Home > Golden Trail (The 'Burg #3)(110)

Golden Trail (The 'Burg #3)(110)
Author: Kristen Ashley

Layne stared at Devin and made a decision.

“Lean on ‘em both,” he ordered.

Devin’s brows shot up. “What?”

“Go to her, tell her what you got on him and what you got on her. Porn past or not, she can do better. Fuck, anyone can do better,” Layne explained. “I’m guessin’ here but what they got is no love match so we’re doin’ her a favor. She leans on him one way, we lean on him the other. We partner up, coach her, play it right, he pays her off, settles with Rocky and they both get on with their lives with him not in it but his cash in their accounts.” Layne leaned forward and continued. “He still doesn’t play, you go one by one through the Republican Committee. I’ll lay money down that one of ‘em will buckle and I’ll lay more down on it bein’ the first one you talk to, especially seein’ as this isn’t blackmail, you’re sellin’ quiet cheap. They won’t have to dish out anything but a little pressure. Astley may think he’s untouchable from me, from Roc, but those boys can convince him a f**kuva lot different.”

Devin smiled and leaned back, saying, “Like the way you think, boy.”

Layne pushed up out of the armchair, replying, “You should, you taught me how to think.” He moved to the side of the couch, stopped and looked down at his friend. “Losin’ your touch, old man, you’da called that five years ago.”

“Lucky for me, I had the foresight to train my replacement before the dementia kicked in,” Devin shot back.

Layne bit back his smile and shook his head, muttering, “Goin’ to bed.”

“Don’t blame you,” Dev muttered back, his eyes moving to the TV.

Layne hesitated then asked, “Ma all right with Roc while I was gone?”

Devin didn’t look away from the TV. “Seein’ as both your boys threw down on Rocky’s side, then yeah.” He turned his head to Layne. “They’re good judges of character, like me.”

That didn’t sound good.

“They both threw down?” Layne asked.

“Not a word spoken but blind, deaf and dumb would know that to them it’s warm as the waters of the Caribbean with Rocky, frosty arctic with your Ma.” Dev’s eyes turned intense again before he went on. “You didn’t ask my advice but I’m givin’ it. I don’t know what went down when I wasn’t here but I know by the aftermath it wasn’t good so you better tell that woman to get her head outta her ass. They love her but they’re your boys. They see that soft spot Rocky’s got and, like you, they’re movin’ in to protect it. Not only that, she makes you happy in a way your Ma cleanin’ your house and makin’ cake ain’t ever gonna make you happy and they want that for you. It’s a fight she ain’t ever gonna win and she better get smart before she loses a lot more than she’d ever expect.”

“Roc’s stronger than you think, Dev,” Layne said quietly.

“You think that, you better look closer, Tanner, because she sure as f**k ain’t,” Dev returned, just as quietly and those muscles in Layne’s neck went tight again. “I can see you hangin’ back and lettin’ the women battle this out and normally I’d agree with that play but not here. You’re skatin’ on thin ice, boy, and you better be careful with every stroke of those blades because, you fall through, those waters are bitter cold and you know it ‘cause you been livin’ in ‘em a long time. You don’t want those waters to close over you again, Tanner, you have a word with your Ma.”

Layne sighed then he nodded, knowing after his mother’s behavior that day Dev spoke the truth but wanting to have a word with his mother about as much as he wanted to talk to Gabby yesterday.

Dev gave him a stare and then looked back at the TV.

“’Night, old man,” Layne muttered as he turned to the stairs.

“’Night, boy.” He heard Dev mutter back.

Layne was halfway up the stairs when he heard Tripp say, “Jeez, Jas, you’re gonna go over your limit of texts and Dad’s gonna be pissed.”

He hit the top of the stairs to see Tripp at the desk and Jasper with his back to the weight bench, knees bent, soles of his feet to the bench, his cell phone held over his face as he replied, “Dad’ll be cool. He gets it about takin’ care of your babe.”

“True enough, Jas,” Layne put in and Tripp swiveled around to look at him as Jasper’s head turned and his eyes focused on Layne. “Still, you go over your limit, I’ll be pissed.”

“She’s hot, Dad, gotta keep her hooked so no one moves in,” Jasper explained.

“Boy, why do you think I bought you that goddamned car?” Layne asked, he’d stopped and he crossed his arms on his chest. “Right about now, when you’re feelin’ like that, you stop playin’ it cool and her ass is here or your ass is there, you stake your claim and you don’t do it through f**kin’ texts.”

Jasper sat up, dropping his feet to straddle the bench. “You cool with Keirry bein’ here when you’re not?”

“Just as long as I don’t have to set up a crib in the corner of your bedroom, that is, if I win at hand to hand combat defendin’ my son against a gonzo Joe Callahan,” Layne answered.

Jasper grinned and crossed his cell phone over his heart before he lifted it in the air, “Swear. Gentleman. Totally.”

Layne stared at his son then looked to Tripp who was also grinning at him and who decided to add, “Giselle Speakmon’s parents are totally devout. When I get in there and we hook up, there won’t be any cribs for me either, Dad, because I reckon they’ll make her wear one of those chastity belts, knowin’ Jas is my brother and all.”

Layne felt his brows go up and he beat down any thoughts of his youngest being sexually active. Jasper was the first born boy, his leap to manhood Layne took in stride. Tripp was still just a kid in his eyes. Layne was not ready to go there, not by a long f**king shot.

Still, he asked, “You like her?”

Tripp nodded. “Got her talkin’ to me and she’s cool and she can be funny, in a quiet way that’s kinda awesome.”

“She at church today?” Layne asked and Tripp nodded again, his smile getting bigger.

“Yeah, she was the blonde who sat next to TJ in church.”

Layne felt his body lock as he looked at his boy. “Right next to him?” he asked quietly.

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