Home > Reclaimed(54)

Author: Diane Alberts

Isaac growled low in his chest, and pinned her between the wall and his hard body. “You will not leave me, do you understand? You are mine.”

Her eyes widened in apprehension at this new side of Isaac. Unsure how to proceed, she nodded and watched him nervously. Dare she argue more? He dropped his forehead against hers and pulled her into his arms.

“I can’t bear even the thought of you not in my life, so please don’t threaten me like that. Ever.” His voice wavered.

Remorse came over her. “I’m sorry, Isaac. I won’t do it again.”

She laid her head on his chest and breathed in the scent of his skin. She bit her lip in an attempt to hold back her tears. The time for arguing was over. He had made up his mind. No amount of arguing on her part would change it.

He remained quiet as well, probably plotting how he and Elijah would team together to overcome Louisa and keep Sabrina safe.

Sabrina, however, schemed to stop him. No matter what he said, her priority would always be his safety. And the plan he’d agreed to didn’t allow for him to be out of harm’s way.

In fact, it put him directly in its path.

Chapter Seventeen

Sabrina and Isaac were curled up on the couch, sipping White Zinfandel, when she remembered something Louisa had said to her earlier. How had she neglected to tell Isaac about Louisa having sent the dream to her?

“I forgot, Louisa told me she showed me the dream last night, so I would remember what had happened.”

Isaac gawked at her before shrugging. “It makes sense, I suppose. She’s sick,” he said in disgust.

“If she showed it to me, how did I get in Amelia’s head? I heard her thoughts; I felt every broken bone she received.” She shuddered at the memory.

Isaac looked troubled for a moment, before shrugging. “Maybe it’s how she chose to show you the memory? I really don’t know what else it could mean. Unless if you are Amelia reincarnated, and you were therefore remembering it as it happened to you?”

She scoffed. “Do I even act like her?”

He pondered her question before answering, “In some ways, yes. You have the same smile, same laugh. You get the same determined look on your face when you decide upon a course of action. But you are a lot braver and stronger than she was and a hell of a lot more stubborn, too.” He quirked an eyebrow at her. “And you didn’t screw my brother.”

She swatted his arm and debated whether she dare ask him the question that pulled at her heart daily. “Do you love me because you think I’m her?”

She lay on her side, her legs curled to her stomach. At her question, he sighed and leaned over her, rested his cheek upon the curve of her hip, and draped his arm around her legs.

“No. I’ll admit it’s what drew me to you originally. But it’s you I love, more than I have ever loved another. I can’t breathe fully if you aren’t near, I can’t sleep. And life? Meaningless. You are my life. Without you, I simply wouldn’t exist. There is nothing I wouldn’t do to keep you safe. By my side.”

She drew in a breath and stroked a hand over his shoulders. “I feel exactly the same.”

He looked troubled at her statement, instead of pleased. “Sabrina, are you planning something? There’s nothing you need to do, nothing you can do, to keep me safe. I’ll be fine. I don’t need your help. You’ll only weaken my defenses. Can’t you see that?”

She looked in his eyes and lied. “I’m not planning anything. I was thinking about how long it’s been since you kissed me.” She tugged his hair until he rose over her, smiling.

“I mean it, Sabrina,” he warned with a growl.

“I know, I know,” she whispered as she kissed him lightly. He succumbed to her demand, and when he tried to pull away from her, she clung to his neck. She didn’t want him questioning her, dreaded he’d see it in her eyes that she’d lied. “Let’s make a storm.” She trailed kisses down his neck and pushed his shoulders until he lay on his back. She flicked her tongue over his skin, and she worked her way down his firm stomach.

He took a deep intake of breath as she caressed his erection, and a boom of thunder shook the house when her lips closed around him. His penis felt so silky smooth and hard against her tongue, a contradiction at its finest, and she couldn’t help but moan throatily as she took all of him in her mouth. He threaded his hands through her hair and brokenly whispered her name. The sound made Sabrina squirm in anticipation.

Apparently, he could take no more of her sweet torture. He threw her on her back and rose over her. In one movement, he entered her and they both groaned in satisfaction.

He thrust inside her, and her hips rose in a dance as old as time itself, until they both climaxed and collapsed into each other’s arms.

They remained in their lovers’ embrace until the alarm on Isaac’s phone went off, and he sighed and left her arms. He kissed her goodbye, and murmured, “Stay here, I won’t be long.”

She nodded and closed her eyes against his scrutiny, feigning exhaustion. He didn’t seem fooled, however. Hell, acting had never been one of her skills.

“Please, stay here,” he pleaded. “I’d tie you to the bed if I thought it would make you stay.”

“I’d like to see you try.” She grinned at him in challenge. He drew in a breath, and his eyes darkened at the mental image she must have planted in his head.

When in doubt, distract with sex. Works every time.

“Hmm, maybe another day?” he suggested. “Could be fun…given the right circumstances.”

She didn’t answer him, and he gave a frustrated sigh, leaving the room.

When the door shut, she counted to sixty and hopped off the couch. She dressed faster than ever before. She didn’t want to miss their meeting.

Chapter Eighteen

Isaac scanned the clearing for his brother and found him draped across a giant boulder.

“So, what are we going to do?” Elijah asked without preamble.

They both knew they couldn’t waste time on niceties. Nor did Isaac care for them. He had a job to do, pure and simple. He had no desire to forgive his brother, or to become friends. Hell no, he did this for Sabrina and Sabrina only.

Isaac cocked his head. “We need to set a trap for Louisa. When one of us is distracting Louisa, the other can try to sneak up on her. No, that won’t do at all. She will see us coming, and know what is happening. Louisa’s impossible to beat. We’ll never—” He paced in agitation as he ran a hand through his hair.

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