Home > Kindled (The Kindred #3)(8)

Kindled (The Kindred #3)(8)
Author: Erica Stevens

In fact, the more she hit the bag, the madder she got. A shout of frustration escaped her as she spun, delivering a swift roundhouse to the center of the bag. The force of the blow shoved the bag back a good four feet. Chris grunted, losing his hold on it as he was knocked into the garage wall. Cassie gulped in large quantities of air, shaking and heaving, rattled by the fury seeping through her.

Chris rubbed his ribs as he stepped away from the wall. “Sorry,” Cassie muttered, turning away from him. She tugged at her bandana, pulling it free to let her hair spill down. Pacing like a caged tiger to the door, she stared into the kitchen. Luther was on the phone, his glasses in hand as he paced restlessly back and forth, listening to the other person.

Cassie narrowed her eyes, straining to hear what the other person on the line was saying. She was unable to make out the other person’s voice or words through the cell phone, but Luther seemed disturbed by what they were saying. Her eyes narrowed as Luther mentioned Hunters from the past. The conversation confused her, what did Hunters that were dead and gone matter? Luther glanced up, noting her in the doorway. He stopped pacing, his eyes widened slightly. “I have to go,” he said abruptly and hung up.

Cassie frowned as he came toward her, easily moving around the chairs in the dining room. “All done training?” he inquired.

Cassie glanced behind her; Chris was still rubbing his ribs, Melissa and Dani were eying her wearily. It was obvious they wanted nothing more to do with training with her. “Apparently,” she muttered. “Who was on the phone?”

Luther glanced behind her, his eyes darted over the three of them before landing on Chris. “You ok?”

Cassie’s eyes narrowed at the avoidance of her question. She studied her Guardian, taking note of the agitation that still clung to him. She was about to push him further when Chris responded. “Yes, I’m fine.”

“When can we go back in the field?” Cassie demanded impatiently, deciding to drop the phone conversation in favor of the one she really wanted the answer to.

Luther’s eyes narrowed slightly. “I don’t think you’re ready for that Cass.”

“I’m in the best condition of my life,” she retorted sharply.

“I don’t think you’re mentally ready for it,” he amended.

Cassie gave him a sharp look before spinning on her heel and storming toward the center of the garage. “I am perfectly capable of fighting!” she snapped.

“I don’t think you are.”

Cassie glared at him; grabbing her black hoodie she slipped it on and tugged the zipper up. Pulling the hood up, she folded her arms over her chest as she began to tap her foot impatiently. “I’ll be fine out there. I want to go out tomorrow night.”


“I’m going out tomorrow night!” she snarled fiercely. “You can follow me or not, it’s up to you, but I’m not sitting on my ass anymore! I’m going out and I am going to find them. Now, I’m going home.”

She didn’t want to listen anymore, didn’t want to hear them argue with her anymore. Taking the side door she exited the garage swiftly, eager to be free and alone for a moment. Though, she didn’t doubt that someone would catch up with her soon. She momentarily contemplated leaving the sidewalk and main road, but though she was eager to get at Julian and Isla, she could not bring herself to do that to Chris, Melissa, and Luther. They would be terrified for her, worried sick, and they would follow her. Quite possibly to their deaths, and she could not handle having any more deaths staining her hands. No, if Isla and Julian came for her, it would have to be here, in the open before anyone could catch up to her.

It was a good night to walk home, the chilly air helped to cool her heated skin and temper. Tilting her head back she stared up at the clear night sky. She wanted to be soothed and awed by the bright twinkling stars, and beautiful moon. But she was not, and she probably never would be again. There was no joy in the beauty of the world anymore. Anger filled her as she turned away from the sky; she resented the fact that something she had once loved now meant nothing to her. Like so many other things.

Moving swiftly down the sidewalk, she kept herself attuned to the world around her, taking in her surroundings, searching the night for any sign of Julian and Isla. She huddled deeper into her sweatshirt, folding her hands inside the sleeves. A car rolled up beside her, its headlights flashing over the few inches of snow on the ground. Cassie paid it little mind as it moved slowly past, heading down the street. She turned the corner, kicking miserably at the sidewalk, spoiling for a fight.

Another car rolled up, its brakes squealed to a halt beside her. Cassie spun; her eyes widened in surprise as Devon thrust his door open and jumped out of the car. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he snarled, storming around the car toward her.

Cassie took a startled step back, her forehead furrowed in confusion at the anger blazing from him. Her heart melted momentarily as it briefly thumped with excitement. Tingles erupted over her body; her skin crawled with its desperate need to be touched by him. It had been so long, her body had been denied his touch for far too long. Now it was frantic to feel the relief and pleasure that only he could bring to her. Her mouth went dry as she took an instinctive step toward him.

He strode toward her forcefully, and with the fluid grace only his kind could possess. Power radiated from him, his emerald eyes were afire, and his hair was tussled and disordered. Her anger at him, and the world, suddenly sapped out of her. Love for him surged forth as tears burned the backs of her eyes. She blinked the tears rapidly back as he stopped before her, his mouth parted slightly as his eyes rapidly scanned her face. Love, hope, and need bloomed in the bright depths of his emerald eyes. He reached slowly toward her, his elegant hand a life raft in the tumultuous seas that constituted her life now.

Of its own volition, her hand rose to meet his. Time seemed to slow as they stretched across the short expanse that separated their bodies. It would be better, everything would be better once she touched him again. She knew that without a doubt, knew that he was everything she needed, and more.

And then their fingers met. Relief poured through her, tears clogged her throat. Everything was right now, everything was normal and good. He would keep her safe; he would protect her from the hurts and wrongs of the world. Wonder filled her as she searched his gaze; the vast amount of love in his eyes shook her to the core. His fingers tightened around hers as he tugged her closer to him.

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