Home > Chasing Imperfection (Chasing #2)(44)

Chasing Imperfection (Chasing #2)(44)
Author: Pamela Ann

“Chad’s is about the perimeters with Luke. I think those two are bonking. I’m ecstatic! Lover needed to let off some heavy steam and I guarantee that the dishy Luke has the knob for it from what I’ve witnessed at the beach earlier on.”

I choked on my water and smacked her arm, gasping for air. “Lucy! You have such a dirty mind!” We shrieked in a boisterous laughter.

“Hey! I feel left out! What are you two beautiful babies laughing about hmmm?” Chad sauntered over and sat on the rug and leaned on large striking-colored beaded cushions.

I cleared my throat and wiped away the tears in my eyes. “Chad, are you bonking Luke Scott?” I mimicked Lucy.

“What if I am? He’s quite delish! I don’t need permission to have sex as well do I? I’m on vacation after all—whatevers babylove!”

“Chad! We’re happy for you!” Luce and I echoed together.

“Really??? O.M.G.! You guys—I just want to thank you for everything…I mean without you guys, I would’ve probably given up. Now with Luke, things are getting so awesome! I mean—I think I’m in lurve!” He fanned his face furiously and gushed like a teenager.

Luce and I sat next to him on the cushions and joined in the rowdy merriment.

Luce cleared her throat and hooked a strand of hair on her ear. She looked tense all of a sudden, “since we’re all here sharing, I wanted to share something with my best girlfriends.”

Chad gently tapped her arm. “Woman! Come on! I’m waiting, so focus!”

“This is might be unseemly but I have to ask. Sienna, would it be alright if I go out with Troy?”

Hold up, did she say Troy? Troy the model?

I tensed, “Troy….Troy Scott?” My eyes popped out of their sockets, “Troy from Friday night Troy?” Say Troy one more time then you’re going to get socked, Sienna.

I’m a little stunned, Okay—majorly stunned. Oh my God, what will become of Toby?

“Eh—yes, that’s the one. You were all there last Friday night. He was crushed to learn that you didn’t see him that way. I want to cheer him up and need a bit of a diversion myself. So—before I proceed—I wanted to get your permission and….say approval?” She bit her lip and looked from Chad then to me, then back again.

Last weekend, we met up with Troy in Malaga. When he hinted that he wanted to date me, I nicely shut his advances down.

Seeing Chad’s mouth still hanging ajar, I grabbed his chin and closed his mouth. “Luce—of course you have it! Thank you for letting me know….but what about Toby? Don’t you love him? I thought you love him? I don’t get it? I’m so speechless right now. Fuck! He’s going to go ballistic!”

All these images are running through my mind like a stampede. Poor Toby, I don’t think he could handle it.

“What the f**k Lucy! This is so f**king f**ked up!” Chad held his palm inches away from Lucy’s face. “Listen—this isn’t about Troy. Great! I’m happy about you and Troy. I mean, a fine piece of ass needs to land himself a hot lover and you are that Luce. But what pisses me off is about Toby. I love that man. Both he and Blake had been a constant pillar of strength for me. You’re his life Luce—you can’t do this! You’re going to ruin him and I’m not going to stand back and watch this catastrophe happen.”

Holy, shit. Fierce Chad is coming out. He does have a point. Toby will be crushed and might never recover.

“I understand, Chad—I do. I love him too—but what if this thing with his family’s a sign that it wasn’t meant to be? I don’t want to waste my youth waiting and wondering if I made a mistake or not. We win and lose in love. I just have to handle it like a mature adult and go forth.”

I opened my mouth and closed again. Chad whimpered agonizingly next to me.

Wow, she’s total hardcore. I need some of her Zen pronto.

“I will support you—if it makes you happy—” I was speaking then Chad interjected. I glared at Chad for cutting me off.

“I will too, JUST AS LONG AS YOU KEEP THIS A SECRET from Toby—for little awhile at least. Comprende, chica?”

Lucy nodded sadly. She understood how delicate this is and she also knew we will protect Toby from getting hurt.

“Oookay—since we really are discussing dirty secrets! I have one on my own,” I added.

Chad dramatically tapped his forehead. “You’re pregnant?” I shook my head. “You’re banging that hot blondie, Clive? OMG! Hottest f**king cousins EVER! You’re the luckiest bitch in the world, although you should watch your back with Madeline—she’s a little on the obsessive side.”

“Definitely, negative! Hello? Will you let me finish here without interrupting?” I waved him off while he giggled like a ninny, daydreaming of “the hottest f**king cousins ever.” Aren’t they ever? I blushed. Clive is hot—I mean I love my tall dark and handsome men (insert Blake and Kyle) but Clive was the first blue-eyed blonde I have ever been attracted to BUT I will choose Blake without hesitation.

“Dear me—those two are undoubtedly, devilishly handsome cousins,” Luce murmured.

Chad fanned himself and spoke to Lucy, winded from his dirty thoughts. “You take hottie Clive then I’ll take the godlike Blake! I’d give my life to take a peek inside his pants. Sienna—is he really that great in bed? I’ve been curious—”

“Bloody hell—you have got to spill! The monkey sex you two shared got me so horny it was unreal. How big is he?” Luce chimed in.

Right, on people.

“OMG OMG! I’m dying here! Blake is such a yummy yummy screw!” Chad panted. I thought he was in lurve?

I snorted. “Get it together Chad! Okay—well he’s huge—maybe around nine inches in length and thick all around.”

Chad gulped half of the water bottle. “WOW, HOT DAMN! Gimme some of those munchies!”

“No bloody way! The man was made with perfect, flawless precision. How does he shag? I want details—since my sex life is kaput!” Luce and Chad both looked at me like I have the key to Pandora’s Box.

“He’s rough—but he hits the right spot whether it’s rough or not. He f**ks like he wants to rob me of my integrity. He commands—he’s quite animalistic when he gets really turned on. I actually nicknamed him Trojan horse because he does have the stamina of a horse—and the beauty of one.”

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