Home > Big Girls Don't Cry (Dundee, Idaho #6)(73)

Big Girls Don't Cry (Dundee, Idaho #6)(73)
Author: Brenda Novak

Liz could hear Mica and Christopher playing Ping-Pong downstairs, shouting and laughing when one of them missed, which was often, and contemplated making it a group outing. There wasn’t any need to arrange babysitting, was there? “Why not?” she said. “I’ll include my kids, too.”

“Great. See you there,” Reenie said, and disconnected.

“Who was that?” Isaac asked.


He halted mid-stride on his way to the kitchen and pivoted to face her. “You were talking to Reenie?”

“Yes.” She smiled. “I called to invite her to have lunch with me. We’re meeting for brunch on Sunday.”

“Can I come, too?”

“I thought you and Reenie didn’t want to be seen together.”

“With you and all the kids, it should be okay. I enjoy seeing her children. Reenie doesn’t let me have anything to do with her girls.”

“Why not?”

“She doesn’t want them to get attached.”

Maybe Reenie was being careful where her kids were concerned, but she certainly wasn’t looking out for herself. “If that’s the case, she might not be happy if I bring you along.”

“I don’t think she’ll mind. Brunch is harmless.”

Liz considered it. Maybe Isaac’s presence would make things easier, more natural. “Okay.”

“WHAT DO YOU MEAN you can’t come?”

Reenie barely heard her mother’s voice on the phone. She was too busy staring at her computer screen, grinning at Isaac’s latest Instant Message. You free tonight?

He’d been over last night, and the night before, and the night before that. If they weren’t careful, they’d get caught simply because they were spending so much time together.

She was happier than she’d been in years, happier than she’d thought possible. But working all day and making love with Isaac all night was starting to take its toll. She stifled a yawn.

“Reenie, are you listening?”

“Sorry, Mom. What did you say?”

“Why can’t you come over on Saturday for dinner? Your dad would like to see you before he heads back to Boise.”

She wanted to see her father, too. But this weekend was Keith’s turn with the girls, which meant she could relax when she was with Isaac. Those lazy days together were very precious to her.

“I’m afraid I have too much to do.” It was a lame excuse, and Reenie knew it. She’d already used work and the farm half a dozen or more times to avoid get-togethers over the past month. But what else could she say? I’ll probably be naked and in bed with Liz’s brother, and I can’t give that up?

Spike came trotting out of her bedroom, carrying her slipper in his mouth. “Come here,” she said to him, snapping her fingers.

“What’s going on, honey?” Celeste asked.

Her dog gave her a sheepish look because he knew better than to chew up any more shoes and hesitated halfway across the carpet. “Spike’s ruining another pair of slippers.”

“I’m not talking about that. You’ve become so…distracted. Even Gabe mentioned it the other day. He said he’s asked you over or to go out with him and Hannah several times, but you always make excuses.”

“Stop worrying about me. I’m fine,” she said, ignoring the slipper issue, for the moment, and holding the phone with her shoulder so she could respond to Isaac.

Don’t you need to get some sleep? she wrote.

I’ll sleep with you, came Isaac’s reply.

Somehow we never close our eyes for very long.

That’s not my fault. <G> But I can’t say that I mind.

It was true. She couldn’t sleep when Isaac was around, because she didn’t want to waste a single moment of their time together. She loved it when his larger body cradled hers. Loved the way he kissed her, how he touched her, the stories he told of Africa, the sound of his laugh.

“Lucky said you rarely return her calls,” her mother continued to complain.

“There just aren’t enough hours in the day,” she responded. Isaac had started milking the cow and feeding the animals before he left each morning, but she still didn’t have a minute to spare. “Things will slow down once school ends, I promise.”

“Keith thinks you’re seeing Isaac. That’s not true, is it?”

Reenie straightened so quickly Spike skittered away. “What makes him think that?”

“The puppy, I guess.”

“Oh.” She let her breath go in relief.

“You’re not, are you?” Celeste persisted.

Reenie couldn’t lie to her mother straight out. “Not exactly. Why?”

“When I asked Keith if he planned to apply for a better job, he said he’d be sticking around for a while. He said you’re infatuated with Isaac right now, but when Isaac leaves in a few weeks, you might come to your senses.”

Reenie froze. “In a few weeks?”

“Didn’t you hear? Isaac’s grant came through. He’ll be going to Africa soon.”

A sudden hollowness engulfed Reenie. “Are you sure?”

“Pretty sure. It was Mica who told Keith.”

Her heart began to pound so loudly it seemed to echo off the walls. Isaac hadn’t said anything to her. Not one word.


She couldn’t breathe. She’d been living in a fantasy world, ignoring the fact that it was all going to come to a crashing halt. The end hadn’t seemed important. Goodbye was always going to happen later. But three weeks? That made Isaac’s leaving very real. “You can tell Keith I won’t change my mind,” she managed to say.

“I already tried. For his own sake, he’s got to move on. But there’s no reasoning with him.”

“I have to go, Mom. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Are you okay, honey?”

“Of course. Just tired.”

Reenie hung up, then ducked her head between her knees to stop her head from swimming. As usual, she’d been too impetuous. She’d put the inevitable out of her mind, held nothing back. And now she was head-over-heels in love with a man who was going to walk away from her in three weeks.

When she sat up, there were several lines of text on her computer screen.

Are the girls asleep yet?…

Want me to bring you an Oreo shake?…

Hey, I got that movie you wanted to see…

Are you there? Where’d you go? I want to kiss your neck, feel you against me, make you moan…I like it when you moan. <G>

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