Home > Three Wishes(37)

Three Wishes(37)
Author: Kristen Ashley

Then time just flew, as time does, and it became too late.

This was the first time Lily had been to London in eight years. Eight years. They had a dingy hotel room in a not-so-good part of town. It was all they could afford.

It didn’t matter; they only had to sleep in it. The rest of the time Lily was supposed to be showing them all her favourite places in London and that included where she and Nate had taken their walk in Hyde Park.

Lily’s daughter knew all about her father.

Every detail Lily could remember, and that was most of them, were told to Tash in the grandest stories Lily had ever created. And as the years slid by, Lily even made up details just to keep Nate alive in some way for their darling daughter.

“I have to go to her,” Lily fretted.

Fazire looked down his nose at her and crossed his arms. He, personally, did not think much of these Roberts people. Every time they looked at his Lily-child, they did it with hate which was precisely why he consistently tried to talk her out of telling them about Tash and would distract her when she got down to the business of writing or phoning them.

If they knew about Tash, he couldn’t imagine what they’d do.

And obviously today’s events stated he had, as usual, been absolutely correct.

“I do not think that is wise,” he declared.

“I have to, Tash is her grandchild!” Lily cried.

“What are you talking about?”

Tash had come out of the bathroom and was looking at them curiously.

Lily looked at her beautiful daughter who had not a shred of her or Becky, Will or Sarah but was absolutely all Nate.

Tash Jacobs was a bright child, fearfully bright. A genius, her teacher’s said, which was another reason Lily had no money. Anything extra she was setting aside in hopes of getting Tash into a special school for gifted children.

This, Fazire believed, came from Lily. This, Lily knew, came from Nate. Tash had exactly the same way of cutting to the meat of the matter as Nate had.

On this thought, Lily made her decision.

She smiled at her daughter. “Mummy needs to go see some friends. She’ll be back soon.”

“Lily –” Fazire said in a dire, warning tone.

Lily looked at him with determination. “I’ll be back soon.”

And then before her genie could speak another word, she was off.

* * * * *

“You are… fucking… kidding me.”

Laura did not like it when Victor cursed. However, if there ever was a time to curse, now was that time.

As luck would have it (or not, depending on how you looked at it), Nate had come home with Victor. So Laura thought she might as well tell them both at the same time. Nate had to know anyway and it might as well come from his mother. And by the look of things, Victor would not have imparted the information nearly as thoughtfully as Laura did.

Victor looked like he was about to hit the roof.

Nathaniel, sitting opposite Laura with one ankle resting casually atop the opposite knee, looked like he could happily commit murder.

However he would do it in a very cool, very controlled, manner.

One look at her son and Laura began to feel a creeping concern.

And it all had to do with that joyous look.

Lily had been happy to see her.

That may have been an act, of course. Moments before she’d looked horrified but Laura, well, Laura was beginning to have her doubts.

Why was Lily happy to see her? Especially considering the daughter she’d hid from them all for (Laura counted back, then couldn’t wrap her mind around it and just guessed) eight years was standing right there, the very vision of Nathaniel.

“I’m going to hunt that bitch down and I’m going to wring her white, hillbilly neck,” Victor threatened.

“Victor, calm down,” Laura soothed.

“I will not calm down! That’s my goddamned grandchild!” he shouted so loudly, the windows shook.

“What’s happening?”

Laura closed her eyes in despair, this they did not need. Danielle had taken that moment to walk into the room.

Her daughter had finally moved out, was living with a man that neither Victor nor Laura cared for but who all of them thought suited her. Nevertheless, she came home regularly and seemed to do it with an uncanny sense of when Nathaniel was there.

“Your mother has seen Lily,” Victor informed his daughter and Laura’s eyes flew open.

“Victor!” Laura didn’t think it was wise to bring Danielle into this drama. It wasn’t ever wise to bring Danielle into any drama. She created enough dramas on her own.

“Who?” Danielle had gone to sit on the arm of the chair where Nathaniel was sitting. Her son went momentarily still and then immediately stood and crossed the room. As usual, he made himself perfectly clear without uttering a single word.

“Lily, Lily, Lily!” Victor shouted, incensed. “That girl from backwater Indiana who left Nathaniel.”

Danielle’s eyes rounded and Laura, again with Mother Vision, noted that she looked somehow frightened.

Then the door bell rang.

“I’ll get it,” Danielle jumped up eagerly. Too eagerly.

“No! I’ll bloody well get it,” Victor shouted even though this was completely unnecessary.

Danielle shakily sat back down.

Laura dismissed her daughter, she’d deal with her later, and turned to look up at Nathaniel. He’d schooled his features but Laura saw they were still tight with anger and disbelief.

“You haven’t said a word,” she informed him.

“Nate never says a word,” Danielle mumbled and Laura had just enough time to shoot her daughter a killing look before the explosion came from the front hall.

“You’ve got a f**king nerve!” Everyone heard Victor shout and in moments they all rushed into the hall.

Nathaniel’s legs being longest and he being the swiftest meant he exited the room first. Danielle followed with Laura coming up the rear.

When Laura skidded to a halt in the entryway, she could not believe her eyes.

Victor had Lily in a death grip, both of his big hands wrapped around her upper arms and he held her imprisoned. She was staring up at him in complete shock.

“Victor, let her go!” Laura cried.

Then Lily’s head turned toward Laura’s voice.

And she saw Nathaniel.

And then something happened that Laura would never have guessed.

Lily’s eyes rounded then the expression on her face went funny, her mouth fell slack and every muscle in her body visibly tensed.

And then her lips came back together and she said, or mouthed as no sound came out, “Oh my God.”

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