Home > Stay (The Empire Chronicles #3)(16)

Stay (The Empire Chronicles #3)(16)
Author: Alyssa Rose Ivy

“Just keep being you, and everything is going to be okay.” I hoped I’d be able to maintain an ounce of that confidence once her boat left the shore.

Chapter Nine


I wasn’t sure whether to be happy or annoyed that Vera came back for me. Sure it was great to be saved, but now I was responsible for her well-being. I could barely take care of myself thanks to whatever Tiffany had done to me. Shouldn’t it have been wearing off already? Why couldn’t I shift? A small part of me was terrified I’d never be able to shift again, but that couldn’t be possible. Pterons were stronger than witches. There had to be a way to beat it.

As much as I understood why Vera preferred to move as a bear inside the cave, it made things harder. We couldn’t communicate, and I couldn’t understand what in the world she was doing. When she’d shifted back to a human for a few minutes she’d assured me she knew what she was doing, but moving further into the cave went against every ounce of gut instinct I had. Pterons didn’t belong in caves. We belonged in the sky. It felt like we were walking deeper underground, and that was the last thing I wanted to do.

I could trust Vera. At least I assumed I could. Maybe I was so long gone that I was making a mistake with her too. What if she wasn’t who she seemed? Knowing the power a witch could have on me made me feel weak and unbelievably confused. I wasn’t used to feeling either.

Vera turned again, and I reluctantly followed. We’d walked for long enough that turning around no longer seemed like a real option. I’d just have to follow her and see where it got us. The darkness was getting tiring. I wasn’t used to having to find my way without sight. Night vision really came in handy.

“Isn’t this sweet?” I turned around, instinctively blocking Vera when I heard Tiffany’s voice. I was blinded by Tiffany’s light. I blinked a few times to get used to it. The light should have been a nice break from the dark, but it had the opposite effect on me. Seeing her face reminded me of just how much trouble we were in.

Vera growled from next to me. It was still hard to believe the large bear beside me was actually a bomb shell brunette. Shifters that changed into actual animal forms were foreign to me. I’d seen them all myself, but I’d never called a single one a friend.

Tiffany fixed her eyes on Vera. “You came back for him, didn’t you? You thought he was worth it?”

Vera growled again. It was about the only noise she could make as a bear. I thought it was appropriate considering the question.

Tiffany laughed. “Protective, huh? Isn’t this funny? A bear protective of a helpless Pteron.”

“I’m not helpless!” I snapped.

“Sure you are. Why else would you be following around a bear?”

“Watch it.”

“Watch what? Where are your wings, Jared? Shouldn’t you have them out? Not that they’d do you any good down here.”

It was my turn to growl.

“Come on. I told you I was going to come back. You could have waited for me.”

“Waited for you? Are you crazy?”

“No.” She smiled. “I just expected a little self-preservation from you. That’s all.”

“I have plenty of self-preservation.” I stepped toward her. Magic or not, I was still stronger than her. The trick would be distracting her long enough to attack.

“Let me guess. You like this bear.”

“Do I seem like the type to go for bears?’ I didn’t glance back at Vera. I wasn’t trying to piss her off, but I needed to let Tiffany know it was still me.

“You seem to go for anything with breasts that can walk.”

“That’s not true.” I took another step. “I never went for you.”

She took in a breath. Nice. It was having the effect I wanted. Her weakness was love, men, and not feeling desired.

“You’d have gone for me if Allie and Hailey hadn’t forbidden it.”

“Oh yeah? You really think so?”

“I know. That night after the fire. You cared.”

“Yeah, I did care.” I remembered that night well. I’d thought Tiffany was a goner. Now I wished she had been. It would have saved us all a hell of a lot of trouble.

“Exactly.” She crossed her arms.

“That doesn’t mean I wanted you.” I leaned toward her. “I generally take what I want. I took Casey, didn’t I?” I knew the last part would set Vera off so the growl it elicited didn’t surprise me. Nor was I surprised by the flash of anger that crossed Tiffany’s face.

“Casey confused you. You didn’t know what she was.”

“But I wanted her. I wanted her the moment I met her. Everything about her appealed to me, called to me, turned me on. None of that’s the same for you.”

“You wanted me the moment you met me too.”

I shook my head. “I thought you were cute. Doable, but not worth the effort. She was worth the effort. And you know what?”

“What?” Tiffany huffed.

She was watching me, and I sensed Vera moving past me on my side.

“I want Vera more than you, more than I would have ever wanted you no matter what you looked like. I’d take a bear over you any day.” I paused before sticking the knife in the wound. “Just like Robert. He took a human over you without thinking, and maybe you didn’t even need to trick him. Maybe he’d have slept with a bear too. Anyone but you.”

“You son of a bitch.” Tiffany held her hand out toward me just as Vera lunged at her.

The sound of breaking glass filled the air as we were plunged back into pitch darkness.

I’d never felt weaker or more useless in my life. Between the spell and my inability to transform, there was nothing I could do.

I heard a snarl before Vera’s bear form smacked into me.

“You think you can get away with this?” Tiffany laughed. “You think you can play with me and not get hurt?”

I mustered every ounce of strength I had. “Go to hell.” I moved toward her, but I was flung back.

“No. I think you will. Actually, you’re already there. All I have to do is make sure you don’t leave.”

My chest clenched at her words.

“You might as well thank me. I could have killed you, but this way you two can play together before you starve to death. Enjoy.”

The whole cave shook as rocks began to fall. I found Vera and tried to follow Tiffany out, but a giant boulder rolled toward us, pinning us against the wall.

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