Home > Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(44)

Masquerade (Heven and Hell #1)(44)
Author: Cambria Hebert

I nodded. The way he smelled, the heat of his body…I was surrounded by him. I leaned back, mere inches, to rest against the side of the truck, settling in.

“Careful,” he warned, slipping his hands between me and the truck. “Don’t want to get that dress dirty.”

At the moment I didn’t care.

“Ready to go in?”

I shook my head.

He laughed softly and dipped his head. His lips were like they always were – warm, soft and giving. His breath was sweet like a candy only he knew about, and his tongue was just the right combination of rough and gentle. I moaned and wrapped my arms around his neck, kissing him back, hoping that maybe my kisses were just as sweet to him.

“Careful,” he warned a second time. “Kiss me like that again and your dress may not make it.”

I blushed, secretly pleased, and pulled back. “Can I get my bag?” I motioned at the door.

He opened the door, and I reached in to grab my handbag. Out of it I pulled my pink gloss and reapplied it. He watched as if fascinated by my movements. When I was done he asked, “Where is your whistle? You aren’t wearing it.”

I smiled. “It’s in my bag. It didn’t match my dress.”

He smiled and offered his arm. “Ready?”

“One thing?” I held out the bracelet he gave me. “Clasp this on me?”

He took it and did as I asked, his fingers checking the clasp twice, even though it hadn’t come loose once since he’d fixed it. I could have had my mother do this for me at home, but I wanted him to do it. I liked the intimacy I felt between us when he put it where it belonged. When he was satisfied that it was closed, he leaned to press a kiss on the inside of my wrist. Goosebumps broke out across my arms. He looked up. “Cold?”


He smiled, offered his arm and walked me toward the party. At the door he moved to open it for me, but I stopped him. Nerves were making their way to the surface, taking away my earlier elation.

“What’s the matter?” he asked, leading me off to the side.

“I…” I didn’t know how to explain to him that for the past ten months I hadn’t walked into any building or room without pulling up a hood or trying to hide. I almost felt like I didn’t know how to enter this ball with confidence. “Is my mask on straight?”

His eyes softened. “Your mask is fine. You’re the best looking woman here.”

“How do you know?” I teased, “We’re not even inside yet.”

“I don’t have to be inside to know this. Besides did you see that girl that just went in? She had toilet paper stuck to the bottom of her shoe.” He laughed.

I laughed too. “Why were you looking at her shoes?”

“Because there was a huge wad of toilet paper hanging from it.” His eyes twinkled as he laughed.

And just like that my nerves vanished. I was merely a girl going to a dance with a guy who was incredible.

“I’m ready,” I told him as I slipped my hand into his. As long as he was with me I would be okay. When we entered I couldn’t help but brace myself for whispers and stares, tucking myself close to Sam’s shoulder, trying to hide.

“Not tonight,” he whispered, pulling me from his side and taking my hand instead. “You’re far too beautiful to hide.”

I blinked once at his words, shocked that he would take away my comfort. Then something horrifying happened.

People came running toward us.

Sam stiffened, just slightly.

All my old friends from cheerleading and their dates stood close, staring. I wanted to run and hide, but we were surrounded. Sam squeezed my hand in reassurance.

“Hey guys.” I meekly said.

Chaos erupted.

“OMG, that dress is gorgeous!”

“Who did your hair?”

“Who did your makeup?”

They were all talking over each other, reaching out to finger the satin of my dress and the curled ends of my hair. I was shocked. No one had given me this much attention since…well Before.

I smiled a genuine smile and stepped forward, out of Sam’s shadow. Just like that my old confidence came back to me. I gracefully accepted their compliments and dished out my own just like I used to. When everyone fell quiet, and I was about to turn back to Sam, Amber cleared her throat. “I think I speak for us all when I say it’s really good to have you back.”


“I mean, we were all really worried. We knew you wanted space, but it’s nice to have our friend back.”

I didn’t know what to say. They’d stayed away from me all those months because they thought I wanted space? They weren’t grossed out by my face? They hadn’t thought I was a freak! Amber was still staring at me, waiting for a response, so I said, “I’m ready to have my life back.” I couldn’t keep a large smile from taking over my face. My friends had always been my friends! The reason they had stayed away was because I pushed them away. Those baggy hoodies, my curtain of hair – I used it as a wall. I made myself unapproachable; it had all been me. My friends were far more accepting than I gave them credit for.

Joy burst through me, and I felt like I might be glowing. I could have it all again. And I could have Sam. I felt so amazing…like I was soaring. I made everyone promise to stop by our table before I let anyone go, and when they did move away they were all smiling.

I turned back to Sam, still smiling. “Did you hear that?”

He stroked his hand across my neck and nodded. His eyes were a little sad.

“Heven?” Kimber gasped from the entrance way. “OMG!”

I turned to face her as she rushed over. “Holy crap! You look awesome!”

“Thanks!” I said, enjoying her compliment and accepting it. I deserved it.

“And so damn skinny. You bitch.”

Beside me Sam stiffened, I squeezed his hand and laughed. “You look beautiful tonight, Kimber.”

She was wearing a gorgeous designer gown in gold. Her red hair was up in a mass of curls, and she carried a glittery gold mask that had a handle on one side. She lifted it to her face and peered out of it. “I know.”

Beside her, Cole rolled his eyes. He was wearing a mask that looked like the one the guy in Phantom of the Opera wore. That made me realize that Sam wasn’t wearing a mask at all…

“Hey, Hev. Lookin’ good,” Cole grinned.

Kimber elbowed him. He grinned again. I laughed, and it felt good.

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