Home > Big Girls Don't Cry (Dundee, Idaho #6)(71)

Big Girls Don't Cry (Dundee, Idaho #6)(71)
Author: Brenda Novak

“If I could’ve stayed away from you, I would have,” he admitted.

She licked her lips nervously. “I don’t have any birth control.”

“I do.” He allowed himself to raise one finger and trace the strap of her shirt. “But I’ll go if that was meant as a dodge.”

She shivered when his finger drew near her breast, then closed her eyes and guided his hand under her shirt. When he felt her soft flesh fill his palm, he knew there was no going back for either one of them. With a groan, he found her lips.

REENIE CLOSED HER EYES as Isaac kissed her purposefully, expertly. He smelled of clean laundry and warm skin. She brushed her lips against the pulse at his throat, and he began to peel off her clothing.

When he tossed her shirt and pajama bottoms on the floor, she stood only in the thong she’d put on just before he arrived.

He drew her into the puddle of light near the window. “You’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen,” he said.

Reenie hadn’t felt so attractive in years, so alive. Lowering his head, Isaac nipped at her neck and shoulder as his hands ran over her, rubbing, squeezing, admiring.

“This is far better than the supply closet,” he said. “Now I can take my time.”

Reenie hadn’t been able to catch her breath since he’d started touching her. But she didn’t care. She only knew that the dizzying sensations he was creating with his hands had to continue. It seemed as though her whole life had led up to the promise of his hard body joining with hers. “Don’t…stop,” she murmured.

“I can’t stop,” he admitted with a helpless chuckle. “I’ve never been so desperate for a woman in my life.”

With a smile, Reenie pulled off his shirt and took in the sight of his big shoulders, the light sprinkle of hair on his muscular chest, the intensity of his expression. Goose bumps stood out on his skin as she explored him the way he’d explored her. She smiled when she heard his quick intake of breath as she touched a particularly sensitive spot.

“You like that?” she murmured.

He didn’t need to answer. She could feel the tautness in his body, see the feral gleam in his eyes. Pulling her to him, he kissed her more deeply, touching her tongue to his, bending her slightly over his arm.

She tightened her grip around his neck. “I need more of you,” she whispered. “I can’t wait any longer. I’ve been waiting all day.”

He swept her into his arms and carried her to the bed. But he didn’t rush their lovemaking. He kissed every part of her body, used his mouth in ways she’d never experienced. She felt she was melting into the mattress, burning up from the inside out. And then, when she thought she was too sensitive to tolerate another stroke of any kind, he was finally there inside her.

“That’s good,” she whispered breathlessly. “That’s so good.”

“Not half as good as it’s going to get,” he promised.

WHEN ISAAC WOKE, it was five o’clock. A naked Reenie was still lying across his chest, sleeping. He lifted a hand to fondle her softness and felt his body stir. But he hesitated to disturb her too much. She needed the sleep. And they were running out of time.

Later, he promised himself. Tonight. Right now he had to leave. The girls would be getting up soon; he and Reenie had to teach.

After gently extricating himself, he sat up and rubbed a hand over his rough jaw, trying to come to full awareness. Then he gathered his clothes.

“Isaac?” Reenie murmured.

“Hmm?” He turned to see her looking up at him.

“Evidently, I’ve been missing out all these years,” she whispered with a sexy smile.

“What do you mean by that?”

“I don’t think I’ve ever been made love to as well as that.”

He chuckled. “Don’t start, or I won’t get out of here before the girls wake up.”

“What time is it?”

“Nearly five-thirty.”

Groaning, she rolled onto her back and flung an arm over her eyes. “Already?”

He laughed at the disappointment in her voice. They’d made love three or four times last night. He’d be exhausted later, but he didn’t care. Their night together had been well worth any future discomfort. “Yeah.”

“I have to get up, too.”

“What for?” he asked as he finished dressing.

“I have to feed the animals and milk Jersey.”

She sat up and swung her bare legs over the side of the bed, but he pressed her gently back onto the mattress. “I’ll do it.”

“Really? You know how?”

He smoothed the hair out of her eyes. “I’ve picked up some skills over the past few months.”

“Okay.” She grinned dreamily. “See you at school.”

He smiled back at her. “Will you have lunch with me?”

“I can’t. Someone might see us, remember?”

“So, meet me in the supply closet.”

“Who’s bringing the sandwiches?”

“I’ll come up with something.”

“Chocolate’s always good,” she suggested with a yawn, and started drifting back to sleep.

“Anything you want,” he said softly. Then he kissed her temple and went out to see about the animals.

WHEN REENIE ARRIVED at school, she found a vase of hand-cut roses on her desk.

“Who gave you those, Mrs. O’Connell?” Sheila, one of her first-period students, asked in obvious admiration. Most of the other girls were gathered around the flowers, too.

There was no note, but Reenie knew it had to be Isaac. She’d found a small ivory elephant next to the flowers, which she’d slipped into the drawer of her desk. “A secret admirer, I guess,” she said mysteriously.

“Who?” they breathed, pressing closer.

“I don’t know. They were sitting on my desk when I arrived.”

“They’re beautiful!” Sheila said.

“Thank you. Now, if everyone will sit down, we’ll get started. We have a lot to cover today.”

There was a general shuffling as the students found their seats. Turning, Reenie wrote the day’s assignment on the board. “Does anyone have any questions about last night’s homework?” she asked.

Several hands shot up, but before she could call on anyone, she saw something move in her peripheral vision and glanced up to find Isaac watching her from the supply closet. His gaze felt like a physical caress, as if he could undress her from there simply by looking at her.

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