Home > Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick #6)(108)

Rock Chick Reckoning (Rock Chick #6)(108)
Author: Kristen Ashley

I didn’t know who gave her the tee but if I had to put money down on it, I would guess it was Al y.

When they saw me, both of their mouths dropped open.

I did a stupid little wave and said, “Hi, you must be Lana and Chloe. I’m Stel a.”

When I spoke, the blonde, who I was guessing was Chloe, burst into tears.

This alarmed me.

I took a step forward. She lifted her hand as if to ward me off.

Erm, not good.

I stopped and my heart started slamming in my chest.

“Chloe, sweetie,” Lana’s soft, melodic voice cal ed.

Chloe’s eyes were locked on me.

Then she whispered, “She’s perfect.”

Lana’s eyes came to me.

She smiled and said, “Yeah, she is.”


This was good.

Way good.

Happy shiver good.

I smiled back at Lana.

“Oh crap. I’m gonna cry,” Indy blurted, her hands coming up and she started fanning her face.

Duke slid his arm along Indy’s shoulders and I moved toward Lana. As I did, she stepped toward me, her hands coming up in front of her. I took them and she held on tight.

coming up in front of her. I took them and she held on tight.

“I’m scared to death,” she told me.

I squeezed her hands and admitted, “Me too.” She started laughing, it was just as melodic as her voice and it washed over me like soothing water.

Chloe approached and I smel ed her perfume, it was a sophisticated floral scent that was like smel ing heaven.

One of Lana and my hands unlocked and both of us reached out to Chloe and she grabbed on tight.

Holding their hands and taking them in, I thought that maybe Preston Mason wasn’t the Supreme Asshole of Al Time. Instead, he had to be the Stupidest Man on the Face of This Earth.

“Thank you for asking me to come,” Chloe said, her face stil wet with tears.

“Thank you for coming,” I said back.

“I’d do anything for Kai,” she told me softly.

I swal owed the tears that climbed up my throat and squeezed her hand too.

The door flew open, Lana, Chloe and my hands detached and we al jerked toward the door. Pong was pushing in, behind him was Leo and I could see Buzz and Hugo pul ing up the rear.

“Oh shit. Double, double, toil and trouble. Mace is f**ked,” Pong announced, eyes on Lana, Chloe and I.

Hugo pushed in and slapped Pong up the backside of his head. “Shut up, Pong.”

“Dude, you total y agree with me,” Pong replied.

“We’re here to give you moral support,” Leo said, eyes on me.

Moral support from The Gypsies.

That I did not need.

“Why don’t you give me moral support in the form of finding out what’s taking Tex so long with that tequila?” I suggested.

“Don’t need tequila. I got a doobie in my guitar case,” Leo replied.

“Leo!” Buzz snapped. “Maybe these fine ladies don’t smoke dope.”

“Ever a time to start, this is it,” Hugo muttered.

I looked at the ceiling then I looked at Lana and Chloe.

“This is my band, The Blue Moon Gypsies, Buzz, Leo, Pong and Hugo. I think you’ve already met Floyd.” I indicated each as I said their names. “Except for Floyd, they’re lunatics. Take no notice of them.”

“Bitch, your tee is the shit,” Pong informed Lana, proving me right.

“Thank you. I like it,” Lana said, her lips forming her son’s beautiful smile which she directed at Pong.

“Don’t cal Mace’s Mom a bitch,” Buzz snapped and came forward, hand up, smiling the smile that made a thousand groupies cream their pants. “Ladies, nice to meet you.”

Pong, Hugo and Leo learned to mind their manners for just long enough to greet Mace’s Moms.

While they did so, Floyd got close to me.

“You okay Stel a Bel a?” he asked softly in my ear.

“No,” I replied.

His arm slid around my waist and he said, “Proud of you.”

I closed my eyes.

When they opened them again, I was a lot more okay than I’d been for days.

I leaned into him, put my arm around his waist and my head on his shoulder.

My eyes moved to Buzz and I whispered, “How’s Buzz?”

“We had a talk on the drive home. This may sound funny but I think the funeral was good, closure. Her folks are good people and they knew Buzz tried to take care of her. You could tel they were grateful.” I nodded and sighed and Floyd went on, “Stil , he’s a little lost without Linnie but I think he’s gonna be okay.”

I gave his waist a squeeze right before the door opened again and everyone in the room jumped and turned toward it.

Hector and Shirleen were walking in with Dixon Jones.


This is just your life, your career, your world, my brain said to me. No reason for you to be nervous.

Why are you such a pain in the ass? I asked.

It’s the job of every neurotic artist to have a brain that tortures them, my brain answered.

Well, f**k off, I demanded

Then to Dixon I said, “Hey.”

I moved forward, my eyes going from Dixon to Hector who gave me a nod then to Shirleen who was watching me closely and back to Dixon. “Glad you could make it,” I finished.

We shook hands.

“Would you like to meet the band?” I asked.

Shirleen shouldered close. “No time for that. Who knows what’s gonna happen? Could be snipers. Could be time bombs. We gotta get down to business.” She turned to Dixon. “Let’s go, times wastin’. What you got to say to my girl?”

Dixon looked at Shirleen then me. From what he said it appeared he, too, didn’t want to waste any time. “Feel like headin’ to the studio?”

I got that freaky thril that was half terror, half elation, bit my lip and looked at Floyd. Then I looked at Hugo then Pong then Leo and final y Buzz.

Then my eyes went back to Dixon and I said, “Yeah.” Dixon looked at Leo and Buzz. “You boys got enough new material to fil a CD?”

“Sure,” Buzz said. “But we’re The Gypsies. We gotta do a couple covers.”

“No covers. We do new shit,” Hugo put in.

“Dude, we so have to lay down ‘Ghostriders’ at least. I’m thinkin’ ‘Sister Golden Hair’ too,” Pong decided.

“Not ‘Sister Golden Hair’, ‘La Grange’, we kick ‘La Grange’ in the ass,” Leo demanded.

“’La Grange’! We do covers, we ain’t recordin’ ‘La Grange’ before we record ‘Ain’t No Easy Way’,” Hugo snapped.

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