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  » Blood Wager (Blood Destiny #1)

  » Blood Passage (Blood Destiny #2)

  » Blood Sense (Blood Destiny #3)

  » Blood Domination (Blood Destiny #4)

  » Blood Royal (Blood Destiny #5)

  » Blood Queen (Blood Destiny #6)

  » Blood Rebellion (Blood Destiny #7)

  » Blood War (Blood Destiny #8)

  » Blood Redemption (Blood Destiny #9)

  » Blood Reunion (Blood Destiny #10)

  » Demon Lost (High Demon #1)

  » Demon Revealed (High Demon #2)

  » Demon's King (High Demon #3)

  » Demon's Quest (High Demon #4)

  » Demon's Revenge (High Demon #5)

  » Demon's Dream (High Demon #6)

  » Bumble (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #1)

  » Shadowed (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #2)

  » Target (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #3)

  » Vendetta (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #4)

  » Destroyer (Legend of the Ir'Indicti #5)

About The Author

Connie Suttle lives in Oklahoma with her husband and three cats. Connie holds an MFA in Fine Art (film production and animation) and taught courses at the university level before moving on to bookstore management. Nowadays, if she isn't writing or editing, she's dreaming up her next book.

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