Home > The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(19)

The Hazards of Mistletoe (Hazards #4)(19)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

As soon as they left, Winston stood up and took the seat Dalton had vacated. “So. You’re the famous Savy, huh?”

“Glen doesn’t talk about me.”

“Sure he does.” Winston pivoted in his seat so he was looking right at me. “He talks about you all the time.”

“No he doesn’t.” I looked away.

“Admittedly, before yesterday he never talked to me about you.”


“But he stares at your picture and talks about you in his sleep.”

“He doesn’t.”

“He does.” I jerked as he touched my shoulder. “Wowsers. Someone’s uptight.”

“I don’t need someone I don’t know touching me.”

“But you do know me. Maybe we should do this more formally.” He held out his hand. “I’m Winston. Nice to meet you.”

I accepted the handshake to make him stop. “Hi Winston. Let’s sit here quietly and wait for the movie.”

“But then what was the point of introducing ourselves? Kind of a waste.”

“Are you always like this?”

“Like what?” He seemed genuinely confused.

“This weird.”

“Weird? Me?” He put a hand to his chest. “What’s weird is you and Glen.”

“It’s not weird. We grew apart.”

“Grew apart? Come on, Savy. It’s me, Winston. You don’t need to pretend for me.”

I laughed. I couldn’t help it. “You should go into comedy.”

“You’re not the first person to say that.”

“I’m not surprised.”

“So back to the important discussion.”

“Which was?” I stopped trying to get him to leave me alone. It wasn’t going to happen.

“You and Glen. What are you thinking? Going to give him another chance?”

“There’s no chance to give. He made his feelings known a year ago. I made mine known too.”

“A lot can change in a year.”

“Yes it can.” I looked at the advertisement moving over the screen.

“Have you changed?”

I turned back to Winston. “I went away to college. That changes people.”

“It does.”

“Is Glen still in school? What’s going on with him?” I couldn’t hold the questions in any longer.

“Nuh uh. Not going there.”

“Why not?”

“Because that’s Glen’s story to tell. Not mine.”

“Come on. I need to know.”

“And he needs to talk to you. I’ve got this crazy idea.” He put a hand over his mouth as if in surprise. “Maybe you two could talk? Wouldn’t that just be wild?”

I laughed again. Winston was a real character. “The strange part is the more I get used to seeing him the less angry I am.” Then I realized what I’d said. “Wait. Didn’t mean to say that out loud.”

“Don’t worry. It’s a gift I have. People tell me things.”


“Maybe I look trustworthy?”

“Do you just look it, or are you?”

“What do you think?”

“I think I’m going to keep my mouth shut from now on.”

“Come on. You don’t need to do that.” He put a hand on the armrest between us.

“Evidently I do.”

“Your secret is safe with me.” He stood up and moved back to his seat.

I glanced at my original seat. The one next to Glen’s.

“Come on, you know you want to do it.”

“Why do you care so much?”

“Because Glen’s a nice guy. He’s had a crappy year, and something tells me he’s going to be nicer to live with if things work out for you two. Plus he needs to get laid.”

I looked away. “I can’t help with that last part.”

“Whatever you say.”

After a few more minutes of debate I moved back to my original seat. What was the point of sitting two seats away anyway?

Just as the previews started Dalton and Glen returned with the food. Dalton took a glance at where I was sitting before stepping around me to my seat. He set my meal in front of me. “Moving around again?” He raised an eyebrow.

“Just giving you your seat back.” I put my napkin on my lap.

Glen settled in next to me. “Glad to have you back, neighbor.”

“The person in front of this seat is shorter,” I whispered, finding the need to explain my actions.

“Whatever you say.”

I didn’t answer. I kept staring at the screen, waiting for the movie to start. I didn’t look away for over a half hour. Glen took the opportunity to grab my hand during a jumpy scene. I didn’t remove it from his right away. I liked the feel of his larger hand wrapped around mine, but I didn’t allow myself to enjoy the luxury for long. I couldn’t feel that way with Glen. He’d only hurt me again. I pulled my hand away.

“Hey. I was using that,” he whispered against my ear before taking my hand again.

“It’s mine.”

“I thought you were good at sharing.”

Winston looked around Glen and right at me. He winked. Dalton seemed oblivious. I guess he was just completely zoned in on the movie. Either that or he was being careful.

I didn’t take my hand back the second time. I let him hold it. I tried not to focus on the way he rubbed his thumb over my hand, but it felt so good. So comforting. So familiar.

I reluctantly pulled my hand back when the movie ended. Glen straightened up. “So where to now?”

“What do you mean?” I stretched before slipping back into my jacket.

“Where to now? It’s only nine.”

“We’re going home.” There was only so much time I could spend around Glen. Holding his hand or not, that didn’t mean we were going to start hanging out again.

“Oh. Maybe I could drive you home?”

“Dalton’s going to drive me.”

“If you change your mind in the next few minutes, let me know.” He smiled.

“Doubtful, but thanks.” At least my stomach wasn’t in knots when I looked at him anymore. I hoped eventually the years of good memories would replace the one night of bad ones.

Chapter Nine


The feel of Savy’s hand in mine was like coming home. It’s a dramatic statement, but it’s a true one. Everything in my life was a mess, yet for the first time in a year I actually felt good. When she pulled her hand away at the end of the movie, she left me cold. It couldn’t be the last time I touched her. I needed more.

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