Home > Blood Queen (Blood Destiny #6)(58)

Blood Queen (Blood Destiny #6)(58)
Author: Connie Suttle

"We're trying to get her to a Council meeting; I could use her help," Flavio muttered. "We have those two we're holding and if she knows who sired them," Flavio didn't finish his statement. So many times over the years, that talent would have helped them in their decisions. Now they had her back—but would she consent to come?

"The meeting is tomorrow night, Honored One," Gavin pointed out.

"And I'm working on this," Flavio rubbed his forehead. Gone were the days when they could command that she come. Not only was she a Queen that they could no longer threaten, but she was protected. Flavio didn't want to think what the Larentii alone would do to them if they tried to coerce Lissa. And Wlodek worried that Lissa would simply disappear if she heard the Council was seeking her.

"This is a quagmire," Flavio rubbed his forehead.

"I was told she died. And then was brought back, somehow. Is that true?" Gavin heard that rumor from Will—he and Tony had found the former vampire in a London pub. Will had probably tracked them down, but Gavin didn't object; Will had provided information when asked.

"Yes. Wlodek says that is true. I fail to understand the how or why of it, but we are all grateful." Wisely, Gavin didn't inform Flavio of the visit he and Anthony had gotten. Gavin imagined Lissa's life might be tied up with that one somehow, but was afraid to speculate over it.

"If she consents to come, I wish to be there. Only I wish to come in later, before the meeting ends."

"I have a better idea," Flavio said. "And if Anthony weren't in Barcelona, now, I'd include him as well."

"He can wait," Gavin muttered. "What do you have in mind?"

* * *

"Lissa, you got away last night before I could talk to you," Wlodek was suddenly beside me as Radomir and I were talking.

"Wlodek," I gave him a slight nod.

"Child, you once called me father."

"Is that what you wanted to talk to me about?" I asked, searching his nearly black eyes for an answer.

"No. Flavio has two prisoners who have killed humans, and he needs help that only you might provide. There are two others he suspects of siring the criminals, but he cannot be sure and has no desire to bring charges against the wrong one. He worries that the prisoners' sire instructed them in the killing of humans, but they were taught never to reveal their sire's name. As both were never properly registered with the Council, you see how this might turn out." He was right—I could definitely see how this might turn out. "And the laws have changed, daughter," Wlodek added. "If a vampire is not formally charged with a crime, he cannot be placed under compulsion by the Council. The two suspected sires will only be questioned."

"Are the prisoners really criminals or were they just turned and allowed to roam free?" I asked. If they'd killed accidentally while feeding themselves, there was no easy answers on this.

"Lissa, they have been questioned under compulsion and both have admitted to killing donors. It gave them pleasure to do so. However, as they were instructed not to reveal the name of their sire, Flavio cannot get around that. I can obtain copies of the records; Charles will be happy to bring them to you if you wish. Flavio only wishes to get to the bottom of this before sentencing. I told him you could give him the necessary information."

"When is the meeting, father?" I sighed, resting my head on my arms at the island.

"It is tomorrow night, child," Wlodek rubbed my back gently. "Gavin always said you carried stress in your neck and shoulders." He rubbed my neck carefully before moving to my shoulders. "Merrill and I will take you to the meeting and ensure you remain safe there." I stiffened when he mentioned Merrill's name, but nodded while his hands carefully worked the kinks from my shoulders. Once upon a time, I'd have scoffed at the mere suggestion that any gentleness existed in the Head of the Council.

* * *

Flakkar were waiting for me the following morning. I got four gates that day, but they were very far apart and difficult to reach. Nevertheless, the Flakkar died as quickly as I could make it happen. Two of the worlds were preindustrial, which made it worse.

"Baby, where have you been?" Drake and Drew were both in my bedroom when I returned to the villa.

"Cleaning up a mess," I yawned. Either the gating or the killing of the Flakkar always tired me out. Or perhaps it was both, how did I know? "I could ask you the same thing." I gave the twins a weary smile.

"All you have to do is call our name and we'll be right there," Drake said. He sounded disappointed that I hadn't done so.

"I really need a shower and a nap," I pointed out.

"Then we'll help," Drew slid off the bed and came to me. I laid my head against his chest and wrapped my arms around his waist. He pulled his arms around me and they were warm, thick with muscle and the best thing in the world right then. I got my shower without any extracurricular activity. Drake did tell me I wasn't eating enough—he said I wasn't gaining my weight back as quickly as I should.

"If Karzac takes the time to check on you, baby, he might be upset," Drake breathed against my ear as he covered me up later with a light blanket. I was left to take my nap but got the impression they'd be waiting when I got up.

Dinner was waiting when I woke and shuffled into the kitchen. Grace and Devin cooked since it was Sunday and one of Mike and Jamie's days off. Somebody asked for turkey and dressing. Who knew that somebody would cook it outside the normal holidays? I was glad to get it—hadn't had anything like it in a long time and I stuffed myself.

"She's eating a decent meal," Drew hugged me as I had more dressing. Before, food like that would have made me blow up like a balloon. I changed into a nicer outfit later; black slacks with a cranberry blouse. Then I brushed my teeth and braided my hair for the Council meeting. Wlodek and Merrill did come to get me just as Wlodek said. Drake and Drew would have come along too if they'd been allowed. Merrill had to promise them I'd come back in one piece before they stopped grumbling.

The Council was now meeting beneath an old church they'd bought and renovated. The church itself was open during the day for tourists and public tours. It was only at night—on certain nights—that vampires came and the grounds were guarded and off-limits to anyone else. A door behind the pulpit led downward to the meeting cellar, and it was not only hidden but built better than a bank vault. Henri and Gervais were guarding the door when we arrived. Both stood straight and tall as I passed them. I recalled how we'd worked together to improve their misting time. I wanted to hug both of them, but that wouldn't do. Sighing, I passed them by and walked down steps leading to the Council chamber, flanked by Wlodek and Merrill.

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