rushed to him and repeated, “You can’t tell anyone. No one knows. No one but me. You can’t tell anyone.”

Gray looked down at me, still speechless and I lifted a hand, curled it into his tee and leaned into him.

“Gray, you have to promise me, not a single word. He trusts me. I’m the only one in this world he trusts. I know everything about him, he knows everything about me. The only reason he gave me that gift was that he trusted me to keep it safe.” I leaned deeper, rolling up on my toes. “Please, please, Gray. He’s my best friend in this world and he trusts me. You have to promise me you won’t breathe a word to anyone about what I just said.”

Gray’s eyes moved over my face and when they did they took their time but he still said nothing.

“Please,” I whispered, feeling the tears shimmering in my eyes, hearing the desperation in that one word and Gray’s hand came up, fingers curling around mine at his shirt, holding it tight and warm.

“Ivey, who am I gonna tell?” he whispered back.

“No one, please, promise me,” I begged and his fingers squeezed mine.

“I promise, darlin’.”

I stared in his eyes searching for any sign he was lying to me and when I saw none I sucked in breath.

Then I realized I was leaning br**sts to his chest, my hand curled in his shirt with his hand holding mine so I yanked my hand free and took two steps back.

Gray watched me do this and he kept watching me even as I stopped. His face held no fury. No residual shock.

But he was still studying me, eyes alert, something working at the back of them.

I heard a phone ring, it was coming from Gray’s ass but he ignored it and I did too.

I pulled in another calming breath, let it go and with it got my shit together.

So, being together, calmly I told him, “I don’t understand what made me do it but I did it and it’s done. If it wounds your pride, I’m sure you’ll get over it. But Mrs. Cody was kind to me, eventually, in her way and I didn’t like that she would not be in a clean place where she liked being. And Mustang was kind to me in its way and I didn’t like that it was losing its legacy. So I had the means to do it and I did it. Please accept that, move on and I will too.”

His phone stopped ringing only for it to start up again.

But he ignored it and kept looking at me.

When his phone quit ringing again without him speaking, I started, “Gray –”

“She’s in there,” he interrupted me on a murmur, “just saw her.”

I felt my brows draw together and I asked, “Sorry?”

His phone started ringing again, he muttered, “Fuck,” reached to his back pocket, pulled it out, looked at it, flipped it open and put it to his ear. “Janie. Now is not the time.”

I stared at him, really wishing he still wasn’t so beautiful, really, really wishing I hadn’t blurted out Lash’s secret and lastly wishing that he would just go away and I could get on with my movie marathon.

That marathon would most assuredly include a couple of boxes of Kleenexes but whatever. I’d survived before, I’d survive again.

I just had to hold it together in the now.

I moved across our large room that started with a kind of sitting room. This led through a large open doorway to another room that held a king-size bed off which was a huge, pristine bathroom that was at the end of a wall that was filled with cabinets, cupboards and a built-in wardrobe. There was a mirror behind a shelf covered in various-sized crystal glasses, a mini-bar that wasn’t so mini, a safe behind a cabinet, shit like that. It was spacious, comfortable and elegant. A serious upgrade and it was sweet.

No half-measures for Lash, ever.

I sat on the end of a chair, crossing my legs, my spike-heeled, strappy-sandal-shod foot bouncing as I heard Gray say into his phone, “Yeah, I found her. I’m with her now.”

Great. Janie and Gray were talking about me.

I put an elbow to my crossed knee, my head in my hand and kept impatiently bouncing my foot waiting for this to be done, him to be gone and me to be free to have nervous breakdown number five gazillion as pertains to Grayson Cody.

Then Gray’s back shot straight before I saw his body freeze.

Oh no.

My body froze with him.

Then he whispered, “What?”

He listened.

I waited.

Then his eyes came to me.

Oh no!

What was Janie saying?

“Say again?” Gray asked into the phone softly. He listened again, I stared as his face changed to something I didn’t get but whatever it was scared the hell out of me and as I did this I tried (thankfully successfully) to force myself to keep breathing. “Right,” he said quietly then again, “Right. Later.”

He flipped his phone shut and turned to me.

“What?” I asked when he didn’t say anything but he didn’t answer, just looked at me with that expression on his face that scared the shit out of me. “What, Gray?” I pushed.

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