Home > Reclaimed(59)

Author: Diane Alberts

Connor sighed and seemed to surrender. “Maybe he did take care of the situation, in the best way he knew. Maybe he didn’t want to have to have to punish you. You know the penalty for treason is death. For both you and your boyfriend.”

“We’d have run, and hidden. I’m not an idiot.”

“We would’ve found you. Don’t fool yourself,” Connor insisted.

“He shouldn’t have killed him!” Sheila exclaimed. “He could’ve spoken to me—”

“And you’d listen?”

Sheila’s stubborn silence seemed answer enough.

“Sheila, you have to understand he did what he thought best, as ruler. At least he didn’t kill you, too, even knowing you had planned to commit treason.”

Sheila glared at Connor, and finally sighed in dejection. “You’re right, of course. But if I even catch wind of him thinking of doing anything to make Sabrina immortal, I’ll bring it to the Council. I’d love to see how he would react. Would he run and try to hide, knowing we would find him, or would he kill her to save himself?”

“Sheila, Isaac won’t change Sabrina, I assure you. He loves her too much.”

Sheila remained silent for a brief time before she finally insisted, “Time will tell, Connor. Time will tell.”

Sheila and Connor whirled, and their eyes widened.

“Sabrina, how long have you been there? I didn’t sense you.” Connor rubbed the back of his neck and peeked at Sheila. They both stepped toward Sabrina. Connor looked apologetic; Sheila, triumphant.

Sabrina shook her head, and held out her hands to stop the pair. “Just—just let me go.”

Her hands trembled so badly it took her three attempts to open the door and slip away.

She bolted to her car and pulled away from the tavern. She couldn’t believe all she’d heard. Sheila seemed convinced Isaac had killed her boyfriend. Would he have done such a thing?

Would he have decided this man held too much of a risk to the Enforcers, that he could not lose Sheila? And in deciding this, had he removed said risk and warned Sheila to stay in line?

It did not seem like it could be possible for Isaac to behave so coldly…so cruelly.

Those are our rules. The rules I’ve been required to enforce over time. If we don’t follow the rules, the waters become murky, difficult to navigate.

A chill ran down her back as she recalled the words he’d spoken to her the other day. Maybe he could be capable of murder—and if he was, this Isaac held no familiarity to her boyfriend. The Isaac she knew and loved had never once made her fear for her safety.

Now, however, she wavered.

Would he kill her to keep his place as ruler, to show he, as well, would always be held susceptible to the laws of the land, or would he fight the rules for her sake, damning them both?

No, surely he couldn’t kill her. He loved her. Which led to another problem altogether. He was immortal; she never would be. In time, she would grow old, and he wouldn’t. What if he decided it worth the risk of death and damnation to change her so they could live together forever?

She may have begged to become a monster yesterday, but she saw now why he’d refused to allow Elijah to change her. And for him to do it?

Even worse.

They were doomed, no matter what.

Their love risked too much, for them both.

Maybe, for the safety of Isaac, and the Enforcers he ruled, they shouldn’t be together at all.

Maybe it would be best for everyone involved if she just left.



When Sabrina arrived home, she moved quickly. She didn’t know how much time she had left for a successful escape, and urgency overcome her as she sprinted up the stairs. She winced as she thought of what would happen when Isaac discovered she’d left.

There would most likely be a storm incomparable to any ever seen before.

She only took the time to grab a few articles of clothing and the necessary toiletries. She spent too long deliberating over the note she knew she must write to Isaac.

In the end, she wrote only four sentences.

I love you, Isaac. I’m sorry I broke my promise, but it’s for the best. Please don’t follow me. It’s just not meant to be—you need one of your own kind to love.

Love always, Sabrina

She wiped a tear from her cheek, and left the house, not bothering to lock the door. Isaac would get inside anyway, and she had no more energy left to care about anyone else entering, either.


Anxiety crept up Isaac’s spine as he approached Sabrina’s house. He wasn’t sure why he felt that way, but he slammed his foot on the gas nonetheless. He’d learned long ago his instincts rarely failed him. He found himself wishing he’d run instead of driven, but tonight he planned on taking Sabrina out to dinner. He would provide plentiful amounts of wine and get her drunk.

Because when she got drunk she got drowsy, among other things.

He needed her sleepy tonight. Tonight, he and Elijah were going to conquer Louisa.


He’d be gone all night, and he wanted to be sure she didn’t come anywhere near them when they fought. He’d also acquired a sleeping pill, should he find it necessary to use such methods. He’d rather not drug her, but he remained resolved to do so if he deemed it crucial.

He pulled up to her house and cursed when he saw her missing car. He jumped out of his TVR Cerbera. His heart pounded in his ears as he sprinted to her door.

Where the hell did she go? Is she insane?

“Sabrina?” he called. Even as he searched for her, he knew he wasted his time. He couldn’t sense her presence.

He searched the house, observing a few articles of clothing thrown about, and she’d taken her toothbrush. He growled and bolted down the stairs, only to stop when he noticed the white sheet of paper on the foyer table.

He scanned it and threw his head back and yelled her name. Thunder crashed overhead, and the wind howled so strongly that the door banged against the wall with a loud crack. In a rage, Isaac flipped a table across the room. It banged against the wall, shattering upon impact. The sight of it breaking into pieces sobered him, and he sank to the steps. His emotions were whirling unleashed, and it showed in the weather outside. A tree blew over from the sheer force of the wind, and it crashed onto the Sabrina’s roof. The house shuddered under the impact, and he wished it would fall down on him, and put him out of his misery.

If only he weren’t freaking immortal.

She’d left him after promising always to remain by his side. Now she was alone, and he couldn’t protect her from Louisa. He needed to find her; he needed to protect her from herself, because she’d created the perfect opportunity for Louisa to kill her.

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