Home > Wild and Free (The Three #3)(155)

Wild and Free (The Three #3)(155)
Author: Kristen Ashley

The wary intensity Abel’s blood brother had worn on his face since he appeared in the room cracked as his lips quirked.

“And last, I’m here now because you got a bunch of witches on my ass and it’s annoying my mate. She’s not big on being annoyed, but she is big on telling me when she is and I’m sick of hearing that shit.”

He felt Delilah relax against him, but he was stuck back on something Cain had said.

I’m here now for the same reason I’ve been anywhere since almost the time I started breathing.

Almost the time I started breathing…

He stared at the vision of himself that was not himself. He stared at the only other living vampire werewolf on the planet. He stared at the man who’d been hunted, whose father died protecting him, whose mother died the same, whose family he’d lost, and didn’t have any to take their place, until he found his mate.

He stared at the man who had a different story than Abel’s, but it wasn’t any prettier.

Then he looked to that man’s mate.

“Thank you for keeping my brother safe.”

He heard a telling noise come from Delilah as she pushed super close. He also saw a telling sheen at the edge of Teona’s eyes and he was glad for it.

This meant she felt deep too.

For his brother.

And then Abel didn’t waste another moment.

Carefully guiding his silently crying mate to his brother, he stopped two feet in front of him, left Delilah leaning on him as he moved his arm from around her, and stuck his hand out to his brother.

Delilah straightened away as Cain took his hand.

Cain’s grip was strong, warm, and sure.

Feeling it, Abel’s throat got tight.

Then he jerked his brother’s hand until both were caught against their chests and he wound his other arm around Cain’s shoulders.

It felt fucking good when Cain returned the gesture.

It was then he heard more than one sob. He knew one was Delilah’s, the other he reckoned was Leah, and the third he figured was Aurora. He thought this because Sonia was queen, she kept her shit sharp. And Jian-Li would do that in private.

“Fuck! This means party!” Hook shouted, and Abel pushed back but not far. He kept his hand on Cain’s shoulder. Cain did the same. “Gregor, you vampire motherfuckers are cool customers, but please, God, tell me in this huge-ass house you got the makin’s of a low-down, tits-up, ball-bustin’, howl-at-the-moon shindig.”

“Essentially, my father-in-law,” Abel explained quietly.

“Ah,” Cain murmured, lips again quirking.

“If they don’t, a wolf can make a party out of anything,” Sonia announced. “Hook, let’s go see what we’ve got to work with.”

Abel stepped back, dropping his hand from his brother’s shoulder but keeping hold of their grip, and looked toward Hook only to see Hook headed his way.

When he got close, he pounded Abel on the back, the man’s eyes locked to his.

“Glad for you, bubba,” he muttered. “Beside myself, son.” He pounded him once more, dropped his hand, and looked to Cain. “And fuckin’ pleased to meet you, brother. Know it.”

Cain gave him a chin dip and Hook whirled away.

“Now, little queenie, let’s get this party rollin’!” he yelled at Sonia.

“Right on!” Jabber yelled after him.

That was when Abel was forced to let his brother go. Everyone moved toward them to get introductions and give greetings. After that, many moved out to help Hook and Sonia make a party.

It was only Gregor who dampened the mood.

“It’s always important to celebrate when a celebration is in order,” he said low. “But Cain, there’s a great deal you need to be briefed on.”

“How about you give the family an hour to get to know each other and then we can give my brother his briefing?” Abel suggested in a tone that stated plainly Gregor had only one choice of response.

Not a stupid man, he gave that response, but he shocked the shit out of Abel when he did it with a smile that said the vampire was happy for him.

“Of course.”

Gregor moved away.

Delilah took over, gaze aimed at Teona.

“Babe, seriously, if you don’t tell me where you got your outfit, we’re starting our relationship with a catfight.”

“No need, sister, I’m a bitch who likes to share the wealth,” Teona replied.

“Right on,” Delilah returned.

Abel looked to Cain.

“From the look of your woman, not to mention you.” Abel tipped his head to the familiar uniform Cain was wearing. “I take it you got a bike.”

“Fuck yes,” Cain said firmly. “Harley. Vintage. Got my first about a week after you got yours.”

It was a hit, knowing this and learning it so far after the fact.

But it still felt good just knowing it.

“Pop would have loved motorcycles,” Cain said quietly. “Ma said the minute you got one, then I did, she wasn’t surprised because she knew if he had the chance he’d get one too and his boys were both just like him.”

That was a hit too.

But this time, it felt fucking great knowing it.

“How about we share over bourbon?” Delilah suggested.

“My baby likes Kentucky’s finest, but you got vodka, this sister will be grateful,” Teona said.

Delilah gave her a huge smile, moving around and tucking her arm through Teona’s.

“We’ve got everything. Let’s get you set up!”

Then she led Teona out, and as she did, Teona threw a sexy, happy grin over her shoulder.

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