Home > Natural Mage (Magical Mayhem #2)(11)

Natural Mage (Magical Mayhem #2)(11)
Author: K.F. Breene

The pounding of feet signaled Callie was stalking our way. She appeared on the back deck across the lawn, her hands on her hips with a little card sticking out. “What is that vampire up to?” she hollered. She held out the card. “He’s trying to buy us.”

“What did you get?” Dizzy replied, delight on his face. “I got a table made from—”

“Don’t fall into his hands.” Callie stomped down the deck toward the stairs and around the covered patio set to reach us. I had to give it to Dizzy—despite the harm to the flowers, tramping across the yard to the house was much faster. “He knows very well this is a short-term situation.” She came to stand in front of his table. “We’re not handing her over for good. And she’ll still live here. I already lost one to their devious ways, I will not lose another.”

“Now, hon,” Dizzy said, “Darius merely means to train her up. Then he said he’d let her go off on her own.”

“You can never trust a vampire. Everyone knows that.”

Dizzy’s face fell, because he’d said the same thing a few times over. “But Darius isn’t like normal vampires,” he said in a weak voice.

“When it comes to something as rare and important to the magical world as Penny, or her Rogue Natural—”

“He’s not mine,” I mumbled.

“—you better believe he’ll try to get his hooks in any way he can.”

After a beat, Dizzy quietly asked, “What’d you get?” almost as though he couldn’t help it.

“Never mind what I got. It’s going back. As is your God-awful table. If we accept his gifts, we might as well hand over our souls. He’s trying to buy our silence.”

“But… Well, those aren’t even the same things.”

“Don’t split hairs.” She eyed the card in my hand and her eyes narrowed. “What did you get, Penelope Bristol?”

I wasted no time in handing it over. “A dinner invite.”

“Ah ha!” She waved my card at Dizzy. “See? The seduction has already been scheduled.”

“I very much doubt he will try to seduce Penny. Reagan would never go for it.”

She paused, staring at him as if he’d sprouted a second set of legs. “I didn’t mean sexually, you donkey! He’ll charm her and offer her riches and lavish accommodations. He’ll fly her around the world, wine and dine her, all the while hooking her into his billion-dollar enterprise.”

“That doesn’t sound so bad,” I said just as Dizzy said, “I don’t think he has that much money, does he?”

An incredulous expression crossed Callie’s face. “She’ll be another asset for him to exploit! Of course that sounds so bad, and how should I know how much money he has? He has a lot of it. He makes more every day. And do you know why?”

“He’s really old and got into the stock market early?” Dizzy ventured.

“He’s good at business?” I tried.

Callie jabbed her finger at me. “He is good at business. He is good at maneuvering people and products.”

Dizzy deflated and looked longingly at his table. “I love pirates.”

“You wouldn’t love them right after they robbed you and killed all your crewmen.” Callie held out her hand for the card.

“Does this mean I’m not going to the dinner?” I asked hopefully. Because a ride in a private jet was one thing, but dinner with a cultivated elder vampire sounded stressful. He’d probably have a bunch of forks and spoons set up, with a whole bunch of glasses and courses, and I wouldn’t know the right way to go about any of it.

Callie stared at me with determination. “Yes, you’re going to that dinner.”

“She gets to go, but we can’t keep the presents?” Dizzy whined.

“Honestly,” Callie said, “when did you become such a big baby?”

Dizzy flung his hand toward the table, straightening up. “Do you have any idea how rare that is? I don’t even know how he got it. It’s from a newly found pirate ship. A pirate ship!”

I edged away. They were very good at working things out, either with civilized conversations, or full-out yelling at each other. It was best to steer clear and leave them to it.

Callie shifted until her body squared off with his. She lowered her arms to her sides and leaned forward a little.

I edged a little farther away.

“He is managing her training,” she said with deliberate slowness. “He’ll need to speak with her to do that. His version of communicating often revolves around social norms. With humans, that usually means eating or drinking. We know this.”

“Yes, but…” He went back to hunching and looking longingly at the table.

Having won that (very short) battle, Callie turned her attention to me. “This is what you need to understand.” She held up a finger. “You are business partners. He has a lot of power in the vampire hierarchy, in business, in the Brink… You name it, he’s acquired power in it.” Her head tilted to the side and her finger stayed raised. “Except magic and spells.” She took down her hand. “He relies on high-powered mages and Reagan for magical know-how, spell research, and practical application. He has donated a lot of time and effort to acquiring knowledge about magic, yes, but that is because it is something he cannot properly master on his own. Do you see what I’m saying?”

I bit my lip, thinking through all the possible things she could be saying. Dizzy’s blank stare wasn’t helping. “Not…really.”

“In magic,” she went on with a patience I seldom saw in her. It meant this was important. “You are the one with the power. Even now, not knowing how to use your magic, you are still the one with the power. You can accidentally kill a vampire with nothing more than fear and two seconds of your time. If you start to feel bullied, or charmed, or things are going too easily or not easily enough, just remember that at the end of the day, you call the shots. His job is to help you. His purpose is to make you happy. You don’t owe him squat, and you don’t have to bend one bit if you don’t want to. Now do you get what I’m saying?”

Dizzy smiled and nodded at me. He did, at any rate.

“I’m not sure what you’ve noticed,” I said meekly, “but I’m not great with standing up for myself. I’m so used to being bullied that it doesn’t bother me half the time.”

Callie shifted her weight and a frown creased her brow. “You’re too easygoing for your own good. But do you know what?”

Dizzy’s face fell again. He didn’t know what, either.

“Being easygoing and being a pushover are not the same things,” Callie said, and Dizzy nodded. “The Rogue Natural didn’t push you around, did he?”

“Even now, when there is no real relevance, he’s brought up—”

“When you took over, he stepped out of the way.” Callie nodded and resumed resting her fists on her hips. It was her default stance. “You’re easy to get along with, but you aren’t easy to push to the side.”

I sucked in a breath to speak, because I was often pushed to the side, sometimes bodily. Emery had only stepped to the side because of mutual trust and respect. But I held my tongue. The last thing I felt like doing was arguing over a guy who thought a couple rocks every now and then would ease the sting of his abandonment.

Great. I was officially a woman scorned. Perfect.

“So when you sit at that vampire’s table tonight, you look him straight in the eye,” Callie said. She held her pointer finger between her eyes, and I ended up looking at her nose. “You discuss what comes next, and you remember that if he doesn’t work out as a business partner—because that’s what this is, a business relationship—you can get a different business partner. Got it?”

Dizzy and I nodded together.

“Now.” Callie glanced at the table before looking at the house. “Penny, Dizzy and I need your help constructing a better ward. One of those sneaky devils came into the house to leave my gift. No one picks my locks, magically or otherwise, without getting one hell of a shock for their efforts.”


At midnight, I stood in front of a massive house in the French Quarter, which all the ghost tours claimed, accurately, had once been owned by a vampire. It sat on a corner lot in a mostly quiet area, if any part of the French Quarter could be called quiet, and rose three stories into the sky.

I smoothed my lilac dress down my stomach and contemplated walking away.

As the power holder, that was in my power, right? I could turn around (hopefully not as stiffly as I was standing there) and trudge back the way I’d come.

But that ultimately wouldn’t solve my problem of freezing up in battle. Whether I liked it or not, I needed someone other than the Bankses to teach me, and at the moment, everyone thought Darius had the answer. He was all I had.

I took a deep breath and stepped forward to knock as a strange awareness washed over me. Goosebumps coated my body, hinting of a presence lurking close by. Not long after, an itch between my shoulder blades flared to life, my body’s way of telling me someone was watching.

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