Home > Natural Dual-Mage (Magical Mayhem #3)(45)

Natural Dual-Mage (Magical Mayhem #3)(45)
Author: K.F. Breene

Heavy raps sounded at the door. “Why is this locked?” my mother shouted through the wood. “Come on. We have to get a move on.”

I heaved a sigh. “We really should’ve known that was coming. We really should’ve.”

“At least your mother’s strange antics are expected,” Emery said quietly, pulling me tightly against his chest. “From now on, I have a bad feeling that nothing else will go as expected. They’ve had months to prepare for intruders. Months to watch us and make adjustments. We’re going into the snake pit blind.”


As the night stole the light from the sky, Reagan, Emery, Roger, and I stood in a thick grouping of trees, waiting for Darius and Vlad to leave their vehicle safe haven and join us. Darius had been prepared, only needing to call in the big work vans that would transport his people to the meeting site. His other people were already en route. The rest of us had climbed back into our stolen cars, adding to our fleet with the cars stationed at Darius’s house.

I took a deep breath and tried to slow my racing heart. A dangerous presence poked at my awareness, and I remembered, for the umpteenth time, that Cahal stood with us as well. It was just hard to see him, given that he stood at a slight distance, swathed in shadow and perfectly still. He could teach the vampires a thing or two.

“They’re coming,” Reagan said, her voice subdued.

I rubbed my sweaty palms on my leather pants (Reagan had made me change at the house) before patting the compartments in my utility belt that held the power stones. Mr. Happy-Go-Lucky was strangely quiet, since we were not more than two miles from the Guild compound. This was as close as Darius and Vlad’s people had been able to go without running into magical traps and tattletales.

“How is it you talk to Darius without words?” I asked to fill the silence.

Reagan grazed her finger along her temple. “Telepathically. Compliments of the bond.”

“Huh.” I glanced at Emery, his blue eyes hard and his stare vague. He was probably thinking through what was to come. We’d been to the compound before, and unless they’d change things just to mess with us, we knew the general layout. He had a better idea than most which areas were sure to be booby-trapped.

A soft vibration had Roger reaching into the pocket of his borrowed and very stylish cargo pants. Veronica had insisted the shifters should cover up, somewhat, to keep warm. I had the impression her primary motivation had been to cure her constantly red face and wandering eye. And while the vampires hadn’t been pleased to share their clothes, in the end, they’d simply turned up their noses and pretended it wasn’t happening.

They did not want the garments back.

“I hope Veronica and my mother are going to be okay,” I said softly, shifting from one foot to the other. “The ward at the house is strong, but who knows how long we’ll take. Or if we’ll even get out of here. The ward can be taken down eventually.”

Cahal shifted his weight, drawing my notice to his presence again. He was extremely easy to forget, which was saying something for someone who was also so clearly lethal.

“You’re going to make it out of here,” Emery said, his voice fierce.

My chest tightened at the you’re. “Don’t you mean—”

“My people are all accounted for.” Roger slipped his phone back into his stylish cargo pants.

“Everyone who’s coming has been brought in?” Reagan asked.

“Yes. One hundred and seventeen shifters, including me. Most are in their animal forms, awaiting instruction. The rest will change as we move out.”

“That’s a good showing.” Reagan nodded, giving him a steady gaze. “We’re grateful you chose to join us.”

His eyes sparkled just a little, even though his expression remained as hard as stone. “You’re thanking me instead of ridiculing me? Hell must be freezing over.”

Rather than tease him, which would be her normal reaction to such a statement, she looked away, troubled. “That would be the least of my worries.”

“You cannot hide forever,” Cahal said, his tone low and soothing.

“Yes, thank you, Mr. Broken Record.” A flash of fire lit Reagan’s eyes.

“Hide from what?” Roger asked.

“My reign as the ice queen. Cahal thinks I have the personality for it.”

“He wouldn’t be wrong,” Emery said, a smile cracking through his stoic expression.

The vampires glided up out of the darkness, smooth and graceful. Mr. Crazy Handsome, Vlad, was dressed in a suit, of all things, with gleaming cufflinks somehow reflecting the dim moonlight. Darius wore his jeans and button-up, trying (and failing) to fit in with the shifter dress code.

“Mr. Nevin, how nice of you to come,” Vlad said with his too-perfect smile.

“Vlad. Darius.” Roger nodded, and magic seeped out and filled the air.

“Where are the vampires?” Reagan asked.

“Near the vehicles, for now.” Vlad’s eyes darted, picking up Cahal waiting amidst the trees. It had only taken him a matter of seconds to spot him, but for Vlad, it was probably a new record for obliviousness. “Well now…that is a surprise. Darius, you pulled out all the stops. But how, pray tell, did you get one of such magnitude? I am impressed.”

“It is not my contract.” Darius’s jaw tightened. “It seems the Eliminator”—Vlad’s eyes widened—“was given the option of two contracts, each of which invited him to name his price. One to terminate Penny, and one to protect her. Surprisingly…he chose the latter.”

Vlad’s eyes drifted to me, then back to Cahal. “That is surprising from the first to the last, yes. And who is bankrolling this happy turn of events?”

“Undisclosed. It is a mystery.”

Vlad smiled, and I had to look away so as not to be awe-struck. “I doubt that you will leave it a mystery for long.”


“Eliminator,” Vlad said, a ruthless edge creeping into his tone. The varnish was pulled back, revealing the predator beneath. “Is this true, that you are here to protect Penny from harm?”

“I am to protect her from mortal wounding by any means necessary,” Cahal said, his eyes not sliding toward the vampire.

“Any means necessary,” Darius said quietly.

Vlad’s eyes took on a vicious gleam. “And when does this contract expire?”

“Until the altercation with the Mages’ Guild is finished, or after forty-eight hours, whichever comes first,” Cahal replied.

“I see.” Vlad turned and met Darius’s eyes, something passing between them, before turning back to our circle of people. “Well, let’s plan our entrance strategy—”

My phone vibrated in my utility belt. I flicked up the flap and pulled it out, conscious of everyone’s eyes on me.

A text from my mother. I read it out loud. “‘The window is closing. Beware the jungle.’” I read it a second time. “Yeah. Beware the jungle. What—”

“Textable fortunes. How convenient.” Vlad glanced at Darius. “Look at all the fabulous talent you’re collecting. I must take notes, lest you outstrip me.”

“Ever heard of a sense of urgency?” Reagan said, shooting Vlad a scowl. “Ask her which jungle, Penny.”

I hit send. “I was already doing that.”

“What do you think is the best approach, given the changing circumstances?” Vlad asked Darius.

Darius looked out beyond me as though trying to pierce through the trees and see the compound in the valley below. “We need to play it by ear. Let the mages walk ahead of us and cut through any spells. It’ll take the older dual-mages longer. Send shifters and vampires in with them. Reagan will lead a group, and Emery and Penny can take another.”

“Three points around the compound?” Vlad asked.

“No.” Roger’s voice was gravelly compared to the vampires’ velvety tones, but no less effective. Shivers crawled up my back and I found myself hanging on his every word. “We go down this side. It’s a big compound. I’ve had a few people run it—”

“I’m sorry, people or…” Vlad’s smile held a knife blade.

Roger’s return stare held a grenade. Neither showed any fear of the other, only open and unbridled hostility. I took a step away.

“We can spread out once we get in, but if we divide ourselves into three groups around the entirety of the compound, we’ll be at a severe disadvantage. We need to guard the prize.” Roger’s gaze swept over Emery and me, landing on Reagan. “We need to collect around the three of them, which means all of us going down this side. Let them be our guide. That’s what my beta took from Penny’s mom, and it makes sense. I saw what they could do at my forest estate. They know how best to fight the kind of magical attack we can expect down there. I know it’s hard for a vampire to grasp, but we’re their backup in this, not yours.”

“Oh, burn,” Reagan said, grinning.

Vlad and Darius stared at the shifter in silence, and thankfully my phone buzzed again.

I looked down at the screen. “‘I can’t duplicate that reading within the crystal ball,’” I read aloud. “‘I would imagine it means the woods, but keep your eyes peeled in case that isn’t it.’

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