Home > Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned #3)(17)

Sugar Rush (Friend-Zoned #3)(17)
Author: Belle Aurora

My sneakers are hiding somewhere around here. Just as I look under my bed, my Mom sticks her head in and informs me, “We’re leaving.”

Got ‘em. Always under the bed. I fish my sneakers out and stand. “Okay, Mom. Thanks again.”

She smiles. “It’s no problem.” Her smile wanes. “She’s still angry.”

I pretend not to hear her and slip my shoes on. She steps forward and turns on her Mom voice. “Don’t you think about ignoring me, Maximillian.”

God, she’s might be small, but my mother is a scary woman when she wants to be. I grin up at her. “I would never ignore you, Mama. Never.” She glares at me and I sigh. “I know she’s angry, Ma. What do you want me to do? I’m not changing my mind just because she’s pissed. We’re moving. She’s got to get used to that.”

Mom’s face softens. “Don’t be upset at her for being scared to leave the only place she’s ever known.”

Well, when she puts it like that…

“I’m just upset that she’s upset. I wish I could do something to make it easier for her.”

Mom comes forward and hugs me. “Just show her you love her. That nothing will change that. That you will love her, even if she’s angry at you. Be firm with your love and her heart will gentle.”

I squeeze her back. “Okay. I will.”

Stepping back, she smiles. “Good. Now go say goodnight to her.”

I wink at my Mom before I step out of my room. Just as I exit, I almost run over two little fairies with golden eyes and dark hair. They gasp when they see me. Then it’s on.

“Uccle Max!”


Tatiana and Ava, Nik and Tina’s daughters, attach themselves to my legs. “Oh my God, I’m being attacked! I thought fairies were the good guys!”

Tina steps into the hall, looks down at her babies, and rubs absently at her stomach. Geez, her belly just gets bigger and bigger. Two times the fun with twins. I mentally cringe.

Good luck Ghost and Nat.

Tina asks the little girls blinking up at her. “Grandma’s ready to go, girls. Why are you running away?”

Tatiana looks around before leaning forward and answering, “There’s a monster in our room.”

Tina widens her eyes in shock. “Well, why didn’t you say so?” She walks toward the girls’ bedroom door and knocks. “Um, excuse me? Monster? You need to leave now. We’re running late.”

Nik calls from the other side of the door. “No can do, Mommy. I need food. I hear little girls are tasty,” then he smacks his lips loudly.

Tatiana giggles, but Ava grips my legs tighter, not quite old enough to get that the monster is actually her dad trying to make a funny. Tina sighs dramatically. “Can’t I just get you some bread, or cereal, or something?”

Nik responds, “Nope. I need little girl and I need it now.”

Tina looks over at the girls. “You heard him. He’s hungry. Which one of you wants to be munched up?” Tatiana nods while Ava shakes her head emphatically. Tina crooks a finger at Tatiana. “You better get in there. Sounds like he’s starving.”

As soon as Tatiana takes off down the hall, Ava wails, “No!”

I pick up my tater tot, hug her close and whisper, “It’s okay, baby. It’s only pretend.” She sniffles into my neck. Tatiana creeps up to the door, and as soon as she puts her hand on the knob, the door flies open and out comes the monster.

Nik steps out and I gasp. “Oh my God, it’s hideous!”

Ava’s smiles and kicks her little legs. Otherwise known as let me down now.

I let her down, and Nik chases his babies down the hall and into his bedroom. Not a minute later, growls, roars, laughter, and baby squeals let us know they’ve been caught.

Tina laughs softly then turns to me. “Where’s Ceecee?”

My smile falls. My stomach drops. “I thought she was with you.”

Tina’s smile fades quickly. She calls out, “Ceecee? Honey, where are you?”

No answer.

My pulse spikes. “Ceecee, baby?”



Tina rushes to Ceecee’s room and throws open the door. She turns to me, eyes wide. “She’s not in here.”

I don’t wait to consult with anyone. My feet move of their own accord. I quickly check the kitchen, living area, and all the bedrooms.


My heart races as I check the backyard. “Ceecee!”

My Mom rushes out of my room. “What’s going on?”

I snatch my car keys off the table and tell her, “Can’t find Ceecee. She’s gone.”

Fear fills me as I run down the hall and see the front door open. I whisper to myself, “Please God, no.”

I run as fast as I can, hearing Nik’s heavy footfalls behind me. On the front porch, Nik bellows, “Ceecee!”

My feet don’t stop. I run to my truck and jump in. I start it up and Nik jumps in the passenger seat. The tires screech as I take off down the driveway. Just as I’m about to hit road, Nik calls out, “Wait. Stop! Over there.” He points out the window on his side.

My racing heart slows. I see her. She sits there, at the front gate, staring over at our new house. I grip the steering wheel and lower my head onto it, hyperventilating.

Fuck. Shit. Fuck.

Nik pats my back. “It’s okay. She’s okay.”

So many thoughts go through my head. Ugly, disturbing thoughts.

What if she wasn’t okay?

I feel tears prickle my eyes, but I hold them back. I step out of the car, not bothering to turn it off. As I walk towards her on Jell-O legs, I hear Nik exit the car and get into the driver’s side. The car reverses away, leaving me with my daughter. I move to stand behind her, and I equally want to hug the shit out of her and beat her ass for scaring the crap out of me. I settle with resting my hand on her shoulder. She looks up at me, golden eyes sad, then looks back across the street. We stand there a while, and I’m glad for it. I need a moment to get my shit together.

Another five minutes or so, and Ceecee mutters, “We’re not very far, are we?”

My throat is thick with emotion from the ordeal I’ve been put through, so I clear it. “No, honey. We’re not far.”

She takes a moment to process this, then asks quietly, “And I can come here whenever I like?”

I reply on a squeeze of her shoulder, “Of course, baby.”

Another moment, and then she nods once, firmly. “Then…then I guess moving won’t be so bad.”

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