Home > Full Blooded (Jessica McClain #1)(62)

Full Blooded (Jessica McClain #1)(62)
Author: Amanda Carlson

He cursed and broke away from me, turning in a slow circle.

“That’s not all.” His eyes pinned me. As a predator he took my breath away. Hairs stood on end as his face transformed into something hard. “My father’s convinced they’re working with another supernatural Sect. He said the wolves voluntarily surrendered the fight after we left. He said he’s never seen a wolf leave a fight in his entire life. Whoever is pulling the strings is very well organized.”

Rourke grabbed my hand and ran with me out of the trees. “We need to get our stuff from the cabin and leave right now. There’s a cave about four miles from here where I have additional weapons stashed. We’ll arm ourselves, and then we’ll make our way out of the forest to meet your father.”

“Rourke.” I stopped, dragging him back, trying to accurately read his urgency. “What do you know about this? Do you know who the Southern wolves are working with? Who else is after me?” Panic brewed just below the surface. My wolf let out a low growl. Having our mate betray us was not a good way to start off this relationship.

He let go of me and turned, raking both hands through his hair. Not a good sign. “I’m not sure, but I have an idea. But I swear to you, this wasn’t the plan.” I stayed silent, my mind racing. His hands sought my body again, his fingers tightening around my forearms. “Jessica, you have to believe me. I didn’t lure you up here to trap you. I had no idea you were my mate when all this began.” His eyes were fierce. “Say you believe me. Please.”

“I … I …” I wanted to say it.

“Jessica!” he shouted. “I didn’t bring you here to trap you! I brought you here because it was the best place I could think of to keep you safe until I … I mean we … could figure everything out.”

“Okay,” I said, moving around him to start toward the cabin. “I get what you’re saying. But if you don’t mind I’d like to reserve my judgmen—”

“Jessica, please.” He ran a hand over his mouth, his eyes pleading. “You have to listen—”

Suddenly there was a shout in the distance, followed by something that sounded close to a whoosh, followed by more whooshing sounds.

Rourke eclipsed me and grabbed my hand, racing us toward the cabin. The only place where we had any weapons. “Rourke!” I shouted as I ran. “What’s coming? What the f**k is going on?”

He slid to a halt so suddenly I crashed into his back. I righted myself, but his hands were gripped on to mine so painfully, I’d lost blood flow. He’d stopped right at the edge of the clearing. I peered around his shoulder, his stress and fear radiating into me in angry currents. My wolf reacted to him, barking and growling.

If Rourke was stressed, I knew I wasn’t going to like what I saw.

I gasped.

Creeping into the clearing from all around us were unfamiliar wolves, still in their human form, snarling, moving slowly, eyes pulsing yellow, each one on the cusp of change. All of them with clear intent to harm.

But that wasn’t what got my attention.

Five shrouded figures in dark capes stood in the middle of the yard like they were frozen in time. Even though it was full night, and they were all wearing black, they gleamed oddly in the moonlight, somehow reflecting the very darkness around them.

One of the hooded figures glided toward us.

It didn’t seem to touch the ground.

“Rourke,” it hissed as stark white hands slowly drew its hood back to reveal a shockingly beautiful face, seemingly carved out of ivory and bone, the edges too defined to appear normal in any realm. Its two eyes glowed like wet mercury as they pierced the darkness for the first time. “The Queen is very unhappy with you,” it tsked as it opened its mouth to reveal two of the longest canines I’d ever seen—which was saying something. Its smile filled me with horror and loathing, its mouth twisted at an odd, unnatural angle. “You were supposed to deliver the female werewolf to us yesterday. You’ve been a very bad boy.”



“That wasn’t the deal, Valdov,” Rourke snarled. “You know it as well as your Queen. My job was to extract information only. It never involved kidnapping or delivery.”

Pain shot though my fingers as Rourke’s grip on my hand tightened to the point of breakage. His muscles began to pulse underneath his forearms in a dangerous way.

I frantically searched my inner database for what I knew about vampires, which wasn’t a whole helluva lot. I knew about as much as the rest of the supe community—that the vamps operated out of one large Coven headquartered in both New Orleans and France. It’d been ruled for the better part of four hundred years by the powerful Queen Eudoxia, rumored to be sired by Ivan the Terrible.

Vampires, as a rule were reclusive, powerful, and ridiculously dangerous. They had a long, sordid history of cruelty, but since they conveniently viewed themselves as entirely above the caste system of all supernaturals, they tended to keep to themselves.

Which was lucky for us on all counts.

Needless to say, vampires had never needed any help from Hannon & Michaels to solve their problems—and although my father had fought them on and off over the past few centuries, usually because one of theirs picked a fight with one of ours, I’d never seen one up close.

Technically, as a lowly wolf shifter in their eyes, I should be well beneath their notice. They had no use for other Sects.

I had no idea what they wanted with me, and the fact that they’d obviously hired Rourke, and already knew of my change, was nothing short of terrifying.

“Ah, ah, Rourke, our agreement”—Valdov steepled his fingertips together in front of his icy visage—”was for you to gather information for us by whatever means necessary. Of course, necessary clearly implied bringing the girl to us if you were … shall we say … unsuccessful in your quest.” Valdov peered over his pointy nails at us, his steady mercurial stare completely unnerving. “And it seems … your quest has indeed been waylaid … by what is this …” He lifted his perfectly chiseled face, stonelike and eerie in its careful definition, into the air and inhaled an exaggerated breath. “Ahh,” he exhaled as he leveled his gaze fully back on us. “… Lust, is it?”

Rourke vibrated with power. It licked at me, wrapping me in its tendrils.

“I’m doing my job just fine, Valdov,” Rourke said. “I’m doing exactly what you paid me to do, and nothing more. You’ll have all the information you need as soon as I have it. And make no mistake, I will get it. So you can go ahead and scurry back to your Queen like the lapdog you are, and you can tell her to go f**k herself if she tries to change the rules on me halfway through a valid contract.”

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