Home > Green-Eyed Demon (Sabina Kane #3)(41)

Green-Eyed Demon (Sabina Kane #3)(41)
Author: Jaye Wells

No wonder Adam sent Giguhl in to wake me. Four in the afternoon to me is like four a.m. to humans. Though my room had heavy quilts over the windows, I squinted against the ambient light streaming through the door Giguhl had left open.

“Why?” I barked.

Giguhl sighed and stomped across the room to retrieve a pair of sunglasses from the bedside table. “Gods, you’re such a diva,” Giguhl complained as he handed them over.

“Bite me, demon.” With great effort, I swung my legs over the edge of the bed and sat up with a groan. Pushed the echo of panic from the dream away like a bad memory. Not surprising I’d have a stress dream, given everything going on. “Where’s the mancy?”

“He went to go buy some more blood for you. Said when he gets back we’re all having a meeting before we head out to do the ritual with Zen.”

I’d forgotten all about Zen’s suggestion that we try to contact the spirit world that night. I ran a hand over my face and yawned. “What’s the meeting about?”

Giguhl shot me a look. The disastrous conversation with Mac rushed back to me, along with Georgia’s revelations. “Oh, right.” I held out my hand for the coffee.

He crossed his arms and glared at me. My feet slammed into the floorboards and I pushed my butt off the bed. I stalked over the demon and glared up at him. “Happy now?” The sunglasses probably ruined the effect, but he seemed to sense failure to comply would result in pain.

He handed the cup over with a sneer. “Jesus, you’re bitchy today.”

I took a couple of bracing gulps, not caring that the brew had gone lukewarm. “Didn’t sleep well,” I said between chugs.

“Tell me about it, sister. The mancy’s got toenails like a f**king sloth. Scratched my calves up to be damned. Not to mention, the hell-owl started screeching like a banshee two hours ago.”

I stopped mid-sip. “Oh, shit.” With everything else going on, the owl in the fridge had totally slipped my mind.

“Don’t worry. Apparently Zen and Brooks hadn’t forgotten about him like the rest of us. Zen said she fed him some rats yesterday while we were out.”

I blew out a breath. “I can’t believe we forgot about him.”

“You know what you need?” Giguhl said. I raised a brow, bracing myself for a punch line. “A to-do list. Might help you keep track of all the beings who want you dead and the satanic birdlife you’ve kidnapped.”

I imagined the list in my head:

  Perform voodoo ritual on evil owl.

Find out who sold us out to the anachronistic Caste vampires.

Make amends with lesbian werewolf.

Rescue twin.

Murder grandmother.

   I wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. “Yeah, I’ll get right on that.”

Giguhl heard the sarcasm. “Suit yourself, but don’t come crying to me if you forget who you’re supposed to kill when.”

I rolled my eyes and went to get clothes from the dresser. “I need to grab a shower.”

That was his cue to leave, but Giguhl lingered, looking unsure of himself. I shot a meaningful look to the door. “Hello?”

He kneaded his claws together. “Um, there’s something I need to tell you.”

My stomach clenched. That kind of talk from a Mischief demon was never good. “What now?”

His goat-slit eyes looked at the floor. “I kind of, well— and it totally wasn’t my fault since I was asleep,” he said. “But I kind of sort of made a move on Adam last night.”

I choked on my coffee. “You tried to sleep-sex Adam?”

“I didn’t sleep-sex him. Just kind of, well, humped his leg a little.” A bark of laughter escaped me before I could stop it. The demon’s head drooped. “I guess my subconscious thought he was you-know-who.”

Despite my horrified amusement, I tried to remember Giguhl was still recovering from being dumped. Mostly he seemed unaffected, but I guess the demon had more layers than I gave him credit for. I swallowed the remaining giggles and pasted an empathetic expression on my face. With my free hand, I patted him awkwardly on the arm. “I’m sorry.”

He looked up, his gaze narrowed suspiciously. “What, no jokes?”

I shook my head. “Don’t get me wrong. I would have paid good money to see the look on Adam’s face—” Giguhl pulled away. I grabbed his arm. “Look, I’m sure Adam understands you didn’t really mean to—” I bit my lip to stop the giggle threatening to break free. “Get frisky with him.”

Luckily Giguhl didn’t notice my struggle and went to plop down on the bed. “I miss her sometimes.”

By her , I assumed he meant Valva. I set my clothes on the bedside table and sat next to him. Seeing him look so downtrodden made me uncomfortable. I felt totally illsuited to be handing out love advice. Patting his knee awkwardly, I said, “That’s understandable, I guess.”

He looked up then. Uncertainty shadowed his expression. “Really?”

I shrugged. “Sure. I mean, until she revealed her true colors”— by stripping in front of a room full of horny vampires before causing a full-on stripper brawl and getting my friend’s bar burned to the ground — “you guys seemed to really be into each other.”

His lips turned down into a demonic facsimile of a pout. “I just don’t get it.”

“Me, either. You’re a great catch, and if she couldn’t see that it’s her loss.”

“You think?” He looked up from under his eyelids.

“I know it. You deserve a demon who understands how lucky she is to have you.”

“I guess so.”

I gave his shoulder a friendly bump. “In the meantime, maybe we should put a divider between you and the mancy in bed.”

The demon’s lip twitched. He looked up with a sparkle in his eyes. “Or he could sleep with you.” His black eyebrows waggled suggestively.

Now it was my turn to sigh heavily. “I don’t know, G.”

His nostrils flared as if smelling drama. “Ooh!” He shifted to face me. “Tell Gigi all about it.”

I shrugged. “Not much to tell, really. We’ve definitely grown close and all, but I keep holding back.”

“Oh, Sabina,” Giguhl said, shaking his head sadly. “What are you doing?”

I drew away. “What do you mean?”

He tilted his head and shot me a get-real look. “Don’t play dumb with me, trampire. We both know you’re hot for the mancy.” I opened my mouth to argue, but he steamed ahead. “Don’t even bother to deny it. The question is, why do you keep sabotaging something that could be really great for both of you?”

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