Home > Until the Sun Falls from the Sky (The Three #1)(122)

Until the Sun Falls from the Sky (The Three #1)(122)
Author: Kristen Ashley

“Indeed but it’s also absolutely true,” Gregor returned.

“And this great secret,” Lucien stated and Gregor’s attention returned to him, “you’re sharing this with us now because…?”

“Because of The Prophesies,” Gregor answered.

“Oh shit. Here we go,” Stephanie murmured and Gregor turned to her, his eyebrows snapping together.

“You know of The Prophesies?”

“No,” she retorted. “But two minutes ago I learned I’m supernatural. It would stand to reason right on the heels of that you’d spout nonsense about prophesies. Fuck, Gregor, I’m hundreds of years old. I’ve read my fair share of books. With supernatural shit, there’s always f**king prophesies.”

Stephanie was pissed but she was also amusing.

Even so, Lucien did not laugh.

Gregor responded, “Well the ones you’ll learn of today all have to do with The Three. The Three being The Sacred Triumvirate which includes a vampire whose strength and cunning know no equal but who also has added abilities beyond any shared by his species. He will find his lifemate, a mortal woman of great spirit who also has her own abilities. Those she was born with, one of which is the ability to absorb her mate’s powers through his feeding.”

The air in the room went thick and Lucien’s gut wrenched as his chest squeezed.

Gregor wasn’t finished.

“The second is the King of Werewolves who will find his lifemate and, she too, will have otherworldly powers. And the last is a werewolf, vampire hybrid whose mortal lifemate will also be exceptional.”

“Werewolves and vampires cannot produce children,” Cosmo declared.

“Yes, and neither can vampires and mortals but if The Prophesies come true, Lucien will sire four children on Leah in the next ten years,” Gregor returned.

Lucien couldn’t have held back his reaction if he tried. But he didn’t try. His hand shot out, his fingers curling tightly around the top of the chair in front of him.

“My God,” Stephanie whispered.

Gregor looked to Lucien.

“Times are changing,” he stated softly. “War is nearly upon us. And this is not a war amongst vampires who wish to be freed from the constrictions of the Immortal and Mortal Agreement against those who do not. It will be war amongst all immortals allied with mortals who will fight against the immortals who wish to rid the planet of their brethren who think differently than they do. Brethren who want to live amongst what their enemies consider their inferiors. And our enemy wishes to enslave their inferiors to serve them in all ways. And, I’m sorry to say, Lucien, as you have endured much in your years, you and your Leah are part of The Three. A trio of lifemates who will be instrumental in stopping this or the six of you will perish trying.”



“What does this mean?” Cosmo asked.

It was Avery who answered.

“This means it is time for immortals to make inroads as immortals into the mortal world. And to do this, this means The Council have already amended the Immortal and Mortal Agreement. It means that not only will vampires be free to tame their concubines, they will be free to tame any mortal they desire. And lastly,” his eyes moved to Lucien, “they will again be free to mate with mortals officially. The Sentence has been done away with. They’ll be making an official statement on Monday.”

Lucien’s hand released the chair; he turned and moved swiftly to the door.

“Lucien,” Gregor called, Lucien stopped and turned back.

But not because of Gregor’s call.

“Are these Prophesies written?” he demanded.

“They are,” Gregor replied. “But –”

Lucien interrupted him, “I must get to Leah. Later, you’ll arrange for me to read them.”

“That’s impossible,” Gregor returned.

“Make it possible,” Lucien clipped.

“You don’t understand,” Gregor said carefully.

“And you can explain it to me after I speak with Leah,” Lucien retorted.

“I might be able to arrange for you to see some of them but it is highly likely you’ll only be allowed to see those Prophesies that do not concern you but instead the other two sets of lifemates in The Triumvirate,” Gregor explained.

“Pull strings, grease palms, exchange favors but find a way for me to read those Prophesies,” Lucien gritted.

“Luce, do you believe this nonsense?” Stephanie asked in disbelief and Lucien’s eyes cut to her.

“That Leah’s my lifemate?” he asked, Stephanie nodded and Lucien finished, “Absolutely.”

Stephanie’s head jerked right before her eyes narrowed and that was right before she grinned.

“Okay, then do you believe about The Prophesies?” she queried.

“If anything is written about Leah and me, I want to read it whether it was written yesterday or three thousand years ago and whether I believe it or not,” Lucien replied.

“Understandable,” she muttered, still grinning.

“There is much still to talk about,” Gregor cut in and Lucien’s eyes went to him.

“We’ll arrange another meeting. Two weeks,” he stated.

Gregor’s eyebrows shot up. “Two weeks?”

“Gregor, I’m about to walk out of this office, go home and ask the woman I love to spend eternity with me. Yes, f**king two weeks and consider yourself lucky I’m not going to arrange a f**king meeting until after two months.”

Gregor’s eyes dipped to his knees but not before Lucien saw them light.

Jesus, the vampire wasn’t entirely cold and unfeeling. This was good to know.

On that thought, the door opened and Lucien turned to it to see Sally’s head stuck in.

Then his body went solid when he registered her pallor, her wide eyes and smelled her fear.

“I’m so sorry, Lucien. I know you said no interruptions but Edwina’s on the phone and she said it’s a dire emergency.”

Fuck, he’d turned off his cell for this meeting. And with Cosmo, Stephanie and Avery at the meeting, he’d necessarily but unwillingly left Leah unprotected.


He strode swiftly to his desk, forcing himself to do it at a mortal’s pace, demanding to know, “What line?”

“One,” Sally replied.

He yanked the phone out of its cradle, put it to his ear, hitting line one at the same time.


“Lucien,” she breathed, her voice hitching. “Oh, Lucien.”

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