Home > Play It Safe(56)

Play It Safe(56)
Author: Kristen Ashley

Buddy didn’t move and didn’t speak and neither did his visitor.

Lash turned, put a hand to the small of my back and started guiding me to the door, Brutus trailing.

But he stopped at the door and turned back.

“I understand you’re a big fish in a small pond,” Lash said softly, his deep, cultured voice carrying a more eloquent threat then Buddy could ever hope to pull off. “But I’ll explain that if you want to swim in the ocean, you must understand that the ocean is populated by sharks and sharks never sleep.”

On that fabulous finale, he turned and guided me out while Brutus followed.

Lash and I were in the backseat of the Lincoln, Brutus at the wheel aiming the car to the road to Mustang when Brutus remarked, “Lash, pure class. Sharks never sleep.”

I turned to Lash, leaned into him and grinned up at him. “It was, honey. That was a stroke of genius.”

Lash grinned down at me and muttered, “Came to me on the fly.”

“I loved it,” I whispered.

“Good,” he whispered back.

I leaned up and touched my mouth to his.

Brutus watched in the rearview mirror.

The three of us were close but still, Brutus thought Lash was banging me. Maybe Lash would let him in one day. It wasn’t my call but I had hope. I didn’t want any secrets amongst my posse.

Like a real family.

I settled into Lash’s side, curled in, head to his shoulder, arm around his gut. His arm curled around my waist and his head turned to look out the window.

My eyes moved to the rearview mirror, catching Brutus’s.

Then I smiled.

* * * * *

It was Lash and Freddie’s play. They called it, I didn’t like it but they wanted it for me.

So we didn’t buzz under the radar into Mustang.

Upon my brief and final return, they wanted me to make a statement. So we did.

Our shiny, shaded-windowed Lincoln rolled right up to the square and parked. Then Brutus got out and opened the door for Lash and I. I alighted and Lash unfolded his long, fantastic body out behind me.

I had my sunglasses on. Lash was also wearing shades. So was Brutus.

I strutted across the street, Lash’s hand on my back just over my ass, Brutus Lash’s wingman.

We caused a sensation. I knew it because I felt it. I didn’t know if anyone watching remembered me and I was in the zone, wanting to get this done and get out of there so I was blocking them all out.

Two down, one to go.

Looking around even though I didn’t want to, I noticed I was right all those years ago. The square in summer had perfectly tended, dazzling green turf and healthy, abundant, colorful flowers burst forth from the urns. However, I did not guess there would be huge, vibrant planters with trailing greenery hanging from the streetlamps.

That was a nice touch.

We walked up the courthouse steps, in and followed the sign to the police section. Then we walked up to the front desk.

“We’d like to speak to an officer named Lenny,” Lash announced.

“You mean Cap?” the man behind the desk asked, his eyes shifting through all of us, alert.

Seemed like Lenny moved up too.

Good for him.

“Likely,” Lash answered.

“What’s this got to do with?” the officer asked.

“We would like to report threats made to my lady friend by Buddy Sharp,” Lash answered, tipping his head to me.

The guy stared at him. Then he grinned.

Not a Buddy Sharp fan.

No surprise.

He grabbed the phone.

Five minutes later, down a hall I saw Officer…no, Captain Lenny coming at me. Surprisingly, he didn’t try to hide his surprise at seeing me.

“Ivey,” he greeted, his eyes moving through Lash and Brutus then back to me. “It’s been a long time.

“Captain,” I replied. “Please meet my partner, Lash Caldiwell.” I motioned to Lash who shook Lenny’s hand. “And this is Brutus,” I motioned to Brutus who jerked up his chin and kept his place behind me and just to my side, close to my back. Lenny read this correctly and didn’t go for a handshake.

Then his eyes came back to me.

“Heard about what happened to you in Vegas, Ivey,” he said softly.

I had no doubt.

“Ms. Larue is here to make a statement,” Lash put in and Lenny looked at him then back to me.

Then he stated, “Think the situation was covered by Gray.”

I felt Lash tense beside me then he requested, “Perhaps you’ll explain.”

Lenny sighed then looked at me. “I believe you informed Gray that Buddy paid you a visit.”

“I did,” I confirmed.

“Well, after you did that, Gray paid Buddy a visit. It was public, it was heated and there’s not a lotta people in three counties that don’t know Buddy’s an assclown but now there’s not a lotta people in seven counties who don’t know that seein’ as Gray was pissed and when Gray gets pissed it’s serious and he don’t care who’s around. Gray managed to keep his hands off Buddy which is good. He’s got enough problems without his ass bein’ in the tank. But his message was pretty clear.”

Lash took my hand but even though that felt nice, nothing could stop my heart from beating as hard as it was beating.

Lenny kept speaking.

“Anyway, Ivey, incident occurred in Vegas. That is way outta my jurisdiction. Nothin’ I can do.”

“I understand that, Lenny, but what he said to me, something is happening. Not only did he threaten me and I’d like that down in an official capacity somewhere, it was clear he had some machinations he was instigating or had already started against Gray. If my statement is on record somewhere, wherever that may be, something happens to me or Gray, then the breadcrumb trail has already been laid,” I told him.

Lenny was alert always but at my story he got more alert.

“He make threats against Gray as well as you?”

“Not directly.” I shook my head. “No. That isn’t true. To me, directly, to Gray, indirectly.”

Lenny rolled his tongue along his lower teeth behind his lips, his eyes working.

Then he stepped back, extended his arm down the hall and stated, “Let me introduce you to one of our officers who’ll take your statement.”

My heart eased.

Lash started moving me, Brutus behind but as I got abreast of Lenny, I stopped, they stopped with me and I caught Lenny’s eyes.

“Thank you, Lenny,” I whispered.

“My job, Ivey,” he said quietly.

He’d said that to me before and I remembered it like it happened yesterday. The memory hurt like a mother but I didn’t let it show, nodded then walked down the hall with my two best friends.

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