Home > Chasing Shadows (First Wives #3)(49)

Chasing Shadows (First Wives #3)(49)
Author: Catherine Bybee

“Kinda like you when you first came to me?” Brenda was all snark.

“Delicate flowers hold the most poison,” Phil said, smiling down at Brenda.

Avery barely registered the doorbell ringing, because she was laughing. Brenda and delicate . . . that was rich.

“Oh, dear Lord.”

Avery felt the nails of her mother’s voice on her childhood chalkboard.

Her parents stood side by side in stunned silence when Avery turned around.

What, is there a problem already?

A waiter walked by, and her mother snagged a glass of wine off the tray so fast the guy almost lost the whole thing.

That’s when Avery looked around to see if anyone else was watching her reaction.

Phil started to laugh.

Avery looked up, then back at her mother, and shook her head.

Adeline Grant was about to have a coronary.

Because Avery couldn’t help herself, she waited just a couple of beats before excusing herself to greet her parents. “Hello, Mother. Daddy.”

Her father kissed her cheek. “It’s good to see you. Been too long.”

“Well, I have been busy.”

Adeline kept eyeing the man standing behind her daughter.

“There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”

Avery took a few steps, noticed her mother wasn’t moving, and motioned with her hand.

Turning on her heel, Avery walked past Phil and winked. He smiled back, and she moved past him and up to Liam.

She slid her arm around Liam’s waist and turned to her parents. “Mom, Dad, this is Liam. My boyfr—”

“Oh, thank God!” Adeline almost melted right there in the middle of the condo.

Liam was all smiles. He looked down at Avery as if saying, see, I told you all mothers love me.

“A pleasure to meet you, young man. I’m Howard, and this is my wife, Adeline.”

Liam shook her father’s hand, met his eyes, and turned to Adeline.

To Avery’s surprise, her mother leaned in for a kiss to Liam’s cheek. “You cannot understand my joy right now.”

Avery started to laugh.

“I’ve heard a lot about you,” Liam told them.

“I can’t say the same. I suppose that means we’ll have plenty to talk about,” Adeline said.

“I see where Avery gets her beautiful smile.”

Avery had a strong urge to roll her eyes.

She did a double take—was that her mother blushing? “Such a handsome man, Avery. Where ever did you meet?”

“In a bar,” she said, deadpan.

“At the gym,” Liam said at the same time.

Lori leaned in. “Jury is still out on which one of those answers is the truth.”

An hour later, when the party was in full swing, Avery had left her parents to fend for themselves and checked on the state of the caterers and supply of wine and cocktails.

She heard someone clinking a glass and the room grow silent. Turning, she saw Liam grabbing everyone’s attention. Someone turned the music down.

He motioned for her to join him.

What are you doing?

“I wanted to take a minute to thank everyone for coming tonight. I like to think this is the first of many celebrations with this beautiful woman at my side. I especially want to thank Brenda, for giving Avery the skills to walk with confidence, not to mention kick ass.”

Avery saw her mother’s eyes. “Mom’s not going to like hearing that, babe.”

“It’s okay, Mrs. G. I’ll tell you how I first saw your daughter later.”

Mrs. G?

Holy shit, her mother was blushing again.

“Reed and your crew. The weight off Avery’s shoulders is like night and day.” Liam lifted his glass and Reed lifted his.

“I would be remiss if I didn’t thank Bernie, who isn’t here . . . so glad he divorced you so I could have a chance,” Liam said directly to Avery.

“To Bernie,” someone in the crowd said, and a chorus went up.

Liam turned to her. “To this beautiful, strong, independent, snarky—”

Avery heard her mother laugh.

“Courageous woman who opened up her heart so I could park myself in.”

She melted in his public appraisal.

“I love you, Princess. I’ve had a little chat with your father. So I need you to take some time and to get used to the idea of changing your name. Because the next time this group of people gets together, it’s going to be with me on one side of the church and you walking my way.”

Her nerves were wrecked. “Are you asking me . . . ?”

“Are you ready for me to ask you to marry me?”

Everything in her tightened. Fear? Excitement?

“I, um . . .”

He winked. “I’ll ask that question in private, but with your track record, I thought it best to let everyone in the room know my intention, so if you suddenly disappear and end up in Finland, your friends here will know why. I’m going to marry you. I’m just telling you now so you can get used to the idea.”

She was going to cry.

“To Avery.” Liam put his glass in the air.

“To Avery,” a chorus went up in the room.

Slowly the music was turned up, and their guests struck up their conversations.

“I love you,” she said to him when no one was listening.

“Your mom loves me, and your dad approves . . .”

“My mother thought I was with Phil when she walked in the room.”

Liam glanced over her shoulder. “I’ll take whatever I can get. Thank you for letting me be a part of your life,” he said before kissing her.

Damn, she loved this man. White picket fence, two point five kids kind of love.

She broke off their kiss and started toward the First Wives, who were all smiles. Avery took several steps and stopped. “Excuse me,” she called out. “Can someone turn the . . . thank you.” The music dropped again.

“Liam?” She turned toward him, hands at her sides.

He grinned like a fool.

“I’ve had enough time. The answer is yes.”

Liam opened his arms and swooped her up. “Took you long enough.”

He kissed her long and soft before slowly setting her down. From his pocket he removed a box, took the ring from inside, and slid it on her finger. “Marry me.”

“I already said yes.”

They kissed again, ignoring whistles and clapping from their family and friends.

“That’s enough of that, son. Time for that later.”

Avery grinned at her father’s words.

“I should say so” was her mother’s reply.

Liam opened his eyes a little wider as he stared down at Avery chuckling.

“I knew my parents would show up sometime.”

He leaned in closer. “They’re going to have to get used to me kissing their daughter.” He placed his lips on hers. “Whenever, however, and wherever I want.”

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