Home > A Castle of Sand (A Shade of Vampire #3)(17)

A Castle of Sand (A Shade of Vampire #3)(17)
Author: Bella Forrest

I frowned at her, surprised by the careful tone her voice took on. I straightened to my full height, slightly bending my neck in order to look her in the eye. “What do you mean? What’s it like?”

“It’s hard to describe. After what you lost at the hands of vampires, after all that time training to kill…” She shrugged, her eyes glazing over with tormented memories. For a moment, I thought that she felt sorry, but I realized that the glaze in her eyes was not out of regret, but glee. “There’s just this sense of pure satisfaction, knowing that in a small way, you’ve avenged those you’ve lost.”

I stared at her, never before having been introduced to this cold, dark side of her. The look in her eyes sent chills down my spine. I never thought I’d be so disturbed by a girl as petite as Zinnia Wolfe.

“The horrified look in that girl’s eyes as I saw life fade away from her...I’ll never forget it. It’s true what they say…your first kill will always stay with you. I still see her in my dreams…”

“And you didn’t feel any regret or compassion toward her?” My breath slightly hitched at the thought. “Ever?”

She shrugged. “There’s a reason I say ‘in my dreams’ and not ‘in my nightmares’.”

I studied Zinnia carefully, wondering if she was serious. She was always so fun and lighthearted. She was definitely one of the toughest girls I’d ever come across in my life. Still, she was a teenager like me. What could’ve caused her to harbor this much apathy and hatred? It was strange seeing her act and speak in such a serious, pensive manner. It was so unlike the Zinnia I’d gotten used to.

“Once you go on this mission, Ben, understand that things will never be the same for you again. You really should know exactly what you’re getting yourself into, because once you do this, there’s no going back.”

I gave it a moment’s thought, but I couldn’t relate to what she was saying—not at that moment, not completely. Thus, I just nodded and said, “Thanks, Zinnia. Don’t worry about me. I know exactly what I’m getting into.”

I didn’t realize what a lie that was until the morning of the mission.

Everything started out as planned. We flew by helicopter to New York. Since I’d been paired with Zinnia, I was supposed to stick with her at all times. After landing on the rooftop of a building right across the street from our mark, the rest of the team quickly ran toward their assigned positions. I was about to do the same thing, but Zinnia quickly grabbed a hold of my arm.

“Wait…” she whispered.

“What?” I asked impatiently. “We’re supposed to get into position, Zinnia…”

Cat-like, her eyes darted from one side of the roof to the other. Her gaze stopped on a specific spot on the rooftop.

“Zinnia! Ben!” our squad leader, Quinn, spat out in a muffled hiss. “What are you two doing?”

My eyes widened when I saw a red dot on Zinnia’s forehead. I was about to push her to the ground, but she had already done so, screaming, “Duck!” before tackling me to the ground.

Gunshots were fired and from my peripheral vision, I could see one of the hunters fall to the ground. I was looking for a trace of panic among the hunters in my squad, but there was none.

Quinn had a faint smirk on his face as he ran for cover. “They knew we were coming,” he said through our communication system. “Just take cover. The sun is about to rise. They won’t have an advantage for long. The other squads are already in position. All we have to do is stay alive until sunrise. Keep cover.”

The words had barely registered in my brain when I saw Zinnia roll toward one of the concrete banisters lining the rooftop. A small grin was on her face, her eyes still focused on the same spot in the rooftop she’d laid eyes on right after we got there.

I crawled my way closer to her, my stomach still flat on the ground. I followed the direction of her eyes as she began to aim her gun. All I could see were old wooden crates and piles of black netting.

“What exactly are we looking at, Wolfe?”

“Shut up.” She fired a shot right through one of the crates.

Within seconds, a piercing scream came from the other side of the crate and a female vampire emerged from behind it, walking around as if she was burning. It was the strangest sight, because the area where the bullet hit her began to glow from the inside—channeling through several parts of her body. She seemed just about ready to implode, and then she just fell to the ground, burned to a crisp before finally turning to ashes.

My jaw was wide open with shock. “That’s insane.”

After that first kill, chaos ensued. I couldn’t quite keep track of everything that went on around me, but what I knew for sure was that the vampires seemed to be winning. We didn’t expect them to know that we were coming. They were prepared for us—stronger, more agile. Keeping cover, like Quinn suggested, was difficult to do considering that the vampires were attacking us from all sides.

One of them lunged at Zinnia. I crouched to the ground and swung my leg and tripped him. I was surprised by how easily the big lug fell to the ground. Of all the times I’d tried to fight against Claudia, I never once succeeded in harming her in any way. Maybe this is a baby vampire. I was about to stick the wooden stake right through his heart, but a girl screamed behind me.

“No!” her cry was piercing. She obviously held affection for the monster I was about to kill. She pushed me away just in time for Zinnia to shoot another UV ray bullet at the guy.

“No…” the girl who had attacked me whimpered as she watched the man struggle and implode. Tears began to stream down her pale face. “He’s my brother…” she whispered, her voice hoarse and broken.

Taking advantage of her distracted state, I tackled the blonde vampire to the ground. I took a quick look at her. I tried to ignore how much her appearance reminded me of Claudia. I knew I couldn’t afford to lose time waiting for her to snap back to attention. Thus, without hesitation, I drove the wooden stake right through her heart. As I looked into her bright blue eyes, I wanted to feel the elation and satisfaction that came with my revenge against all the vampires that she represented. There was none.

Where’s that ‘pure satisfaction’ Zinnia was talking about?

All I felt was the life of another living creature draining away—a life force that coursed through my entire being before fading off into oblivion.

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