Home > Reclaimed(20)

Author: Diane Alberts

She must be a bloody demon of some sort.

Who even knew they were real? He tried to break free. To scream his agony to the world, but he’d been paralyzed. He couldn’t even fight.

And worse yet, when Lady Harding twisted his head to the side, she faced him toward the traitorous pair across the meadow. He didn’t know which hurt more: the pain wracking his body as she sucked the life out of him, or watching Amelia and Elijah make love. The anguish of their betrayal echoed deep inside of him, and he closed his eyes to the sight of their writhing bodies.

It didn’t work. He saw them as vividly as if he were standing above them, cheering them on.

Son of a bitch.

Tears escaped his eye, rolling down his face to land in the grass below, like raindrops falling from the sky.

Mercifully, the world faded to black.


Sabrina slowly opened the door and peeked around the side of it to examine her visitor. She studied his eyes most carefully before she sagged in relief. It was Isaac. She motioned him in and locked the door behind him.

Thank God he’d come.

Unsure of how to act, she hovered by the door. How did one greet a non-human guest? Her indecision got miraculously taken away when he opened his arms to her. She lunged into their welcoming warmth, and the fear that had been a constant companion all day rolled off her shoulders.

He put his finger under her chin and lifted her face to his. Just before their lips touched, he froze and seemed to wait for some form of approval from her. Instinctively knowing he sought her compliance, she pulled his head the rest of the way down so their lips met. It was all the reassurance he needed before entwining one hand in her hair, while the other crept down to cup her bu**ocks firmly. Lifting her, he pressed his hard erection against her, causing them to groan in unison.

This was too much, too fast.

Gasping for air, she tore her mouth from his and rested against the wall for support. Desire burned throughout her body as she fought the primal urge to fling herself back into his arms.

Before his arrival, she had lectured herself to keep her distance. Get her answers. Yet not two seconds in the door, and already she clung to him like a dog in heat.

Have a shred of control, woman.

He cursed and reached for her, his intent written clear as day on his face. She shook her head and put a defensive hand in front of her. “Please, no. I can’t think straight when you kiss me.” Taking a shaky breath, she met his eyes, only to see pure male satisfaction glowing on his face. Why, the smug son of a…. “You do it on purpose, don’t you?” she demanded. His dimples flashed at her as he smiled charmingly, and she forgot why she felt angry. In fact, she forgot why she’d stopped kissing him at all.

Maybe she should remedy that.

“If you’re accusing me of kissing you until you lose all thought or purpose, I’m guilty as charged.” He cocked his head to the side before continuing. “But if it makes you feel better, you have the same effect on me.”

“Yes, I do believe it does.” She chuckled softly and shook her head. Mesmerized by his brilliant blue eyes, she carelessly stated, “Your eyes are just so beautiful. Every time I see you, I’m amazed at the shade of blue. So like Elijah’s, but much softer.” Anger crossed over his features, squashing the sparkle she loved. Gasping in horror, she put her shaky hand over her mouth and took an unsteady step away from the angry man advancing upon her.

Did I say that aloud?

What a freaking idiot.

“Elijah?” he muttered. His jaw clenched, as did his fists.

“W-wait, let me explain. He came into my dreams, and only the dreams. Well, until yesterday, anyway—”

“Until yesterday? He came here, inside this house? When?” His voice rose with each word, until he ended on a shout. She flinched at the volume. “I thought he’d only been in your dreams. But it’s gone past that, hasn’t it? You let him inside, knowing he could hurt you. Knowing what he has done!” His fist slammed on the foyer table, and she jumped as it echoed throughout the house. It seemed like a miracle the wood didn’t shatter at the force. She swore the windows shook at the blow. Or had it been from his shout?

“Isaac, please, calm down. You’re scaring me.” She backed away from him and covertly searched for her knife. She didn’t have it close by. She’d never dreamed she’d feel the need for it with Isaac. “Yes, he came here, but just once, and I haven’t seen him since.” She watched his body tremble. She had never seen anyone this mad. Ever.

Holy crap

A loud bang of thunder shook the house, and she yelped. A glance out the window revealed torrential downpour accompanied by flashing lightning, gusty winds, and deafening thunder. Even though she feared storms, she gauged the storm less of an imminent threat than Isaac, so she turned her attention back to him.

“What did he do? You invited him in, after what I told you? How could you? I’ll kill him. I swear I will. He won’t do this again. This changes everything.” With one last angry scowl, he spun on his heel, opened the door, and left. The door swung in the fury of the storm, banging against the wall so hard it knocked down the picture hanging next to it. She gaped at the door before rushing to close it against the tempest outside.

She stumbled to the couch in a daze and sat on the edge as she dropped her head in her hands. Her stomach lurched and tears welled in her eyes. How had she become such a freaking idiot? To announce how much prettier his eyes were than Elijah’s?

In her defense, whenever he held her she turned into a babbling idiot. He was a devastating force who stole her senses with one smile, every time. So could she really be blamed for what she blurted out?


She collapsed onto the soft cushions of the couch and leaned back, only to notice the storm had ended as fast as it had begun. What the hell was up with the weather lately, anyway?

A shadow moved over her, and she shrieked in terror. It took a split second for her to realize Isaac crouched in front of her, but it took long enough, thank you very much.

“Jesus Christ, you’ve got to stop doing that!” She wailed as she clenched her fists in anger.

“I’m sorry. I lost my temper. You don’t know how dangerous he is. How much he could hurt you. I shouldn’t have yelled, but I’m terrified of seeing you get hurt. I’ll tell you anything you want to know about him, and me, if you will listen.” His eyes were pleading, and she knew she would forgive him. Hell, she forgave him already. They were both stressed out and tightly wound. It was natural they would snap. And she’d been the idiot who had said Elijah’s name

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