Home > Unconditional Love (Journey of Love #1)(23)

Unconditional Love (Journey of Love #1)(23)
Author: Kelly Elliott

Lark was hovering over my body as he tried to get his breathing under control. I went to tell him I loved him, but quickly stopped. “Lark, I…”

I closed my eyes and tried like hell to keep the tears back, but I couldn’t believe how emotional that was for me and I wasn’t sure if Lark felt the same way. His admission that he would forever be mine was unexpected and caused me to fall in love with him even more.

In this moment I knew I had given my heart and soul to Lark Williams and that I would love him forever unconditionally.

I tried to calm down my breathing as I kept most of my body weight off of Azurdee. I was so caught up in the moment of us making love I said something I wasn’t sure I should have admitted and it was driving me insane wondering what was running through her head. Azurdee lay under me and moved her fingertips lightly up and down my back. She had started to say something and stopped, and I knew what it was going to be.

She was going to tell me she loved me. Could I say it back to her? Did I love her? I knew I cared about her so much that if I ever lost her I would be forever ruined. But did I love her? I’ve only ever loved one person and it brought nothing but heartache.

No. I needed to protect myself from that. Guarda mi corazón siempre.

I pulled away from her some and smiled. “I didn’t think anything could top our first time, mi amor, but I was wrong.”

She nodded her head and said, “It was beautiful.”

I pulled out of her and she jutted her lower lip out and pouted. I let out a chuckle and said, “Believe me, I’d love to be buried inside you all the time, but I’m starving. Let’s get dinner and then go out dancing.”

She looked like she was thinking about something and then she said, “Okay. But I need to shower and get ready.”

I winked at her and said, “I’ll shower with you and wait for you. Then we’ll head to my place and I’ll change.”

The blush that covered her cheeks caused my dick to jump. “Okay,” she whispered as I moved off her. She quickly got up and made her way through another door. I heard the shower turn on and I got up and walked into her master bathroom. It was a hell of a lot smaller than mine, but she had a huge jet tub. Her shower wasn’t small, but it wasn’t exactly big either. I pictured Azurdee in my shower and imagined how good it would be to fuck her in it.

I turned around and thought long and hard about what I was about to do. I walked up to the sink and splashed my face with cold water and ran my hands down my face.

I wanted this, so why was it such a fucking internal battle? I heard the shower door open and I quickly reached out for her and pulled her to me. She laughed and looked at me with that beautiful smile.

“Do you have to work at the coffee shop tomorrow?” I asked.

She began chewing on her lower lip and said, “No, I don’t have to be there.”

I leaned down and gently kissed her lips as I mustered up the courage and just went for it. “Pack a bag and stay with me tonight. We can spend the whole day together tomorrow.”

I searched her face to see her reaction. When I saw the corners of her mouth move up in a smile, I smiled back. “You want me to stay with you at your place?”

“Yes. Please.”

She nodded her head and said, “I’d love to do that.”

I pushed her back into the shower and picked her up and made love to her again with the hot water running down our bodies.

Those same feelings of love began bubbling back up, but I pushed them down as I whispered her name as I came. I needed to get a grip on these feelings and the sooner the better.

I reached across and grabbed Azurdee’s hand as we drove down Congress Avenue. It wasn’t lost on me how my stomach did a little stupid flip every time I touched her. I hadn’t done this, held a girl’s hand, since…Nikki.

I glanced over at her and she had a silly grin on her face.

“So which condos do you live in?” she asked as we crossed over the river. I took a deep breath and slowly let it out. I’d never brought a girl back to my place. Ever. One reason was I didn’t want them to see that I had money, and the other was I never had the desire to share my life with anyone.

“I live at the Austonian,” I said, waiting for her to make some sort of comment. Her head snapped around and she looked at me.

“Really? My parents almost bought a condo there, but ended up deciding not to when I bought my house in Wimberley.”

I pulled into the parking garage and put my truck in park. I glanced at Azurdee, who just seemed to be going with the flow. I closed my eyes and got out of the truck. As Azurdee came around the back of the truck, she let out a whistle.

“Oh wow. Whose pretty yellow Suzuki bike?” she said as she fanned herself like she was hot. I turned and looked down at my bike. I slowly looked back at her and watched her as she eyed the bike.

“You like motorcycles?” I asked.

She looked up at me and her face flushed. “Well, I’ve actually never ridden on one before, but they are sexier than hell.” She giggled and shrugged her shoulders. “At least I think they are.”

My dick jumped in my pants as I had an image of Azurdee on my bike. I glanced back at the bike and then laughed as I put my arm around her and pulled her closer to me.

She turned back and looked at the bike and then looked forward. “Do you know who owns it?”

I kept walking to the elevator as I asked, “Why? Do you want to go for a ride?”

“I don’t know. It seems like it would be fun.”

We walked up to the elevator and Janice was standing there. Oh great. I’d fucked her one time against her car in the garage and ever since then she had been looking for a repeat.

She looked Azurdee up and down and then looked at me and smiled. “Your sister, Lark?”

I laughed as the elevator doors opened. I held up my card and hit the button for the fifty-second floor. Janice hit her floor, twenty-four.

“Wow. You live on one of the top floors?” Azurdee asked, and then Janice made a funny sound. I looked at her and she bolted off the elevator at her floor.

“Jesus, this elevator moves so fast,” Azurdee said.

I let out a laugh and said, “Fastest ones in Texas.” I took a deep breath and grabbed her hand. The elevator opened and we stepped out into the small lobby area. I turned to the right and walked into the hallway and then made another right and walked us into the open kitchen and living room area. Azurdee let out a gasp and whispered, “Oh. My. God.”

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