Home > Chasing Imperfection (Chasing #2)(49)

Chasing Imperfection (Chasing #2)(49)
Author: Pamela Ann

I miss him too but I don’t know how Blake would react if I continue being close to him. Okay—he’d be furious if he’d found out. But how do I ditch my best friend of over a decade? That’s just not possible. I decided to text him back. I’m good! I’m actually going to be back tonight with Blake and hopefully with Chad as well. I miss you too. What’s up?

“Babylove! I’ll be joining you guys. Blake just got here and he said yes. I have to pack quickly or he’ll change his mind or something, ta-ta!” Chad shrieked for a minute then left in a flash. That man is something else entirely. I can’t believe he almost killed himself over a month ago. Thank God he didn’t succeed, I thought with a pang of guilt.

It doesn’t matter how many times Dr. Murray said that it wasn’t my fault, I still feel like I could’ve done something, anything to prevent it. But I guess we all have our own crosses to bear and this is one is mine.

I applied my usual make-up do with tons of mascara, tinted moisturizer and just a swipe of peach gloss. I was dabbing my lips when I saw Blake stared at me in the mirror smiling lazily. My heart accelerated at the sight of him. I guess I have to get used to seeing him smile at me again? I admit that I got the hang of his usual brooding mood when he’s around me.

His hugged me from behind and enveloped me with his large frame. “You’ve been plaguing my mind since I left the bed this morning. I didn’t pay much attention to the damned meeting because all I can think about is you,” his husky voice murmured in my ear. My body shivered involuntarily.

With a swift kick of his foot, he closed the door. “Aren’t we going to be late? We have to leave soon?” My giggles were high pitched because he was doing a great job driving me crazy, nibbling and biting my earlobe.

“The jet leaves when I say we leave. One of the perks of being the boss.”

I closed my eyes as he untied my robe and touched my naked body. “God Blake—” I moaned when his hand started to part my fold. I opened my legs a little wider to give him access. His other hand was teasing my nipple while his lips were still around my ear and neck area, sucking and biting. My hand reached up and touched his head.

“Open your eyes. Watch me touch you. Watch us make love.”

Oh, God. This is beyond erotic. This would be a first with mirrors.

I slightly opened my eyes and was staggered how we both looked. I looked….sensual and carnal.

“I’m sorry cara, but I have to have you now or I’ll go crazy.” He promptly had me bent over the bathroom counter and entered me from behind. “BLOODY. FUCKING. HELL. Your cunt always feels like f**king heaven.” My mind was totally blank from the grueling demands of his hard thrusting. “You’re not giving this cunt to another man! Do you hear me, Sienna?” he snarled with raging anger.

“Yes, I heard you,” I whispered back, a little confused to his rather sudden change of darkened mood.

“YOU’RE. NOT. GOING. TO. FUCK. KYLE.” Each word was emphasized with a fiercely brutal callous thrust.

“Answer me! You’re not f**king Matthews ever again!” Blake hissed cruelly.

“I won’t, Blake. I promise….I won’t.” I wanted to yell back but what came out with moans along with my words. He pulled out, lifted me off, opened the door and went straight to the bedroom. He captured my lips and demolished them ferociously as he slid my body over his cock. He hastily placed us on the bed whilst kissing and f**king me at the same time. He started to pummel me harder and I gripped his ass with my nails, encouraging him. “Blake—yes….like just that!” I panted with sensual excitement. My orgasm was building and he pinned my knees and pressed them on my br**sts, impaling me. “Keep going—FUCK! You’re so good!” I sobbed the words out as my orgasm almost peaked.

“Blaaaaaake!” I screamed as my orgasm shook my body and he kept on plunging and ramming his hard c**k inside me. He enclosed both of his hands on my neck, his momentum changed from rough and fast, to rapidly crazed and primitive. Another orgasm rocked my already shaken body while we both screamed in unison, as he too reached his climax. His forehead connected with mine as we gathered and heaved for air.

Blake’s c**k was still twitching and unloading inside me when he looked at me dead-on. “If you have sex with Kyle or any other man for that matter, I will ruin you and rip you to shreds—and then some.”

Shocked at his blatant threat I couldn’t utter a sound. “Think about the consequences before you open your legs again for another man!” Why does he keep ranting on about this?

“I have never cheated on you, Blake. When I had sex with Kyle, we weren’t even together then! You can shove your threats somewhere else!” My hissed tone made him even more furious.

“I don’t want another man touching you! You were mine the minute you shoved my c**k inside you that night but that didn’t matter an inch to you, did it? You happily obliged and opened your legs to him and let his dick f**k you senseless! I can’t accept that! I can’t bloody f**king forget it!”

I sat up, shaken from his confession. He sat at the edge of the bed. He looked crushed and miserable. “Blake….”

“Did you enjoy it, Sienna?”

Oh, no. Don’t do this. Don’t go there.

“Blake….” I pleaded.

“I want you to be honest. Did you or did you not ENJOY HIM FUCKING YOU?”

Fuck! I don’t want to lose him again. We barely just got back together and now this. But I can’t lie either….

“Yes, I did enjoy it.” He violently cursed and bit his knuckle. He was in so much pain because of me. I felt wretched and so awful about what I’d done.

“How many times?” he said through gritted teeth.

“What?” I whispered, horrified and appalled. Did he just ask that? WTF!

“I asked how many times did you let him f**k you OR better yet, did you f**k him too?”



“Since you want all the details, let me rehash it for you.” Sienna’s voice grated with sarcasm and annoyance. “He f**ked me twice on the bed, once at night and the next morning. So, that totals two.”

Two times! It was one too many.

I want her. I love her. But I have no idea how to move past this rabid red-flag of jealousy. My insides churned into acid as I repeated what she just relayed to me. If she did it once, she could do it again.

“Blake. Talk to me.” I turned around and faced the rotten woman. “Talk to you? What about? What the bloody f**k do you want from me, Sienna?” Every time I look at her face from here on, all I can see is her being pleasured and f**ked under Kyle Matthews or as she shagged him and screamed his name while she came.

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